3.3.10 (2022-02-17)
- annoying warning for [ExecuteInEditMode] (b6b2c72), closes #180
- PrefabStageUtility class is not experimental after 2021.2 (0fd5d7a)
3.3.9 (2021-08-02)
- fix for warning CS0618 (61760d9)
3.3.8 (2021-06-08)
- improve performance (e352d15)
3.3.7 (2021-06-02)
- Refresh() will be called multiple times in the same frame, due to external assets (0b9d80d)
3.3.6 (2021-05-11)
- In rare cases, the generated camera (for baking) will not be deactivated (12c748a)
- remove from "Add Component" menu (476c402)
3.3.5 (2021-02-28)
- fix cached position for pre-warmed particles (e3f42d7)
- ParticleSystem creates particles in wrong position during pre-warm (b93e0e4), closes #147
3.3.4 (2021-02-22)
- Multiselecting sets all scales to the same value (13223b2)
- support sub emitter with 'PlayOnAwake' (d5ce78a)
- The maximum material count is 8 (3bb5241)
3.3.3 (2021-02-03)
3.3.2 (2021-02-01)
- _cachedPosition defaults to localPosition (c0aa89b), closes #121
- submeshes can't over 8 (2a1f334), closes #122
3.3.1 (2021-02-01)
- ignore material check and transform check (d11cd0a), closes #119
- the trail is incorrect in SimulationSpace.Local (9313489)
3.3.0 (2020-11-20)
- ignore rendering of particle systems that do not have a SharedMaterial and TrailMaterial (08c4aba), closes #118
- show/hide materials in inspector (4b4aebf)
- shrink rendering by material (46a7ddd), closes #113
3.2.0 (2020-11-15)
3.1.1 (2020-11-09)
- error on build in Unity 2019.3.11-15 (68669c7), closes #114
- null Reference when creating New Scene after Prefab was open in PrefabMode (22bcecd), closes #111
3.1.0 (2020-10-28)
- compile error in 2018.2 (82f81ef)
3.0.1 (2020-10-28)
3.0.0 (2020-10-27)
- IgnoreCanvasScaler may be enabled unintentionally (d9f9244)
- an error happens during loading scene in editor (ab9d9aa), closes #101
- not working as expected in world simulation space (683fcb4), closes #98
- if the package was installed via openupm, an unintended directory 'Samples' was included (1913de5)
- animatable properties not working (5b8b0bd), closes #95
- combine Instances error (878f812), closes #91
- in rare cases, the particle size is incorrect with camera-space mode (90593ac), closes #93
- trails material uses sprite texture (9e65ee7), closes #92
- ignore missing object on initialize (8bd9b62)
- not masked (4ef5947)
- in Unity 2018.2, PrefabStageUtility is not found (0b6dcff)
- removed UIParticle will be saved in prefab mode (08e2d51)
- hide camera for baking (30b4703)
- In ignore canvas scaler mode, Transform.localScale is zero (cc71f2b), closes #89
- In prefab mode, an error occurs (a222f37), closes #88
- the default value of IgnoreCanvasScaler is true (966fae1)
- build fails (ac080a4), closes #85
- if in the mask, rendering material will be destroyed (0db40cf)
- baking camera settings for camera space (436c5e4)
- fix local simulation (7add9de)
- fix camera for baking mesh (6395a4f)
- The type or namespace name 'U2D' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor.Experimental' in Unity 2019.3 or later (930199e), closes #82
- texture sheet animation module Sprite mode not working (30d1d5d), closes #79
- An exception in the OnSceneGUI caused the scale of the transformation to change unintentionally (75413e0)
- read-only properties in the inspector (f012b23)
- Added CanvasRenderer as a required component (a8950f6)
- If sprite is null, a null exception is thrown (50c6e98)
- fix displayed version in readme (c29bbdd)
- abnormal Mesh Bounds with Particle Trails (518a749), closes #61
- multiple UIParticleOverlayCamera in scene (3f09395), closes #73
- add package keywords (49d8f3f)
- particles not visible if scale.z is 0 (35718e0), closes #64
- remove unnecessary scripts (0a43740)
- workaround for #70 (4bbcc33)
- change the text in the inspector to make it more understandable. (7ca0b6f), closes #66
- editor crashes when mesh is set to null when ParticleSystem.RenderMode=Mesh (e5ebadd), closes #69
- getting massive errors on editor (ef82fa8), closes #67
- heavy editor UI (d3b470a)
- remove a menu to add overlay camera (f5d3b6e)
- rotating the particle rect may cause out of bounds (3439842), closes #55
- scale will be decrease on editor (0c59846)
- UI darker than normal when change to linear color space (db4d8a7), closes #57
- cache modified material (6b397f3), closes #94
- improve the material batching (4be5666)
- un-limit on the number of mesh instances (f133881)
- refresh children ParticleSystem with a gameObjects as root (8bae1d0)
- add API to bind ParticleSystem object (a77bbd3)
- material batching (8f703e6)
- support AnimatableProperty for multiple materials (062d988)
- remove menu in inspector (e7f8f51)
- add menu to create UIParticle (2fa1843)
- add play/pause/stop api (f09a386)
- support for changing rendering orders (745d4a5)
- Support for child ParticleSystem rendering (4ee90be)
- UIParticle for trail is no longer needed (466e43c)
- add menu to create UIParticle (14f1c78)
- Combine baked meshes to improve performance (633d058)
- improve performance (77c056a)
- optimization for vertices transforms and adding node for trails (e070e8d), closes #75
- option to ignoring canvas scaling (fe85fed)
- support 3d scaling (42a84bc)
- support custom simulation space (a83e647), closes #78
- support for particle systems including trail only (f389d39), closes #61
- add support for SpriteAtlas (b31e325)
- add menu to import sample (b8b1827)
- The development branch name has been changed. Most cases are unaffected.
