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Releases: plotly/


28 Jun 21:06
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  • Updated Plotly.js from version 2.1.0 to version 2.2.0. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes include:
    • new <trace>.legendgrouptitle attribute for legend group titles
    • new %h text formatting directive for half-years
    • performance improvements and bug fixes

v5.0.0 - a new federated Jupyter extension, Icicle charts, and Bar chart patterns

21 Jun 17:12
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See the full release announcement here:


Items in this section may be considered backwards-incompatible changes for the purposes of Semantic Versioning but we expect the vast majority of users to be able to upgrade to version 5.0 without encountering any issues.

  • Dropped support for Python older than 3.6 #3160
  • Updated Plotly.js to from version 1.58.4 to version 2.1.0. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes include:
    • dropped support for IE9 and IE10
    • dropped support for long-deprecated graph_objects like area traces and scatter.(t|r) and layout.(radial|angular)axis attributes
    • modebar no longer has hovermode or spikeline buttons by default (can be added back with fig.update_layout(modebar_add=["v1hovermode", "toggleSpikeLines"]))
    • "Aa" text no longer appears on legend items unless mode="text"
    • In bar traces, textposition now defaults to "auto"
    • Font size for legend and colorbar titles now matches axis title font size (slightly bigger)
    • deprecated heatmapgl, pointcloud traces as well as all transform attributes
  • Combined plotlywidget into jupyterlab-plotly and packaged them as a federated extension #3142 with massive thanks to @fcollonval for the contribution
    • In addition to this change, large Plotly.js bundles are now lazily loaded on-demand by JupyterLab
  • Plotly.js CDN url will now be versioned by default for HTML exports using include_plotlyjs='cdn' and for "connected" renderers. #2961 with thanks to @adehad for the contribution
  • Recommending Kaleido by default over Orca #3094
  • Replaced retrying dependency with tenacity #2911 with thanks to @jmsmdy for the contribution
  • Plotly Express now always takes into account every value in category_orders when computing discrete mappings (color, symbol, line-dash, pattern-shapes) as well as facets, even those values which are absent in the data #3247


  • Additions due to bumping Plotly.js from 1.58.4 to 2.1.0 (see changelog):
    • New icicle trace type, with thanks to @Kully and @mtwichan of Zyphr for their contribution!
    • New marker.pattern options for bar-like trace types with thanks to @s417-lama for the contribution!
    • New legendrank attribute to control rank of traces within legends
  • Plotly Express', px.histogram() and px.bar_polar() now support the pattern_shape argument #3252
  • New Plotly Express px.icicle() function, with thanks to @Kully and @mtwichan of Zyphr for their contribution! #3256
  • New functions in plotly.colors: get_colorscale() and sample_colorscale() #3136 and #3186 with thanks to @CarlAndersson for the contributions
  • Faster JSON encoding when orjson is present #2955


  • Pandas and Numpy datetime serialization fixes #3022
  • Fixed selected points of histograms in FigureWidget #2771 with thanks to @meffmadd for the contribution
  • Static image export now honors layout.(width|height)#3240
  • Improvements to "matplotlylib" conversion utility in with thanks to @fdion #3143


07 Jun 17:24
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v5.0.0rc2 Pre-release

Find out more about the RC process on our Forum:


  • Updated Plotly.js to version 2.0.0. See the plotly.js 2.0.0 CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes include:
    • new marker.pattern options for bar-like trace types
    • dropped support for IE9 and IE10
    • dropped support for long-deprecated graph_objects like area traces and scatter.(t|r) and layout.(radial|angular)axis attributes
    • deprecated heatmapgl, pointcloud traces as well as all transform attributes
  • Combined plotlywidget into jupyterlab-plotly and packaged them as a federated extension #3142 with massive thanks to @fcollonval for the contribution
  • Plotly.js CDN url will now be versioned by default for HTML exports using include_plotlyjs='cdn' and for "connected" renderers. #2961 with thanks to @adehad for the contribution
  • Dropped support for Python older than 3.6 #3160
  • Recommending Kaleido by default over Orca #3094
  • Replaced retrying dependency with tenacity #2911 with thanks to @jmsmdy for the contribution


  • New functions in plotly.colors: get_colorscale() and sample_colorscale() #3136 and #3186 with thanks to @CarlAndersson for the contributions
  • Faster JSON encoding when orjson is present #2955


  • Pandas and Numpy datetime serialization fixes #3022
  • Fixed selected points of histograms in FigureWidget #2771 with thanks to @meffmadd for the contribution


07 Jun 17:23
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v5.0.0rc1 Pre-release

Find out more about the RC process on our Forum:


