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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Autoware.Universe gpsins_localizer
component:localizationVehicle's position determination in its environment. component:sensingData acquisition from sensors, drivers, preprocessing. -
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 traffic light recognition question
component:planningRoute planning, decision-making, and navigation. -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Best Practices for implement my own GNSS Poser
component:sensingData acquisition from sensors, drivers, preprocessing. -
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Could not find a connection between 'base_link' and 'map' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees
component:localizationVehicle's position determination in its environment. -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Running scenario simulator process has died
component:simulationVirtual environment setups and simulations. -
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Autoware.AI Behavior planner overriding velocity on fixed route
version:autoware-aiAutoware.AI component:planningRoute planning, decision-making, and navigation. -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Robot turns very drastically when it fails to follow the path
component:controlVehicle control algorithms and mechanisms. -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Path snaps back to lane although vehicle is not in lane
component:planningRoute planning, decision-making, and navigation. -
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 The initial pose orientation is 90 degree rotation, need some help
component:localizationVehicle's position determination in its environment. -
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Unable to generate TRT Engine
component:perceptionAdvanced sensor data processing and environment understanding. -
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