- The child UIParticle is no longer needed.
- The bake-task has changed significantly. It may look different from previous versions.
- update develop environment to Unity 2018.3. Unity 2018.2 will continue to be supported.
3.0.0-preview.38 (2020-10-04)
- display material properties in inspector (313c1fc), closes #104
- support 3D scaling (a508c3b), closes #105
3.0.0-preview.37 (2020-10-01)
- fix menus (5fa12b5)
3.0.0-preview.36 (2020-09-28)
- do not bake particle system to mesh when the alpha is zero (1775713), closes #102
- in Unity 2018.x, sample import failed on Windows (f5861b0)
3.0.0-preview.35 (2020-09-27)
3.0.0-preview.34 (2020-09-15)
3.0.0-preview.33 (2020-09-14)
- if the package was installed via openupm, an unintended directory 'Samples' was included (1913de5)
3.0.0-preview.32 (2020-09-14)
3.0.0-preview.31 (2020-09-02)
- combine Instances error (878f812), closes #91
- in rare cases, the particle size is incorrect with camera-space mode (90593ac), closes #93
- trails material uses sprite texture (9e65ee7), closes #92
- refresh children ParticleSystem with a gameObjects as root (8bae1d0)
3.0.0-preview.30 (2020-09-02)
- ignore missing object on initialize (8bd9b62)
- add API to bind ParticleSystem object (a77bbd3)
3.0.0-preview.29 (2020-09-01)
- material batching (8f703e6)
3.0.0-preview.28 (2020-09-01)
- support AnimatableProperty for multiple materials (062d988)
3.0.0-preview.27 (2020-09-01)
- not masked (4ef5947)
3.0.0-preview.26 (2020-09-01)
- in Unity 2018.2, PrefabStageUtility is not found (0b6dcff)
3.0.0-preview.25 (2020-09-01)
- removed UIParticle will be saved in prefab mode (08e2d51)
3.0.0-preview.24 (2020-09-01)
- hide camera for baking (30b4703)
- In ignore canvas scaler mode, Transform.localScale is zero (cc71f2b), closes #89
- In prefab mode, an error occurs (a222f37), closes #88
- remove menu in inspector (e7f8f51)
3.0.0-preview.23 (2020-08-31)
- the default value of IgnoreCanvasScaler is true (966fae1)
3.0.0-preview.22 (2020-08-29)
3.0.0-preview.21 (2020-08-28)
- if in the mask, rendering material will be destroyed (0db40cf)
- support animatable material property (again) (cf6ca80)
3.0.0-preview.20 (2020-08-28)
- automatically update (96a868b)
3.0.0-preview.19 (2020-08-28)
- add menu to create UIParticle (2fa1843)
- add play/pause/stop api (f09a386)
- support for changing rendering orders (745d4a5)
- Support for child ParticleSystem rendering (4ee90be)
- UIParticle for trail is no longer needed (466e43c)
- The child UIParticle is no longer needed.
3.0.0-preview.18 (2020-08-19)
- AsmdefEx is no longer required (50e749c)
- fix camera for baking mesh (6395a4f)
- support .Net Framework 3.5 (again) (23fcb06)
- 3.0.0 updater (f99292b)
- add menu to create UIParticle (14f1c78)
- Combine baked meshes to improve performance (633d058)
- improve performance (77c056a)
- optimization for vertices transforms and adding node for trails (e070e8d), closes #75
- option to ignoring canvas scaling (fe85fed)
- support 3d scaling (42a84bc)
- support custom simulation space (a83e647), closes #78
- support for particle systems including trail only (f389d39), closes #61
- The bake-task has changed significantly. It may look different from previous versions.
