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File metadata and controls

1508 lines (873 loc) · 59.4 KB

Module 0x1::DualAttestation

Module managing dual attestation.

Resource Credential

This resource holds an entity's globally unique name and all of the metadata it needs to participate in off-chain protocols.

resource struct Credential
human_name: vector<u8>
The human readable name of this entity. Immutable.
base_url: vector<u8>
The base_url holds the URL to be used for off-chain communication. This contains the entire URL (e.g. https://...). Mutable.
compliance_public_key: vector<u8>
32 byte Ed25519 public key whose counterpart must be used to sign (1) the payment metadata for on-chain transactions that require dual attestation (e.g., transactions subject to the travel rule) (2) information exchanged in the off-chain protocols (e.g., KYC info in the travel rule protocol) Note that this is different than authentication_key used in DiemAccount, which is a hash of a public key + signature scheme identifier, not a public key. Mutable.
expiration_date: u64
Expiration date in microseconds from unix epoch. For V1, it is always set to U64_MAX. Mutable, but only by DiemRoot.
compliance_key_rotation_events: Event::EventHandle<DualAttestation::ComplianceKeyRotationEvent>
Event handle for compliance_public_key rotation events. Emitted every time this compliance_public_key is rotated.
base_url_rotation_events: Event::EventHandle<DualAttestation::BaseUrlRotationEvent>
Event handle for base_url rotation events. Emitted every time this base_url is rotated.

Resource Limit

Struct to store the limit on-chain

resource struct Limit
micro_xdx_limit: u64

Struct ComplianceKeyRotationEvent

The message sent whenever the compliance public key for a DualAttestation resource is rotated.

new_compliance_public_key: vector<u8>
The new compliance_public_key that is being used for dual attestation checking.
time_rotated_seconds: u64
The time at which the compliance_public_key was rotated

Struct BaseUrlRotationEvent

The message sent whenever the base url for a DualAttestation resource is rotated.

new_base_url: vector<u8>
The new base_url that is being used for dual attestation checking
time_rotated_seconds: u64
The time at which the base_url was rotated


const MAX_U64: u128 = 18446744073709551615;

Suffix of every signed dual attestation message

const DOMAIN_SEPARATOR: vector<u8> = [64, 64, 36, 36, 68, 73, 69, 77, 95, 65, 84, 84, 69, 83, 84, 36, 36, 64, 64];

A credential is not or already published.

const ECREDENTIAL: u64 = 0;

Signature does not match message and public key

Cannot parse this as an ed25519 public key

const EINVALID_PUBLIC_KEY: u64 = 2;

A limit is not or already published.

const ELIMIT: u64 = 1;

Cannot parse this as an ed25519 signature (e.g., != 64 bytes)

The recipient of a dual attestation payment needs to set a base URL

const EPAYEE_BASE_URL_NOT_SET: u64 = 6;

The recipient of a dual attestation payment needs to set a compliance public key

Value of the dual attestation limit at genesis


A year in microseconds

const ONE_YEAR: u64 = 31540000000000;

const U64_MAX: u64 = 18446744073709551615;

Function publish_credential

Publish a Credential resource with name human_name under created with an empty base_url and compliance_public_key. Before receiving any dual attestation payments, the created account must send a transaction that invokes rotate_base_url and rotate_compliance_public_key to set these fields to a valid URL/public key.

public fun publish_credential(created: &signer, creator: &signer, human_name: vector<u8>)
public fun publish_credential(
    created: &signer,
    creator: &signer,
    human_name: vector<u8>,
) {
    move_to(created, Credential {
        base_url: Vector::empty(),
        compliance_public_key: Vector::empty(),
        // For testnet and V1, so it should never expire. So set to u64::MAX
        expiration_date: U64_MAX,
        compliance_key_rotation_events: Event::new_event_handle<ComplianceKeyRotationEvent>(created),
        base_url_rotation_events: Event::new_event_handle<BaseUrlRotationEvent>(created),

The permission "RotateDualAttestationInfo" is granted to ParentVASP and DesignatedDealer [H16].

