This repository adds a UR10Reacher environment based on OmniIsaacGymEnvs (commit d0eaf2e), and includes Sim2Real code to control a real-world UR10 with the policy learned by reinforcement learning in Omniverse Isaac Gym/Sim.
We target Isaac Sim 2022.1.1 and tested the RL code on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04. The Sim2Real code is tested on Linux and a real UR5 CB3 (since we don't have access to a real UR10).
This repo is compatible with OmniIsaacGymEnvs-DofbotReacher.
- Before starting, please make sure your hardware and software meet the system requirements.
- Install Omniverse Isaac Sim 2022.1.1 (Must setup Cache and Nucleus)
- You may try out newer versions of Isaac Sim along with their corresponding patch, but it is not guaranteed to work.
- Double check that Nucleus is correctly installed by following these steps.
- Your computer & GPU should be able to run the Cartpole example in OmniIsaacGymEnvs
- (Optional) Set up a UR3/UR5/UR10 in the real world
Make sure to install Isaac Sim in the default directory and clone this repository to the home directory. Otherwise, you will encounter issues if you didn't modify the commands below accordingly.
We will use Anaconda to manage our virtual environment:
Clone this repository:
- Linux
cd ~ git clone
- Windows
cd %USERPROFILE% git clone
- Linux
Generate instanceable UR10 assets for training:
Launch the Script Editor in Isaac Sim. Copy the content in
and execute it inside the Script Editor window. Wait until you see the textDone!
. -
(Optional) Install ROS Melodic for Ubuntu and Set up a catkin workspace for UR10.
Please change all
in the commands tour_ws
, and make sure you can control the robot withrqt-joint-trajectory-controller
.ROS support is not tested on Windows.
Download and Install Anaconda.
# For 64-bit Linux (x86_64/x64/amd64/intel64) wget bash
For Windows users, make sure to use
Anaconda Prompt
instead ofAnaconda Powershell Prompt
,Command Prompt
, orPowershell
for the following commands. -
Patch Isaac Sim 2022.1.1
- Linux
export ISAAC_SIM="$HOME/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.1" cp $ISAAC_SIM/ $ISAAC_SIM/ cp ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher/isaac_sim-2022.1.1-patch/ $ISAAC_SIM/
- Windows
set ISAAC_SIM="%LOCALAPPDATA%\ov\pkg\isaac_sim-2022.1.1" copy %USERPROFILE%\OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher\isaac_sim-2022.1.1-patch\windows\setup_conda_env.bat %ISAAC_SIM%\setup_conda_env.bat
- Linux
Set up conda environment for Isaac Sim
- Linux
# conda remove --name isaac-sim --all export ISAAC_SIM="$HOME/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.1" cd $ISAAC_SIM conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate isaac-sim cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher pip install -e . # Below is optional pip install pyyaml rospkg
- Windows
# conda remove --name isaac-sim --all set ISAAC_SIM="%LOCALAPPDATA%\ov\pkg\isaac_sim-2022.1.1" cd %ISAAC_SIM% conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate isaac-sim :: Fix incorrect importlib-metadata version (isaac-sim 2022.1.1) pip install importlib-metadata==4.11.4 cd %USERPROFILE%\OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher pip install -e . :: Fix incorrect torch version (isaac-sim 2022.1.1) conda install -y pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 -c pytorch
- Linux
Activate conda & ROS environment
- Linux
export ISAAC_SIM="$HOME/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.1" cd $ISAAC_SIM conda activate isaac-sim source # Below are optional cd ~/ur_ws source devel/setup.bash # or setup.zsh if you're using zsh
- Windows
set ISAAC_SIM="%LOCALAPPDATA%\ov\pkg\isaac_sim-2022.1.1" cd %ISAAC_SIM% conda activate isaac-sim call setup_conda_env.bat
- Linux
Please note that you should execute the commands in Step 7 for every new shell.
For Windows users, replace ~
for all the following commands.
This is a sample to make sure you have setup the environment correctly. You should see a single UR10 in Isaac Sim.
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
python omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/ task=UR10Reacher test=True num_envs=1
You can launch the training in headless
mode as follows:
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
python omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/ task=UR10Reacher headless=True
The number of environments is set to 512 by default. If your GPU has small memory, you can decrease the number of environments by changing the arguments num_envs
as below:
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
python omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/ task=UR10Reacher headless=True num_envs=512
You can also skip training by downloading the pre-trained model checkpoint by:
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
# For Sim2Real only, requires editing config file as mentioned in the Sim2Real section
The learning curve of the pre-trained model (normal vs. safety):
Make sure you have model checkpoints at ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher/runs
, you can check it with the following command:
ls ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher/runs/UR10Reacher/nn/
You can visualize the learned policy by the following command:
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
python omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/ task=UR10Reacher test=True num_envs=512 checkpoint=./runs/UR10Reacher/nn/UR10Reacher.pth
Likewise, you can decrease the number of environments by modifying the parameter num_envs=512
It is important to make sure that you know how to safely control your robot by reading the manual. For additional safety, please add the following configurations:
- Set
General Limits
toVery restricted
- Set
Joint Limits
according to your robot mounting point and the environment. - Set
according to the robot's environment.