3.0.0-preview.17 (2020-08-13)
- The type or namespace name 'U2D' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor.Experimental' in Unity 2019.3 or later (930199e), closes #82
3.0.0-preview.16 (2020-08-12)
3.0.0-preview.15 (2020-08-11)
- An exception in the OnSceneGUI caused the scale of the transformation to change unintentionally (75413e0)
3.0.0-preview.14 (2020-08-11)
- read-only properties in the inspector (f012b23)
3.0.0-preview.13 (2020-08-11)
- Added CanvasRenderer as a required component (a8950f6)
- inspector is broken in Unity 2020.1 (26c5395)
- update OSC to 1.0.0-preview.25 (22e116e)
3.0.0-preview.12 (2020-08-11)
- Profiler.BeginSample -> Profiler.EndSample if a canvas is disabled or a camera doesn't found (4a0a5d1)
3.0.0-preview.11 (2020-05-07)
- If sprite is null, a null exception is thrown (50c6e98)
3.0.0-preview.10 (2020-04-30)
- add support for SpriteAtlas (b31e325)
3.0.0-preview.9 (2020-03-04)
- fix displayed version in readme (c29bbdd)
3.0.0-preview.8 (2020-03-03)
- abnormal Mesh Bounds with Particle Trails (518a749), closes #61
- multiple UIParticleOverlayCamera in scene (3f09395), closes #73
3.0.0-preview.7 (2020-03-02)
3.0.0-preview.6 (2020-02-21)
- sample version (ed18032)
3.0.0-preview.5 (2020-02-21)
3.0.0-preview.4 (2020-02-18)
3.0.0-preview.3 (2020-02-17)
3.0.0-preview.2 (2020-02-13)
- compile error (e2c5c7b)
3.0.0-preview.1 (2020-02-12)
- change the text in the inspector to make it more understandable. (7ca0b6f), closes #66
- editor crashes when mesh is set to null when ParticleSystem.RenderMode=Mesh (e5ebadd), closes #69
- getting massive errors on editor (ef82fa8), closes #67
- heavy editor UI (d3b470a)
- remove a menu to add overlay camera (f5d3b6e)
- rotating the particle rect may cause out of bounds (3439842), closes #55
- scale will be decrease on editor (0c59846)
- UI darker than normal when change to linear color space (db4d8a7), closes #57
- update develop environment (9fcf169)
- add menu to import sample (b8b1827)
- add samples test (287b5cc)
- editor: add osc package (portable mode) (6c7f880)
- update develop environment to Unity 2018.3. Unity 2018.2 will continue to be supported.
v2.3.0 (2019-05-12)
World simulation bug due to transform movement have been fixed
Fixed bugs:
- World simulation bug due to transform movement #47
v2.2.1 (2019-02-26)
Fixed bugs:
v2.2.0 (2019-02-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Display warning when material does not support Mask #43
- Support changing material property by AnimationClip #42
Fixed bugs:
- UV Animation is not work. #41
v2.1.1 (2019-02-15)
v2.1.0 (2019-02-07)
World simulation bug is fixed.
Fixed bugs:
- When moving the transform in world simulation mode, particles don't behave as expected #37
v2.0.0 (2019-01-17)
Install UIParticle with Unity Package Manager!
Find the manifest.json file in the Packages folder of your project and edit it to look like this:
"dependencies": {
"com.coffee.ui-particle": "https://github.com/mob-sakai/ParticleEffectForUGUI.git#2.0.0",
To update the package, change #2.0.0
to the target version.
Implemented enhancements:
- Integrate with UnityPackageManager #30
v1.3.3 (2019-01-16)
Fixed bugs:
- On prefab edit mode, unnecessary UIParticleOverlayCamera is generated in the scene #35
- With 'Screen Space - Camera' render mode, sorting is incorrect #34
v1.3.2 (2018-12-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Use shared material during play mode #29
Fixed bugs:
- Particle not showing on Android, while on editor it works #31
v1.3.1 (2018-12-24)
Fixed bugs:
v1.3.0 (2018-12-21)
With Gizmo you can control the scaled Shape.
Fixed bugs:
- In overlay, particle size is too small #23
- UIParticle.Scale does not affect the gizmo of shape module #21
v1.2.1 (2018-12-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Rect mask 2D doesn't work on WebGL #20
v1.2.0 (2018-12-13)
New scaling system solves the particle effect scaling problem in most cases.
- All ParticleSystem.ScalingModes are supported
- All Canvas.RenderModes are supported
- They look almost the same in all modes
New scaling system scales particle effect well even if you change the following parameters:
- Camera.FieldOfView
- CanvasScaler.MatchWidthOrHeight
- Canvas.PlaneDistance
NOTE: If upgrading from v1.1.0, readjust the UIParticle.Scale property.
Implemented enhancements:
- New scaling system #18
Fixed bugs:
- Rect mask 2D doesn't work #17
- Using prefab view will cause a lot of errors #16
- Canvas.scaleFactor not take into account #15
v1.1.0 (2018-11-28)
Easily to use, easily to set up.
- Adjust the Scale property to change the size of the effect.
- If your effect consists of multiple ParticleSystems, you can quickly set up UIParticles by clicking "Fix".
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Raycast blocking is unnecessary #12
v1.0.0 (2018-07-13)
Let's use particle for your UI!
UIParticle is use easy.
The particle rendering is maskable and sortable, without Camera, RenderTexture or Canvas.
Implemented enhancements:
v0.1.0 (2018-06-22)
This plugin uses new APIs MeshBake/MashTrailBake
(added with Unity 2018.2) to render particles by CanvasRenderer.
You can mask and sort particles for uGUI without Camera, RenderTexture, Canvas.
Implemented enhancements:
- Bake particle mesh to render by CanvasRenderer #1
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator