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Rémy Coutable edited this page Oct 27, 2011 · 1 revision

Implementation roadmap

  1. July 2011 - Basic authenticated read API with OAuth:
  • Resources:
  • GET /api/sites all sites
  • GET /api/sites/:token one site
  • Private to the team applications & authorization management
  • GET /account/applications: list registered apps and authorized apps. Example on GitHub & authorized apps on GitHub
  • GET /account/applications/new / POST /account/applications: create a new app. Example on GitHub
  • GET /account/applications/:id/edit / PUT /account/applications/:id: edit an app.
  • DELETE /account/applications/:id: delete an app.
  • Accessible OAuth routes:
  • /oauth/...
  • DELETE /oauth/revoke: revoke app authorization (:token is passed in FORM parameters).
  1. September 2011 - Developers page (Example on Get Satisfaction) to:
  • present the API: /developers
  • "private" API pages goes "public"
  1. [TBD] Advanced authenticated read API:
  • GET /sites/:token/usage[?period=365]

Tasks to be done

Step 1 - July 2011

Feature Owner Estimate State
OAuth R 4 2/3
API /sites R 1
API /sites/:token R 1
"private" API pages R 2
Total 8

Step 2 - September 2011

Feature Owner Estimate State
API pages copy R, A 3
API pages design O 2
Total 5