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Releases: natgeosociety/marapp-frontend


28 Jan 09:07
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1.17.0 (2021-01-28)

Bug Fixes

  • admin: default value for empty references [EP-3661] (#435) (d55763e)
  • admin: react-hook-form setValue update [EP-3673] (6a8a3de)
  • admin: widgets empty value [EP-3658] (98169fb)
  • earth-admin: prefix environment variables with ADMIN namespace (677ee5d)
  • earth-map: prefix environment variables with MAP namespace (8cfcbbc)
  • map: Fix Bug caused by cancel collection [IOPLAT-4165] (00a5376)
  • map: Fix latest collection refresh [IOPLAT-4170] (c3ba3f0)
  • map: Refresh widgets list on ORG change [IOPLAT-4171] (3947704)
  • map: weglot gatsby integration [EP-3710] (#445) (f708b6e)
  • marapp-admin: exclude edited layer from included layers dropdown [EP-3676] (60dd5e8)
  • avoid circular imports in initial-state (eca3ce4)
  • change build directory for earth-map (90174d2)
  • change useForm mode to trigger validation on multiple ways [EP-3675] (5048ffe)
  • location query to include only required fields (9abd21e)


  • earth-map: migrate map module to gatsby (25354f7)
  • map: Set page background to dark [EP-3281] (0384a17)
  • map: SWR support on earth page [EP-3524] (02daba4), closes #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
  • map & admin: russian language support [EP-3723] (#449) (7284f4d)


12 Jan 14:31
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1.16.3 (2021-01-12)

Bug Fixes

  • admin: dashboard widgets empty value [EP-3658] (#410) (674b45d)
  • admin: email component reset state [EP-3299] (#422) (0d3e5a4)
  • admin: filter collection on intersections [EP-3653] (#407) (502c655)
  • admin: loading indicator when performing delete [EP-2592] (#412) (f19818f)
  • admin: primary button font color [EP-3160] (#423) (a739ef9)
  • admin: reset server error when switching geojson tabs [EP-3652] (#429) (b30cf79)
  • admin: update org-switcher context on editing org owners [EP-3671] (ed32c14)
  • admin: update org-switcher context on org update [EP-3402] (c47d889)
  • admin: widget layer dropdown & translation [EP-3654] (#403) (234fa0b)
  • map: Fix app crash when deleting a selected org [EP-3333] (6830a0c)
  • map: layers subheader [EP-3657] (#408) (e0a114c)
  • map: left panel remove shadow [EP-3268] (#427) (5415dc6)
  • map: remove last viewed place when unavailable [EP-2272] (#426) (643cd55)
  • map: Removed places and layers from Session Storage [EP-3605] (aef4002)
  • Fix multiselect search [EP-3625] (0b3c1db)


06 Jan 10:03
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1.16.2 (2021-01-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Display correct initials in the user menu [EP-3467] (fd5d719)
  • Fix app crash caused by dropdown in certain cases [EP-3651] (2175804)
  • map: Clear clipping errors when form changes [EP-3639] (75788f2)
  • map: space filters clear button [EP-2489] (c8117d6)
  • Updated translations [EP-3610] (5a712fc)


17 Dec 13:28
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1.16.1 (2020-12-17)

Bug Fixes

  • semantic-release version (dc0943d)


17 Dec 13:21
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Bug Fixes

  • admin: Fix scrolling while in edit mode [EP-3146] (1f3be9d)
  • admin: fix sidenav search box styling (#346) (1afcb1a)
  • admin: handle SSR request for window usage (1d67f43)
  • admin: hide collections from places (#351) (613994b)
  • admin: loading indicator on user role [EP-3424] (c9d5dec)
  • admin: place edit reset geojson on cancel [EP-3025] (047af4b)
  • auth: Error message is not displayed when a invalid link from the email is clicked [EP-3443] (#338) (1ed7fe5)
  • map: collection long name overlap [EP-3595] (a4c906b)
  • map: preserve language on refresh or app change (#345) (32294bb)
  • map: support for decodeFunction on layers (b6b98ed)
  • profile: split profile fetching and display a visual loading ind… (#340) (9b1d1fa)


  • map: Clip and export layers [EP-3594] (7a118c8)
  • map: download collection metrics [EP-3002] (#328) (7815e82)
  • map: download collection metrics [EP-3002] (#333) (cbc780c)
  • map: keep map coordinates in url (#331) (2c8cec8)
  • map: weglot support [EP-3441] (#341) (5905af3)