Play with the robot and make sure it won't hit anything under the current configuration. If anything goes wrong, press the red EMERGENCY-STOP
In the following, we'll assume you have the same mounting direction and workspace as the preview GIF. If you have a different setup, you need to modify the code. Please open an issue if you need more information on where to modify.
We'll use ROS to control the real-world robot. Run the following command in a Terminal: (Replace
to your robot's IP address)
roslaunch ur_robot_driver ur5_bringup.launch robot_ip:= headless_mode:=true
Edit omniisaacgymenvs/cfg/task/UR10Reacher.yaml
. Set sim2real.enabled
and safety.enabled
to True
enabled: True
fail_quietely: False
verbose: False
safety: # Reduce joint limits during both training & testing
enabled: True
Now you can control the real-world UR10 in real-time by the following command:
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
python omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/ task=UR10Reacher test=True num_envs=1 checkpoint=./runs/UR10Reacher/nn/UR10Reacher.pth
# or if you want to use the pre-trained checkpoint
python omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/ task=UR10Reacher test=True num_envs=1 checkpoint=./runs_safety/UR10Reacher/nn/UR10Reacher.pth
We provide an interactable demo based on the UR10Reacher
RL example. In this demo, you can click on any of
the UR10 in the scene to manually control the robot with your keyboard as follows:
: Control Joint 0.W
: Control Joint 1.E
: Control Joint 2.R
: Control Joint 3.T
: Control Joint 4.Y
: Control Joint 5.ESC
: Unselect a selected UR10 and yields manual control
Launch this demo with the following command. Note that this demo limits the maximum number of UR10 in the scene to 128.
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
python omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/ task=UR10Reacher num_envs=64
If you have a NVIDIA Enterprise subscription, you can run all services with Docker Compose.
For users without a subscription, you can pull the Isaac Docker image, but should still install Omniverse Nucleus beforehand. (only Isaac itself is dockerized)
Follow this tutorial to generate your NGC API Key, and make sure you can access Isaac with Omniverse Streaming Client, WebRTC, or WebSocket. After that, exit the Docker container.
Please note that you should generate instanceable assets beforehand as mentioned in the Installation section.
We will now set up the environment inside Docker:
- Launch an Isaac Container:
docker run --name isaac-sim --entrypoint bash -it --gpus all -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" --rm --network=host \ -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/ov:/root/.cache/ov:rw \ -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/pip:/root/.cache/pip:rw \ -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/glcache:/root/.cache/nvidia/GLCache:rw \ -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/computecache:/root/.nv/ComputeCache:rw \ -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/logs:/root/.nvidia-omniverse/logs:rw \ -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/config:/root/.nvidia-omniverse/config:rw \ -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/data:/root/.local/share/ov/data:rw \ -v ~/docker/isaac-sim/documents:/root/Documents:rw \
- Install common tools:
apt update && apt install -y git wget vim
- Clone this repository:
cd ~ git clone
- Download and Install Anaconda.
# For 64-bit (x86_64/x64/amd64/intel64) wget bash -b -p $HOME/anaconda3
- Patch Isaac Sim 2022.1.1
export ISAAC_SIM="/isaac-sim" cp $ISAAC_SIM/ $ISAAC_SIM/ cp ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher/isaac_sim-2022.1.1-patch/ $ISAAC_SIM/
- Set up conda environment for Isaac Sim
source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ # conda remove --name isaac-sim --all export ISAAC_SIM="/isaac-sim" cd $ISAAC_SIM conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate isaac-sim cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher pip install -e .
- Activate conda environment
source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ export ISAAC_SIM="/isaac-sim" cd $ISAAC_SIM conda activate isaac-sim source ./
We can now train a RL policy in this container:
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
python omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/ task=UR10Reacher headless=True num_envs=512
Make sure to copy the learned weights to a mounted volume before exiting the container, otherwise it will be deleted:
# In container
cp -r ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher/runs ~/Documents/runs
# In host
ls ~/docker/isaac-sim/documents/
You can watch the training progress with:
docker ps # Observe Container ID
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash
conda activate isaac-sim
cd ~/OmniIsaacGymEnvs-UR10Reacher
tensorboard --logdir=./runs
Currently we do not support running commands that requires visualization (Testing, Sim2Real, etc.) in Docker. Since I haven't figured out how to make Vulkan render a Isaac window inside a container yet. Alternatively, it may be possible to add headless=True
and view them in Omniverse Streaming Client, WebRTC, or WebSocket, but I haven't tested this by myself.