define spec_has_credential(addr: address): bool {

Function rotate_base_url

Rotate the base URL for account to new_url

public fun rotate_base_url(account: &signer, new_url: vector<u8>)
public fun rotate_base_url(account: &signer, new_url: vector<u8>) acquires Credential {
    let addr = Signer::address_of(account);
    assert(exists<Credential>(addr), Errors::not_published(ECREDENTIAL));
    let credential = borrow_global_mut<Credential>(addr);
    credential.base_url = copy new_url;
    Event::emit_event(&mut credential.base_url_rotation_events, BaseUrlRotationEvent {
        new_base_url: new_url,
        time_rotated_seconds: DiemTimestamp::now_seconds(),

schema RotateBaseUrlAbortsIf {
    account: signer;
    let sender = Signer::spec_address_of(account);

Must abort if the account does not have the resource Credential [H16].

schema AbortsIfNoCredential {
    addr: address;
    aborts_if !spec_has_credential(addr) with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;

schema RotateBaseUrlEnsures {
    account: signer;
    new_url: vector<u8>;
    let sender = Signer::spec_address_of(account);
    ensures global<Credential>(sender).base_url == new_url;

The sender can only rotate its own base url [H16].

schema RotateBaseUrlEnsures {
    ensures forall addr1:address where addr1 != sender:
        global<Credential>(addr1).base_url == old(global<Credential>(addr1).base_url);

Function rotate_compliance_public_key

Rotate the compliance public key for account to new_key.

public fun rotate_compliance_public_key(account: &signer, new_key: vector<u8>)
public fun rotate_compliance_public_key(
    account: &signer,
    new_key: vector<u8>,
) acquires Credential {
    let addr = Signer::address_of(account);
    assert(exists<Credential>(addr), Errors::not_published(ECREDENTIAL));
    assert(Signature::ed25519_validate_pubkey(copy new_key), Errors::invalid_argument(EINVALID_PUBLIC_KEY));
    let credential = borrow_global_mut<Credential>(addr);
    credential.compliance_public_key = copy new_key;
    Event::emit_event(&mut credential.compliance_key_rotation_events, ComplianceKeyRotationEvent {
        new_compliance_public_key: new_key,
        time_rotated_seconds: DiemTimestamp::now_seconds(),


schema RotateCompliancePublicKeyAbortsIf {
    account: signer;
    new_key: vector<u8>;
    let sender = Signer::spec_address_of(account);

Must abort if the account does not have the resource Credential [H16].

schema RotateCompliancePublicKeyEnsures {
    account: signer;
    new_key: vector<u8>;
    let sender = Signer::spec_address_of(account);
    ensures global<Credential>(sender).compliance_public_key == new_key;

The sender only rotates its own compliance_public_key [H16].

schema RotateCompliancePublicKeyEnsures {
    ensures forall addr1: address where addr1 != sender:
        global<Credential>(addr1).compliance_public_key == old(global<Credential>(addr1).compliance_public_key);

Function human_name

Return the human-readable name for the VASP account. Aborts if addr does not have a Credential resource.

public fun human_name(addr: address): vector<u8>
public fun human_name(addr: address): vector<u8> acquires Credential {
    assert(exists<Credential>(addr), Errors::not_published(ECREDENTIAL));
pragma opaque;
include AbortsIfNoCredential;
ensures result == global<Credential>(addr).human_name;

Function base_url

Return the base URL for addr. Aborts if addr does not have a Credential resource.

public fun base_url(addr: address): vector<u8>
public fun base_url(addr: address): vector<u8> acquires Credential {
    assert(exists<Credential>(addr), Errors::not_published(ECREDENTIAL));
pragma opaque;
include AbortsIfNoCredential;
ensures result == global<Credential>(addr).base_url;

Spec version of Self::base_url.

define spec_base_url(addr: address): vector<u8> {

Function compliance_public_key

Return the compliance public key for addr. Aborts if addr does not have a Credential resource.

