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Cpp Example: Override Target Rotation

Michael Jansen edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 3 revisions

There are some cases where you may wish to override the target rotation while path following, such as targeting a game piece. This can be accomplished by providing a function to the PPHolonomicDriveController class that will supply an optional rotation override. This is a static method so it will apply to all path following commands.

NOTE: If you supply a method to override the rotation target, it will be called every loop. You must make sure to return an empty optional when you do not wish to override the rotation.

#include <pathplanner/lib/controllers/PPHolonomicDriveController.h>

using namespace pathplanner;

    // ... other initialization

    // Set the method that will be used to get rotation overrides
    PPHolonomicDriveController::setRotationTargetOverride([this](){ return getRotationTargetOverride(); });

std::optional<frc::Rotation2d> SwerveSubsystem::getRotationTargetOverride(){
    // Some condition that should decide if we want to override rotation
    if(Limelight::hasGamePieceTarget()) {
        // Return the rotation override (this should be a field relative rotation)
        return Limelight::getRobotToGamePieceRotation();
    } else {
        // return an empty optional when we don't want to override the path's rotation
        return std::nullopt;
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