This is the Katib v0.17.0 release.
Breaking Changes
- [SDK] Drop Python 3.7 and Support Python 3.11 (#2337 by @tenzen-y)
- [SDK] Upgrade the protobuf version to >=4.21.12,<5 (#2358 by @tenzen-y)
- Drop Kubernetes v1.26, and support Kubernetes v1.29 (#2308 by @tenzen-y)
- Drop Kubernetes v1.25, and Support Kubernetes v1.28 (#2303 by @tenzen-y)
- Remove MXNet examples (#2267 by @tenzen-y)
New Features
Core Features
- Replace gRPC code generation tool from Znly/protoc to Buf (#2344 by @forsaken628)
- Support ARM64 arch for release images (#2315 by @andreyvelich)
- DB: Add environment variable option to skip DB table creation (#2245 by @lkaybob)
- Add environment variable option to set postgres ssl mode (#2266 by @ckcd)
- Upgrade TensorFlow version to v2.16.1 (#2282 by @tenzen-y)
- Upgrade PyTorch version to v2.2.1 (#2279 by @tenzen-y)
SDK Features
- [SDK] Generate Name functionality for creating experiments. (#2272 by @bharathk005)
- [SDK] Add
in client tune (#2235 by @shipengcheng1230) - [SDK] Add 'algorithm_settings' in client tune (#2227 by @shipengcheng1230)
- [SDK] Raise more human-readable name conflict exception (#2199 by @droctothorpe)
Bug Fixes
- Remove code generation from release script (#2364 by @andreyvelich)
- [SDK] Fix empty list for env variables and numpy version (#2360 by @andreyvelich)
- Use cache-dependency-path in actions/setup-go for CI workflow (#2355 by @forsaken628)
- Fix TestReconcileBatchJob (#2350 by @forsaken628)
- Fix Scikit-Learn Version for Skopt Tests (#2336 by @andreyvelich)
- [SDK] Fix env per Trial parameter in tune API (#2304 by @andreyvelich)
- Fix: clean up UTs for file metrics collector (#2285 by @Electronic-Waste)
- Fix tensor devices for DARTS Trial (#2273 by @sifa1024)
- Typo fix stale.yaml (#2257 by @tarilabs)
- Fix Optuna Validation for CMA-ES (#2240 by @andreyvelich)
- Replace already closed with (#2357 by @forsaken628)
- Update outdated actions (#2324 by @Mersho)
- Upgrade Go version to v1.22 (#2309 by @tenzen-y)
- CI: Enable parallel mode for the coveralls (#2297 by @tenzen-y)
- Upgrade Python version to 3.11 (#2278 by @tenzen-y)
- chore: add unit testcases for files in Text format. (#2274 by @Electronic-Waste)
- Upgrade google/go-containerregistry/pkg/authn/k8schain (#2252 by @tenzen-y)
- Add Technical and style guide to the contribution guide (#2250 by @tenzen-y)
- Install typing-extensions v4.6.3 for Optuna (#2251 by @tenzen-y)
- Remove legacy BO code (#2246 by @andreyvelich)
- Add Changelog for Katib v0.16.0 (#2239 by @andreyvelich)
- Add Katib ROADMAP 2022/2023 (#2153 by @andreyvelich)
- Update Ubuntu to 22.04 for E2E Tests (#2222 by @andreyvelich)
- Run Stale Action Every 5th Hour (#2221 by @andreyvelich)
- Add Stale GitHub Action (#2220 by @andreyvelich)
- Add Changelog for Katib v0.16.0-rc.1 (#2218 by @andreyvelich)
- Add Changelog for Katib v0.16.0-rc.0 (#2204 by @andreyvelich)
- Use the controller-runtime logger in the cert-generator (#2219 by @tenzen-y)
New Contributors
- @forsaken628 made their first contribution in #2344
- @lkaybob made their first contribution in #2245
- @ckcd made their first contribution in #2266
- @bharathk005 made their first contribution in #2272
- @shipengcheng1230 made their first contribution in #2227
- @Electronic-Waste made their first contribution in #2274
- @sifa1024 made their first contribution in #2273
- @tarilabs made their first contribution in #2257
- @Mersho made their first contribution in #2324