public fun compliance_public_key(addr: address): vector<u8>
public fun compliance_public_key(addr: address): vector<u8> acquires Credential {
    assert(exists<Credential>(addr), Errors::not_published(ECREDENTIAL));
pragma opaque;
include AbortsIfNoCredential;
ensures result == spec_compliance_public_key(addr);

Spec version of Self::compliance_public_key.

define spec_compliance_public_key(addr: address): vector<u8> {

Function expiration_date

Return the expiration date addr Aborts if addr does not have a Credential` resource.

public fun expiration_date(addr: address): u64
public fun expiration_date(addr: address): u64  acquires Credential {
    assert(exists<Credential>(addr), Errors::not_published(ECREDENTIAL));
pragma opaque;
include AbortsIfNoCredential;
ensures result == global<Credential>(addr).expiration_date;

Function credential_address

Return the address where the credentials for addr are stored

fun credential_address(addr: address): address
fun credential_address(addr: address): address {
    if (VASP::is_child(addr)) VASP::parent_address(addr) else addr
pragma opaque;
aborts_if false;
ensures result == spec_credential_address(addr);

define spec_credential_address(addr: address): address {
   if (VASP::is_child(addr)) {
   } else {

Function dual_attestation_required

Helper which returns true if dual attestion is required for a deposit.

fun dual_attestation_required<Token>(payer: address, payee: address, deposit_value: u64): bool
fun dual_attestation_required<Token>(
    payer: address, payee: address, deposit_value: u64
): bool acquires Limit {
    // travel rule applies for payments over a limit
    let travel_rule_limit_microdiem = get_cur_microdiem_limit();
    let approx_xdx_microdiem_value = Diem::approx_xdx_for_value<Token>(deposit_value);
    let above_limit = approx_xdx_microdiem_value >= travel_rule_limit_microdiem;
    if (!above_limit) {
        return false
    // self-deposits never require dual attestation
    if (payer == payee) {
        return false
    // dual attestation is required if the amount is above the limit AND between distinct
    // VASPs
    VASP::is_vasp(payer) && VASP::is_vasp(payee) &&
        VASP::parent_address(payer) != VASP::parent_address(payee)
pragma opaque = true;
include DualAttestationRequiredAbortsIf<Token>;
ensures result == spec_dual_attestation_required<Token>(payer, payee, deposit_value);

schema DualAttestationRequiredAbortsIf<Token> {
    deposit_value: num;
    include Diem::ApproxXdmForValueAbortsIf<Token>{from_value: deposit_value};
    aborts_if !spec_is_published() with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;

define spec_is_inter_vasp(payer: address, payee: address): bool {
   VASP::is_vasp(payer) && VASP::is_vasp(payee)
       && VASP::spec_parent_address(payer) != VASP::spec_parent_address(payee)

Helper functions which simulates Self::dual_attestation_required.

define spec_dual_attestation_required<Token>(
   payer: address, payee: address, deposit_value: u64
): bool {
               >= spec_get_cur_microdiem_limit() &&
   payer != payee &&
   spec_is_inter_vasp(payer, payee)

Function dual_attestation_message

Helper to construct a message for dual attestation. Message is metadata | payer | amount | DOMAIN_SEPARATOR.

fun dual_attestation_message(payer: address, metadata: vector<u8>, deposit_value: u64): vector<u8>
fun dual_attestation_message(
    payer: address, metadata: vector<u8>, deposit_value: u64
): vector<u8> {
    let message = metadata;
    Vector::append(&mut message, BCS::to_bytes(&payer));
    Vector::append(&mut message, BCS::to_bytes(&deposit_value));
    Vector::append(&mut message, DOMAIN_SEPARATOR);

Abstract from construction of message for the prover. Concatenation of results from BCS::to_bytes are difficult to reason about, so we avoid doing it. This is possible because the actual value of this message is not important for the verification problem, as long as the prover considers both messages which fail verification and which do not.

pragma opaque;
aborts_if false;
ensures [abstract] result == spec_dual_attestation_message(payer, metadata, deposit_value);

Uninterpreted function for Self::dual_attestation_message. The actual value does not matter for the verification of callers.

