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New plans and free trial

Rémy Coutable edited this page May 15, 2013 · 1 revision

Changes (implementation details below)

1. Core

  • Unlimited free plan
  • 14 days free trial
  • No refund
  • Branded player opt-in (only for sites in paid plans)
  • SSL activation
  • New support strategy (forum/email/vip)


  • Support page
  • No more usage bar, last 30 days video views instead
  • Badge opt-in in settings page for all the paid plans
  • Video tag generator

3. Transition & migration

  • Update existing plans / create new plans
  • Current customers migration

4. SublimeVideo blog

Implementation details

Complexity is represented with @ (simple), @@ (complex) and @@@ (very complex), as in Pivotal Tracker (kind of).

Unlimited free plan

  • @ Rename the current dev plan to free.
  • @ Be sure to rename all the related methods ("is_in_dev_plan?" etc...).

Comment: This modification should be fairly straightforward but we will have to be sure we don't forget anything.

14 days free trial

When user choose a plan:

  • @ plan_id is set normally (it will actually set the pending_plan_id).
  • @ trial_started_at (new attribute) is set.
  • @@ Logic that create an invoice should be changed to not create an invoice in that case:
    • Add a check on trial_started_at + 14 days >= today (something like that)
  • @ No credit card required.

Check every day to:

  • @@ Send email to inform users that their trial will end in X days (# of emails we send is TBD), and 1. ask them to enter a credit card if they don't have one on file already; 2. inform them that automatic charging will begin.
  • @@ New logic for site that reached their trial end:
    • Set billing cycle pending dates
    • This will trigger the creation of an invoice that will be charged just after (as currently)
    • first_paid_plan_started_at will be automatically save once the invoice is paid (as well as the other several billing cycle dates).

Comment: IMO, the most complex update.

No refund (thanks to the free trial)

  • @ Prepare to remove refund-related code (in transaction.rb, refund_controller.rb, in several views and in the documentation) 30 days after the new business model update (to ensure customers that will purchase a plan in the 30 days before the new business model update can still enjoy their refund).
  • @ (Optional) Add a text in the doc to say that this will be removed on .

Comment: Fairly simple (mostly code deletion).

Branded player opt-in: b: true|false

  • @ New validation to allow branded player opt-in allowed only for sites in paid plans
  • @ Add the logic that trigger the license update

Comment: Fairly simple.

SSL activation: s(sl): true|false

  • @ Add the logic that insert SSL status in the license and that trigger the license update

Comment: Fairly simple.

New support strategy (forum/email/vip) and current customers will keep the email support

  • @ Use first_paid_plan_started_at < [new business model date] to know which site has access to the email support or not.
  • @ [Zeno] Automatic response to direct email sent to to tell people to use the support form (or the forum).

Comment: Fairly simple.

Support page

  • => public page accessible to non-logged-in users (for the email support part, put a link to
  • will redirect to when user is logged-in
  • => private page accessible (with msv design) to logged-in users and customized according to their support-access (forum, email, vip).
  • @ Select with list of email-support eligible sites (if at least one eligible)
  • @ Add a simple mailto for billing-specific questions
  • @ Link to GetSatisfaction to inform that bug reports can be submitted on the forum (avoiding duplicates and making bugs list public)

Comment: Fairly simple but there's a need for some copywriting.

No more usage bar, last 30 days video views instead (for all sites no matter what plan they're in)

  • @ Implementation

Comment: Fairly simple.

Badge opt-in in settings page for all the paid plans

  • @ Implementation

Comment: Fairly simple.

Video tag generator

  • @@ Implementation

Comment: We should take example from the WordPress plugin, but instead of generating the wp shortcode, this would generate the final HTML code. This must guide the user to create normal video tag, lightbox AND iframe embed codes!!

Current sites plans migration

  • Dev => Free
  • Beta => Free
  • Sponsored => Sponsored (== Free + badge opt-in + email support)
  • Comet ($9.90 / $99) => "Paid Plan 1"
  • Planet month ($19.90) => "Paid Plan 1"
  • Planet year ($199)
    • "Paid Plan 1" for 2 years
    • "Paid Plan 1" and add $100 to a balance
    • "Paid Plan 2" and refund $100
  • Star ($49.90 / $499) => "Paid Plan 2"
  • Galaxy month ($99.90) => "Paid Plan 2"
  • Galaxy year ($999)
    • "Paid Plan 2" for 2 years
    • "Paid Plan 2" and add $500 to a balance
    • "Paid Plan 2" and refund $500


Step 1 - Core

Feature Owner Estimate State
Unlimited free plan R 2
14 days free (trial) R 8
No refund R 2
Branded player opt-in R 2
SSL activation R 1
New support strategy (forum/email/vip) R 2
Total 17

Step 2 - Views

Feature Owner Estimate State
Support page R 2
No more usage bar R 1
Badge opt-in in settings page R 1
Video tag generator R 3
Total 7

Step 3 - Migration

Feature Owner Estimate State
Transition & migration R, T 3
Total 5

Step 4 - SublimeVideo blog & final adjustments

Feature Owner Estimate State
SublimeVideo blog R, T ~2-4
Total ~2-4
TOTAL Days Normal Weeks (1) Intensive Weeks (2) Delivery date (1) Delivery date (2)
Optimistic total workload 31-33 7 5 3rd October 19th September
Pessimistic (or realistic) 46.5-49.5 10 7 24th October 3rd October
VERY Pessimistic 62-66 12-13 8-9 7th November 10th/17th October

Implementation roadmap

  1. 2nd to 4th week of August 2011 - Core
  2. 1st & 2nd week of September 2011 - Views
  3. 3rd week of September 2011 - Migration
  4. 4th week of September 2011 - SublimeVideo blog & final adjustments