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Mhairi O'Hara edited this page Apr 19, 2017 · 2 revisions

There have been many requests from the community for improved downloading of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data through the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) Export Tool. A generous grant from the Hewlett Foundation has now provided funding making it possible to develop and re-write the tool in Python following the Django framework in order to address key issues identified and listed in the hot-exports repository.

Issue Waffle Board


Service Enhancements

  • Improve user help documentation
  • Rebuild the service on the HOT server
  • Provide more server space

GitHub Issues

Must Address

  • Redesign the User Interface (UI) #88 #68 #58 #14
  • Allow individual file formats to be selected #78
  • Add OSMAnd .obf file format #77
  • Garmin file format export is empty #65
  • Provide projection options, or default to EPSG: 4326 #80 #76
  • Include status bar displaying uploading progress #74 #83 #75

Likely to Address

  • Exports search using geospatial function with a bounding box #36.
  • Put interface translation into Transifex workflow #67

Update Reports

Week 1 + 2 (30th May 2015)

Week 3 (5th June 2015)

Week 4 (12th June 2015)

Week 5 (19th June 2015)

Week 6 (26th June 2015)

Week 7 (Holiday)

Week 8 + 9 (17th July 2015)

Week 10 (26th July 2015)

Week 11 (31st July 2015)

Week 12 (Holiday)

Week 13 (16th August 2015)

Week 14 (23rd August 2015)

Week 15 (30th August 2015)

Week 16 (6th September 2015)

Week 17 (16th September 2015)

Week 18 (20th September 2015)




Timeline 1 Timeline 2