define spec_dual_attestation_message(payer: address, metadata: vector<u8>, deposit_value: u64): vector<u8>;

Function assert_signature_is_valid

Helper function to check validity of a signature when dual attestion is required.

fun assert_signature_is_valid(payer: address, payee: address, metadata_signature: vector<u8>, metadata: vector<u8>, deposit_value: u64)
fun assert_signature_is_valid(
    payer: address,
    payee: address,
    metadata_signature: vector<u8>,
    metadata: vector<u8>,
    deposit_value: u64
) acquires Credential {
    // sanity check of signature validity
        Vector::length(&metadata_signature) == 64,
    // sanity check of payee compliance key validity
    let payee_compliance_key = compliance_public_key(credential_address(payee));
    // sanity check of payee base URL validity
    let payee_base_url = base_url(credential_address(payee));
    // cryptographic check of signature validity
    let message = dual_attestation_message(payer, metadata, deposit_value);
        Signature::ed25519_verify(metadata_signature, payee_compliance_key, message),
pragma opaque = true;
include AssertSignatureValidAbortsIf;

schema AssertSignatureValidAbortsIf {
    payer: address;
    payee: address;
    metadata_signature: vector<u8>;
    metadata: vector<u8>;
    deposit_value: u64;
    include AbortsIfNoCredential{addr: spec_credential_address(payee)};
    aborts_if Vector::is_empty(spec_compliance_public_key(spec_credential_address(payee))) with Errors::INVALID_STATE;
    aborts_if Vector::is_empty(spec_base_url(spec_credential_address(payee))) with Errors::INVALID_STATE;
    aborts_if !spec_signature_is_valid(payer, payee, metadata_signature, metadata, deposit_value)
        with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;

Returns true if signature is valid.

define spec_signature_is_valid(
   payer: address,
   payee: address,
   metadata_signature: vector<u8>,
   metadata: vector<u8>,
   deposit_value: u64
): bool {
   let payee_compliance_key = spec_compliance_public_key(spec_credential_address(payee));
   len(metadata_signature) == 64 &&
       !Vector::is_empty(payee_compliance_key) &&
           spec_dual_attestation_message(payer, metadata, deposit_value)

Function assert_payment_ok

Public API for checking whether a payment of value coins of type Currency from payer to payee has a valid dual attestation. This returns without aborting if (1) dual attestation is not required for this payment, or (2) dual attestation is required, and metadata_signature can be verified on the message metadata | payer | value | DOMAIN_SEPARATOR using the compliance_public_key published in payee's Credential resource It aborts with an appropriate error code if dual attestation is required, but one or more of the conditions in (2) is not met.

public fun assert_payment_ok<Currency>(payer: address, payee: address, value: u64, metadata: vector<u8>, metadata_signature: vector<u8>)
public fun assert_payment_ok<Currency>(
    payer: address,
    payee: address,
    value: u64,
    metadata: vector<u8>,
    metadata_signature: vector<u8>
) acquires Credential, Limit {
    if (!Vector::is_empty(&metadata_signature) || // allow opt-in dual attestation
        dual_attestation_required<Currency>(payer, payee, value)
    ) {
      assert_signature_is_valid(payer, payee, metadata_signature, metadata, value)
pragma opaque;
include AssertPaymentOkAbortsIf<Currency>;

schema AssertPaymentOkAbortsIf<Currency> {
    payer: address;
    payee: address;
    value: u64;
    metadata: vector<u8>;
    metadata_signature: vector<u8>;
    include len(metadata_signature) == 0 ==> DualAttestationRequiredAbortsIf<Currency>{deposit_value: value};
    include (len(metadata_signature) != 0 || spec_dual_attestation_required<Currency>(payer, payee, value))
        ==> AssertSignatureValidAbortsIf{deposit_value: value};