This project has been made possible through the support of ElsaLab and NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC).
I would also like to express my gratitude to @tony2guo for his invaluable assistance in guiding me through the setup process of the real-world UR10.
For a complete list of contributors to the code of this repository, please visit the contributor list.
Disclaimer: this is not an official NVIDIA product.
Note: below are the original README of OmniIsaacGymEnvs.
This repository contains Reinforcement Learning examples that can be run with the latest release of Isaac Sim. RL examples are trained using PPO from rl_games library and examples are built on top of Isaac Sim's omni.isaac.core
and omni.isaac.gym
Follow the Isaac Sim documentation to install the latest Isaac Sim release.
Examples in this repository rely on features from the most recent Isaac Sim release. Please make sure to update any existing Isaac Sim build to the latest release version, 2022.1.1, to ensure examples work as expected.
Once installed, this repository can be used as a python module, omniisaacgymenvs
, with the python executable provided in Isaac Sim.
To install omniisaacgymenvs
, first clone this repository:
git clone
Once cloned, locate the python executable in Isaac Sim. By default, this should be
. We will refer to this path as PYTHON_PATH
variable in the terminal that links to the python executable, we can run a command that resembles the following. Make sure to update the paths to your local path.
For Linux: alias PYTHON_PATH=~/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-*/
For Windows: doskey PYTHON_PATH=C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\isaac_sim-*\python.bat $*
Install omniisaacgymenvs
as a python module for PYTHON_PATH
PYTHON_PATH -m pip install -e .
Note: All commands should be executed from omniisaacgymenvs/omniisaacgymenvs
To train your first policy, run:
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Cartpole
You should see an Isaac Sim window pop up. Once Isaac Sim initialization completes, the Cartpole scene will be constructed and simulation will start running automatically. The process will terminate once training finishes.
Here's another example - Ant locomotion - using the multi-threaded training script:
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Ant
Note that by default, we show a Viewport window with rendering, which slows down training. You can choose to close the Viewport window during training for better performance. The Viewport window can be re-enabled by selecting Window > Viewport
from the top menu bar.
To achieve maximum performance, you can launch training in headless
mode as follows:
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Ant headless=True
Some of the examples could take a few minutes to load because the startup time scales based on the number of environments. The startup time will continually be optimized in future releases.
Checkpoints are saved in the folder runs/EXPERIMENT_NAME/nn
defaults to the task name, but can also be overridden via the experiment
To load a trained checkpoint and continue training, use the checkpoint
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Ant checkpoint=runs/Ant/nn/Ant.pth
To load a trained checkpoint and only perform inference (no training), pass test=True
as an argument, along with the checkpoint name. To avoid rendering overhead, you may
also want to run with fewer environments using num_envs=64
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Ant checkpoint=runs/Ant/nn/Ant.pth test=True num_envs=64
Note that if there are special characters such as [
or =
in the checkpoint names,
you will need to escape them and put quotes around the string. For example,
We provide pre-trained checkpoints on the Nucleus server under Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Samples/OmniIsaacGymEnvs/Checkpoints
. Run the following command
to launch inference with pre-trained checkpoint:
Localhost (To set up localhost, please refer to the Isaac Sim installation guide):
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Ant checkpoint=omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Samples/OmniIsaacGymEnvs/Checkpoints/ant.pth test=True num_envs=64
Production server:
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Ant checkpoint= test=True num_envs=64
When running with a pre-trained checkpoint for the first time, we will automatically download the checkpoint file to omniisaacgymenvs/checkpoints
. For subsequent runs, we will re-use the file that has already been downloaded, and will not overwrite existing checkpoints with the same name in the checkpoints
All scripts provided in omniisaacgymenvs/scripts
can be launched directly with PYTHON_PATH
To test out a task without RL in the loop, run the random policy script with:
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Cartpole
This script will sample random actions from the action space and apply these actions to your task without running any RL policies. Simulation should start automatically after launching the script, and will run indefinitely until terminated.
To run a simple form of PPO from rl_games
, use the single-threaded training script:
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Cartpole
This script creates an instance of the PPO runner in rl_games
and automatically launches training and simulation. Once training completes (the total number of iterations have been reached), the script will exit. If running inference with test=True checkpoint=<path/to/checkpoint>
, the script will run indefinitely until terminated. Note that this script will have limitations on interaction with the UI.
Lastly, we provide a multi-threaded training script that executes the RL policy on a separate thread than the main thread used for simulation and rendering:
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=Cartpole
This script uses the same RL Games PPO policy as the above, but runs the RL loop on a new thread. Communication between the RL thread and the main thread happens on threaded Queues. Simulation will start automatically, but the script will not exit when training terminates, except when running in headless mode. Simulation will stop when training completes or can be stopped by clicking on the Stop button in the UI. Training can be launched again by clicking on the Play button. Similarly, if running inference with test=True checkpoint=<path/to/checkpoint>
, simulation will run until the Stop button is clicked, or the script will run indefinitely until the process is terminated.
