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Releases: manheim/terraform-pipeline


13 Mar 14:59
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➕ Enhancement/ 🐛 BugFix

  • Issue #372 Replace master branch with main in documentation
  • Issue #372 ConditionalApplyPlugin: Support main and master branches
  • Issue #372 TerraformTaintPlugin: Support main and master branches
  • Issue #432 pass TagPlugin through -var-file={env}-tags.tfvars
  • Issue #417 DestroyPlugin & PassPlanFilePlugin - Terraform Destroy can't be called with a plan file
  • Issue #436 Bug Fix: Omit variables and variable files from apply command if a plan file is specified
  • Issue #444 Expose optional duration parameter on WithAwsPlugin's withRole()


03 Feb 21:46
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  • Issue #422 TerraformPlugin and TerraformPluginVersion should implement TerraformInitCommandPlugin
  • Issue #379 Support Terraform 0.15. Added -chdir argument.
  • Issue #395 Support Terraform 1.0. Added -chdir argument.
  • Issue #420 Add withDirectory argument to PassPlanFilePlugin

New Features + Enhancements

23 Sep 19:40
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  • 💥Breaking Changes

    • Issue #283 Remove CrqPlugin, as it relies on a Manheim internal tool that is deprecated. Users of CrqPlugin will find a replacement in the Manheim internal terraform-pipeline-cai-plugins project.
  • 🆕 New Features

    • Issue #309 Add the ability to specify terraform-pipeline starting execution workspace directory
  • ➕Enhancement / 🙅🏾 Deprecations

    • Issue #214 CredentialsPlugin: support more than username/password (Deprecate withBuildCredentials)
    • Issue #399 Add pull request templates, with checkboxes for necessary tasks
    • Issue #409 Update Github Action CI build to run on Java 11
    • Issue #407 GithubPRPlugin support for HTTP/2 response headers.

Various Improvements

16 Jul 17:50
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  • 🆕 New Feature
    • Issue #280 (partial) Feature: Add TerraformImportPlugin & TerraformImportCommand
  • ⚒️ CI/CD
    • Issue #393 Testing: Convert from TravisCI to GithubActions

New Features + Bug Fixes

27 Apr 21:03
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  • 💥 Breaking Changes
    • Issue #344 PlanOnlyPlugin - Add PLAN_ONLY build parameter
      • BREAKING CHANGE This change is a breaking change. Prior to this update, applying the PlanOnlyPlugin would restrict the pipeline to only running terraform plan. This update changes behavior to simply providing a PLAN_ONLY boolean parameter that can be set to restrict the build behavior. It defaults to false.
  • 🙅 Deprecations
    • Issue #372 - Start migrating towards the use of 'main' branch.
      • To support the wide diversity of the technology community. We will be default the branch to main (replacing master) in release v6.0+. You can start working main as your new branch now by implementing ConditionalApplyPlugin.withApplyOnBranch('main') plugin. This way users can work out any issues of a branch name change
  • ➕ Enhancement/ 🐛 BugFix
    • Issue #318 ConfirmApplyPlugin - Show environment on confirm command page
    • Issue #362 AnsiColorPlugin - Bug Fix: Apply on terraform validate and terraform init
  • 🆕 New Features
    • Issue #347 TerraformOutputOnlyPlugin - optionally skip apply and just display the current state outputs only via new job parameters.
    • Issue #354 TerraformTaintPlugin - Allows performing terraform taint or terraform untaint prior to the plan phase.
    • Issue #21 FlywayMigrationPlugin - run database migration scripts in pipeline
      • Issue #363 - Optionally disable echo on flyway CLI commands
      • Issue #365 - Optionally configure flyway username/password through CLI options
      • Issue #368 - Prompt user again before applying migration. Optionally disable prompt.

Enhancements + BugFixes + Improved Testing

17 Feb 21:13
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  • Issue #172 Feature: ConditionalApplyPlugin - can allow apply for specific environments on all branches/PRs.
  • Issue #329 Feature: ConditionalApplyPlugin - can be disabled to allow apply on all branches/PRs.
  • Issue #320 Bug Fix: GithubPRPlugin should stop on plan errors, and display error to the user.
  • Issue #331 Bug Fix: terraform-pipeline should be usable even if Docker-Pipeline-plugin is not installed (and Docker featuers are not used)
  • Issue #335 Testing: Rename DummyJenkinsfile to MockWorkflowScript to better distinguish Jenkinsfile references.
  • Issue #271 Testing: Cleanup Test resets for any static state. New Resettable and ResetStaticStateExtension available.
  • Issue #332 Testing: Junit 4 to 5.7, upgrade hamcrest from 1.3 to 2.2, remove junit-hierarchicalcontextrunner dependency

Enhancements: Allow optional apply on branches other than master

01 Feb 20:47
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Enhancements: Init decorations, Hook Scripts

07 Jan 18:30
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  • Issue #321 Upgrade groovy from 2.4.11 to 2.4.12 (fix travisCi failures)
  • Issue #311 Fix non-deterministic test failures
  • Issue #316 Implement more granular decorations in TerraformEnvironmentStage.
  • Issue #250 Implement TerraformEnvironmentStageShellHookPlugin

Enhancements + Bugfixes

24 Sep 14:45
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New Features

  • #302 add support for global parameters from ParameterStoreBuildWrapperPlugin


  • #303 Fixed documentation for ValidateFormatPlugin


  • #301 Trim whitespace from reading version file


14 Sep 21:39
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  • New Features
    • Issue #83 Add a plugin to support terraform fmt
    • Issue #175 Pass terraform plan output to apply
    • Issue #296 Allow TagPlugin to be disabled on apply
  • Docs