Function initialize

Travel rule limit set during genesis

public fun initialize(dr_account: &signer)
public fun initialize(dr_account: &signer) {
    CoreAddresses::assert_diem_root(dr_account); // operational constraint.
    assert(!exists<Limit>(CoreAddresses::DIEM_ROOT_ADDRESS()), Errors::already_published(ELIMIT));
    let initial_limit = (INITIAL_DUAL_ATTESTATION_LIMIT as u128) * (Diem::scaling_factor<XDX>() as u128);
    assert(initial_limit <= MAX_U64, Errors::limit_exceeded(ELIMIT));
        Limit {
            micro_xdx_limit: (initial_limit as u64)

Function get_cur_microdiem_limit

Return the current dual attestation limit in microdiem

public fun get_cur_microdiem_limit(): u64
public fun get_cur_microdiem_limit(): u64 acquires Limit {
    assert(exists<Limit>(CoreAddresses::DIEM_ROOT_ADDRESS()), Errors::not_published(ELIMIT));
pragma opaque;
aborts_if !spec_is_published() with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;
ensures result == spec_get_cur_microdiem_limit();

Function set_microdiem_limit

Set the dual attestation limit to micro_diem_limit. Aborts if tc_account does not have the TreasuryCompliance role

public fun set_microdiem_limit(tc_account: &signer, micro_xdx_limit: u64)
public fun set_microdiem_limit(tc_account: &signer, micro_xdx_limit: u64) acquires Limit {
    assert(exists<Limit>(CoreAddresses::DIEM_ROOT_ADDRESS()), Errors::not_published(ELIMIT));
    borrow_global_mut<Limit>(CoreAddresses::DIEM_ROOT_ADDRESS()).micro_xdx_limit = micro_xdx_limit;

Must abort if the signer does not have the TreasuryCompliance role [H6]. The permission UpdateDualAttestationLimit is granted to TreasuryCompliance.

include Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account};
aborts_if !spec_is_published() with Errors::NOT_PUBLISHED;
ensures global<Limit>(CoreAddresses::DIEM_ROOT_ADDRESS()).micro_xdx_limit == micro_xdx_limit;

Module Specification


The Limit resource should be published after genesis

invariant [global] DiemTimestamp::is_operating() ==> spec_is_published();

Helper Functions

Helper function to determine whether the Limit is published.

Mirrors Self::get_cur_microdiem_limit.

define spec_get_cur_microdiem_limit(): u64 {

Access Control

The existence of Preburn is preserved.

schema PreserveCredentialExistence {
    ensures forall addr1: address:
        old(spec_has_credential(addr1)) ==>

The absence of Preburn is preserved.

schema PreserveCredentialAbsence {
    ensures forall addr1: address:
        old(!spec_has_credential(addr1)) ==>

The permission "RotateDualAttestationInfo(addr)" is not transferred [J16].

The permission "RotateDualAttestationInfo(addr)" is only granted to ParentVASP or DD [H16]. "Credential" resources are only published under ParentVASP or DD accounts.

apply PreserveCredentialAbsence to * except publish_credential;
apply Roles::AbortsIfNotParentVaspOrDesignatedDealer{account: created} to publish_credential;
invariant [global] forall addr1: address:
    spec_has_credential(addr1) ==>
        (Roles::spec_has_parent_VASP_role_addr(addr1) ||

Only set_microdiem_limit can change the limit [H6].

The DualAttestation limit stays constant.

apply DualAttestationLimitRemainsSame to * except set_microdiem_limit;

Only rotate_compliance_public_key can rotate the compliance public key [H16].

The compliance public key stays constant.

schema CompliancePublicKeyRemainsSame {
    ensures forall addr1: address where old(spec_has_credential(addr1)):
        global<Credential>(addr1).compliance_public_key == old(global<Credential>(addr1).compliance_public_key);
apply CompliancePublicKeyRemainsSame to * except rotate_compliance_public_key;

Only rotate_base_url can rotate the base url [H16].

The base url stays constant.

schema BaseURLRemainsSame {
    ensures forall addr1: address where old(spec_has_credential(addr1)):
        global<Credential>(addr1).base_url == old(global<Credential>(addr1).base_url);
apply BaseURLRemainsSame to * except rotate_base_url;