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Building Europa With Visual Studio

Iatauro edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 3 revisions

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This page describes the Visual Studio Environment

Understand Visual Studio

Many problems with building are caused by the wrong configuration and platform. Currently, only the Debug|Win32 configuration is supported (we will add more as time allows). Your set up should look like this:

![picking the right configuration] (images/pick-the-right-configuration.png)

After you open the Europa.sln file you will see a solution explorer that looks like:

![solution explorer] (images/solution-explorer.png)

Project Properties of an executable

Test Properties - note the Linker is listed

![test properties] (images/Test-Properties.png)

Project Properties of an library

Utils Properties

![utils properties] (images/Utils-Properties.png)

Include directories

![include directories] (images/Utils-Property-Page-showing-Include-Directories.png)

Utils Include directories appear empty

![utils includes appear empty] (images/Utils-Include-Directories-appear-empty.png)

Utils Inherited Include Directories

![utils inherited include directories] (images/Utils-Inherited-Include-Directories.png)

Look in property manager

![property manager] (images/Utils-PropertyManager-Debug.png)

Project Dependencies

If you right-click the Solution file and select "Project Dependencies":

![dependencies] (images/Static-Libs-dependencies.png)

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