  • Updated Plotly.js to version 2.0.0-rc.2. See the plotly.js 2.0.0 CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes include:
    • new marker.pattern options for bar-like trace types
    • dropped support for IE9 and IE10
    • dropped support for long-deprecated graph_objects like area traces and scatter.(t|r) and layout.(radial|angular)axis attributes
    • deprecated heatmapgl, pointcloud traces as well as all transform attributes
  • Combined plotlywidget into jupyterlab-plotly and packaged them as a federated extension #3142 with massive thanks to @fcollonval for the contribution
  • Plotly.js CDN url will now be versioned by default for HTML exports using include_plotlyjs='cdn' and for "connected" renderers. #2961 with thanks to @adehad for the contribution
  • Dropped support for Python older than 3.6 #3160
  • Recommending Kaleido by default over Orca #3094
  • Replaced retrying dependency with tenacity #2911 with thanks to @jmsmdy for the contribution


  • New functions in plotly.colors: get_colorscale() and sample_colorscale() #3136 and #3186 with thanks to @CarlAndersson for the contributions
  • Faster JSON encoding when orjson is present #2955


  • Pandas and Numpy datetime serialization fixes #3022
  • Fixed selected points of histograms in FigureWidget #2771 with thanks to @meffmadd for the contribution


12 Jan 17:01
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  • px.timeline() now allows hover_data formatting of start and end times 3018
  • Small change to packaging of plotlywidget extension for JupyterLab 3 3021


11 Jan 20:31
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  • JupyterLab extensions now compatible with JupyterLab 3.x 3016
  • Updated Plotly.js to version 1.58.4. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes include:
    • fixes for rendering 3d plots on recent Safari versions
    • fixes to inside ticklabels
    • regression fixes


  • px.histogram() Y-axis labels now take into account histnorm and barnorm 2989
  • px.histogram() marginal and facet_* now work correctly together 3014


09 Dec 13:48
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See the full announcement at


  • Updated Plotly.js to version 1.58.2. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes include:
    • fixes for new ticklabelposition attribute
    • fixes for a regression related to treemaps in the previous version

v4.14.0 - Faceted and Animated Images and Heatmaps, Inside Tick Labels, Better Axis Type Detection

07 Dec 15:01
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See the full announcement at


  • px.imshow now supports facet_col and animation_frame arguments for visualizing 3-d and 4-d images 2746
  • px.defaults now supports color_discrete_map, symbol_map, line_dash_map, labels and category_orders as well as a .reset() method 2957


  • axes will now auto-type numeric strings as categorical data rather than linear in the default templates 2951


  • Updated Plotly.js to version 1.58.1. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module. Notable changes include:
    • a new ticklabelposition attribute to enable positioning tick labels inside the plotting area
    • better support for scaleanchor and matches on cartesian axes for matched square subplots
    • a new autotypenumbers attribute which is now set to strict in the default templates
    • various fixes relating to automargins for small figures

v4.13.0 - Magical Error Messages and Documentation, plus Speedups and Faceted Maps

23 Nov 13:51
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See the fully release announcement at


  • px.choropleth, px.scatter_geo and px.line_geo now support faceting as well as fitbounds and basemap_visible 2923
  • px.scatter_geo and px.line_geo now support geojson/featureidkey input 2923
  • px.scatter_geo now supports symbol 2923
  • go.Figure now has a set_subplots method to set subplots on an already
    existing figure. 2866
  • Added Turbo colorscale and fancier swatch display functions
  • A utility function image_array_to_data_uri has been added in
    plotly.utils, in order to transform NumPy arrays to data b64 URIs (which
    can be passed to the source parameter of go.Image, or to layout images).
  • the selector argument to updater/selector functions now accepts ints and strs


  • the JSON serialization of plotly figures has been accelerated thanks to a
    different handling of Infinity and NaN values. For example, a figure with a
    1000x1000 Heatmap should now serialize 2x faster. 2880
  • Coding mistakes with "magic underscores" now return significantly more ergonomic error
    messages 2843
  • Error messages related to impossible subplot geometries are now much more helpful


  • px.scatter_geo support for text is fixed 2923
  • the x and y parameters of px.imshow are now used also in the case where
    an Image trace is used (for RGB data or with binary_string=True). However,
    only numerical values are accepted (while the Heatmap trace allows date or
    string values for x and y). 2761

v4.12.0 - Horizontal and Vertical Lines and Rectangles

23 Oct 13:32
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See the full release announcement at


  • For add_trace, add_shape, add_annotation and add_layout_image, the row and/or col argument now also accept the string "all". row="all" adds the object to all the subplot rows and col="all" adds the object to all the subplot columns. (#2840)
  • Shapes that reference the plot axes in one dimension and the data in another dimension can be added with the new add_hline, add_vline, add_hrect, add_vrect functions, which also support the row="all" and col="all" arguments. (#2840)
  • The add_trace, add_shape, add_annotation, add_layout_image, add_hline, add_vline, add_hrect, add_vrect functions accept an argument exclude_empty_subplots which if True, only adds the object to subplots already containing traces or layout objects. This is useful in conjunction with the row="all" and col="all" arguments. (#2840)
  • For all go.Figure functions accepting a selector argument (e.g., select_traces), this argument can now also be a function which is passed each relevant graph object (in the case of select_traces, it is passed every trace in the figure). For graph objects where this function returns true, the graph object is included in the selection. (#2844)


  • Updated Plotly.js to version 1.57.1. See the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects module.