08 Oct 12:39
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1.8.1 (2020-10-08)

Bug Fixes


08 Oct 11:09
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1.8.0 (2020-10-08)

Bug Fixes

  • auth: Configure Auth0 SDK to use local storage and rotating refresh tokens (7775c93)
  • searchbox minimum size [EP-3026] (#215) (992cf68)
  • update display of roles to not include org and to be capitalized [EP-3034] (#216) (93d26c8)
  • admin: 404 pages [EP-797] (21f2331)
  • admin: 404 pages [EP-797] (4f8ea8b)
  • admin: 404 pages [EP-797] (#180) (6634072)
  • admin: allow placeholeder group for super admins [EP-2919] (ed79ee4)
  • admin: highlight skipped users [EP-3024] (#204) (b1e14e2)
  • admin: Keep users list updated after add/delete user [EP-2930] (16036b6)
  • admin: select cursor position [EP-3030] (#212) (e3d49ee)
  • admin: Special character validation from title [EP-2718] (87533c0)
  • admin: Use cursor based pagination on all APIs that support it [EP-2971] (49f4869)
  • admin: View and upload shape section cannot be opened [EP-3008], Button text should be changed from "Save" to "Update shape" [EP-2637] (e018ecb)
  • admin: Widget/Layer config is displaying an error by default, on add new layer/widget page [EP-2918] (#194) (6d64b29)
  • map: design qa [EP-2999] (#193) (33ba60c)
  • map: design qa [EP-2999] (#195) (1306f8e)
  • map: design qa [EP-2999] (#196) (22030b3)
  • map: legend layers order fixes [EP-2851, EP-2852] (#170) (bb76fde)
  • map: Map view - Infinite loading for places, when user is redire… (#213) (f661642)
  • map: metric download bugs [EP-2998, EP-2997] (38d470b)
  • map: Refactor sidebar header to display scroll only in the content area (e72dcd2)
  • map: Sort featured places by name [EP-3028] (2c46c23)
  • map: widget layer(s) api call & label [EP-3019] (#210) (3d50005)
  • profile: logo click area [EP-3010] (#209) (0db995b)
  • Add scroll when too many orgs are displayed in the dropdown [EP-2858] (cef71a6)
  • cancel button color / user list refresh [EP-2930] [EP-2931] (b5a9c4b)
  • encode query parameters (3eed93c)
  • Fixed AppContext when logged in with super admin (#183) (f7f2d14)
  • height size select user / role [EP-2216] (776fccf)
  • Long name location is cut off [EP-1866], file upload not working on safari [EP-2715] (#201) (dc2cefc)
  • Multiple visual bugs on Org Switcher, Spinner (5419b23)
  • Order widgets based on organization + name [EP-2929] (f7a8898)
  • Org switcher displays the correct selection [EP-3007] (aa9e4d4)
  • Spacing in the org switcher (7c4337e)
  • map: Show spinner while loading location [EP-1501] (#182) (ed09c19)
  • map: Stop header refresh when clicking places/layers [EP-2987] (5c81968)
  • remove empty validation object (1c6f48b)
  • User menu refactor and fix for [EP-2853] (3bf35d8)


  • admin: Display selected org as the org switcher label (a855ea9)
  • admin: update users screen [EP-2216] (963eee4)
  • map: Display max 100 featured places instead of 30 [EP-3028] (d16605f)
  • map: Home page CTA redirect to map view [EP-2758] (c0176cf)
  • map: metric download functionality [EP-1328] (#187) (505cb30)
  • map: Removed selected layers list [EP-2762] (#190) (e687b8c)
  • map: tiles loading indicator [EP-2084] (c2ac57a)
  • shared: typescript migration [EP-3031] (#214) (65bc856)
  • Add Universal Login pages backup [EP-2976] (1f0fb70)
  • generic user profile [EP-2502] (fda6bf3)
  • Redesigned Context Switcher [EP-2920] (a0e8bba)
  • map: user menu button for sign-up [EP-2760] (#172) (bbd8132)
  • users org progress [EP-2216] (35de2c6)


24 Sep 11:48
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1.7.0 (2020-09-24)


  • generic user profile [EP-2502] (07dbe36)


24 Sep 07:56
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1.6.0 (2020-09-24)

Bug Fixes

  • admin: Display slug error validation [EP-2915] (cfc9148)
  • map: close popup correct target [EP-2484] (#162) (a86550e)
  • map: handle empty layer references (#167) (ff7a5d1)


  • admin: Redesigned Widgets [EP-2204] (5e59e12)


22 Sep 14:41
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1.5.0 (2020-09-22)

Bug Fixes

  • handle email-verified for authenticated users (d0c9aae)
  • handle fallback route at router level logic (e28001b)
  • admin: Add new user is not working [EP-2863] (#153) (1d83987)
  • admin: Error for missing provider and type is displayed when trying to save a layer [EP-2860] (#152) (55eff94)
  • map: dashboards with no widgets fix [EP-2859] (#151) (60141fb)


  • admin: post sign up page [EP-2179] (1463f31)
  • admin: Update sidebar items when data changes [EP-2472] (4a13cae)
  • user profile [EP2585] (c737e07)