We use Hydra to manage the config.
Common arguments for the training scripts are:
- Selects which task to use. Any ofAllegroHand
(these correspond to the config for each environment in the folderomniisaacgymenvs/cfg/task
- Selects which training config to use. Will automatically default to the correct config for the environment (ie.<TASK>PPO
- Selects the number of environments to use (overriding the default number of environments set in the task config).seed=SEED
- Sets a seed value for randomization, and overrides the default seed in the task configpipeline=PIPELINE
- Which API pipeline to use. Defaults togpu
, can also set tocpu
. When using thegpu
pipeline, all data stays on the GPU. When using thecpu
pipeline, simulation can run on either CPU or GPU, depending on thesim_device
setting, but a copy of the data is always made on the CPU at every step.sim_device=SIM_DEVICE
- Device used for physics simulation. Set togpu
(default) to use GPU and tocpu
for CPU.device_id=DEVICE_ID
- Device ID for GPU to use for simulation and task. Defaults to0
. This parameter will only be used if simulation runs on GPU.rl_device=RL_DEVICE
- Which device / ID to use for the RL algorithm. Defaults tocuda:0
, and follows PyTorch-like device syntax.test=TEST
- If set toTrue
, only runs inference on the policy and does not do any training.checkpoint=CHECKPOINT_PATH
- Path to the checkpoint to load for training or testing.headless=HEADLESS
- Whether to run in headless mode.experiment=EXPERIMENT
- Sets the name of the experiment.max_iterations=MAX_ITERATIONS
- Sets how many iterations to run for. Reasonable defaults are provided for the provided environments.
Hydra also allows setting variables inside config files directly as command line arguments. As an example, to set the minibatch size for a rl_games training run, you can use train.params.config.minibatch_size=64
. Similarly, variables in task configs can also be set. For example, task.env.episodeLength=100
Default values for each of these are found in the omniisaacgymenvs/cfg/config.yaml
The way that the task
and train
portions of the config works are through the use of config groups.
You can learn more about how these work here
The actual configs for task
are in omniisaacgymenvs/cfg/task/<TASK>.yaml
and for train
in omniisaacgymenvs/cfg/train/<TASK>PPO.yaml
In some places in the config you will find other variables referenced (for example,
num_actors: ${....task.env.numEnvs}
). Each .
represents going one level up in the config hierarchy.
This is documented fully here.
Tensorboard can be launched during training via the following command:
PYTHON_PATH -m tensorboard.main --logdir runs/EXPERIMENT_NAME/summaries
You can run (WandB)[] with OmniIsaacGymEnvs by setting wandb_activate=True
flag from the command line. You can set the group, name, entity, and project for the run by setting the wandb_group
, wandb_name
, wandb_entity
and wandb_project
arguments. Make sure you have WandB installed in the Isaac Sim Python executable with PYTHON_PATH -m pip install wandb
before activating.
Source code for tasks can be found in omniisaacgymenvs/tasks
Each task follows the frameworks provided in omni.isaac.core
and omni.isaac.gym
in Isaac Sim.
Refer to docs/ for how to create your own tasks.
Full details on each of the tasks available can be found in the RL examples documentation.
We provide an interactable demo based on the AnymalTerrain
RL example. In this demo, you can click on any of
the ANYmals in the scene to go into third-person mode and manually control the robot with your keyboard as follows:
Up Arrow
: Forward linear velocity commandDown Arrow
: Backward linear velocity commandLeft Arrow
: Leftward linear velocity commandRight Arrow
: Rightward linear velocity commandZ
: Counterclockwise yaw angular velocity commandX
: Clockwise yaw angular velocity commandC
: Toggles camera view between third-person and scene view while maintaining manual controlESC
: Unselect a selected ANYmal and yields manual control
Launch this demo with the following command. Note that this demo limits the maximum number of ANYmals in the scene to 128.
PYTHON_PATH scripts/ task=AnymalTerrain num_envs=64 checkpoint=omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Samples/OmniIsaacGymEnvs/Checkpoints/anymal_terrain.pth
Force sensors are supported in Isaac Sim and OIGE via the ArticulationView
class. Sensor readings can be retrieved using get_force_sensor_forces()
API, as shown in the Ant/Humanoid Locomotion task, as well as in the Ball Balance task. Please note that there is currently a known bug regarding force sensors in Omniverse Physics. Transforms of force sensors (i.e. their local poses) are set in the actor space of the Articulation instead of the body space, which is the expected behaviour. We will be fixing this in the coming release.