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NVIDIA StateViewer, A tool for viewing graphics state traces from OpenGL and DirectX apps and games.


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NVIDIA (c) 2013

Contact: Rama Hoetzlein,

The StateViewer tracks state changes in DX11 and OpenGL graphics apps, using apitrace to initially capture and record traces to a .trace file. During retrace the state bins are tracked, and output to a .raw file which is visualized using the StateViewer.

The StateViewer consists of two parts:

  1. d3dretrace/glretrace - State tracing, now part of apitrace. (
  2. StateViewer - This visualizer for viewing state trace data.

For graphical examples and an overview of the technique, see the included PowerPoint: stateview_slides.ppt


  • Install apitrace
  • Run apitrace to produce .trace file
  • Run the d3dretrace or glretrace with new -r and -o options (by Nvidia) to replay the trace with state tracking enabled for output to a .raw file
  • Run this StateViewer to visualize the state trace data from .raw files


  • Trace an application to produce a replayable .trace file

Step 1. Start a command line, and modify path to specify 32 or 64-bit trace, depending on application to be traced.


Step 2. Run application trace

apitrace64 trace -a dxgi -o demo.trace nvinstdemo.exe

apitrace86 trace -a gl -o demo.trace opengldemo.exe

See apitrace website for additional trace options:


  • Retrace the application with the new state tracking option (by Nvidia)

Step 3. Retrace the application

d3dretrace demo.trace Normal usage of retrace. Just replays the trace file on the screen. Useful to confirm a good trace.

d3dretrace -r -o demo.raw demo.trace Perform state tracking in raw binary mode (-r), with output to demo.raw (-o) Due to the state track algorithm the replay will occur twice on the screen.

d3dretrace -t -o demo.txt demo.trace Perform state tracking in text mode (-t), to view detailed state information. This does the full state track algorithm, and outputs all tracked calls to txt file.

d3dretrace -r -f 10000 -o demo.raw demo.trace Perform state tracking, but start tracking after 10000th frame. Useful to reduce the size of .raw files.


  • Visualize the state tracking results

Step 4. Run the StateViewer

stateview demo.raw Visualize all state data in the .raw file

stateview -d 5000 demo.raw Limit playback to 5000 draw calls. Useful when .raw file is large.

stateview -f 100 -d 5000 demo.raw Skip first 100 frames of visualization, and also limit playback to 5000 draw calls.


The StateViewier assigns all graphics API calls to a particular bin in order to track and compare values. The following bin names are used:

  • NA = not yet tracked

0 Shader 1 Render Target 2 Viewport 3 Rasterizer State 4 Depth State NA 5 Blend State NA 6 Sampler State NA 7 Input NA 8 Texture 9 Vertex Buffer (IA Slot 0) 10 Vertex Buffer (IA Slot 1) 11 Vertex Buffer (IA Slot 2) 12 Vertex Buffer (IA Slot 3) 13 Vertex Buffer (IA Slot 4) 14 VS Const Buffer 0 15 VS Const Buffer 1 16 VS Const Buffer 2 17 VS Const Buffer 3 18 VS Const Buffer 4 19 PS Const Buffer 0 20 PS Const Buffer 1 21 PS Const Buffer 2 22 PS Const Buffer 3 23 PS Const Buffer 4 24 Index Buffer


This is the list of API functions currently tracked by the Nvidia StateViewer (c) 2013. It does not cover all the functions which apitrace supports, which is a much larger set.

Updated 9/24/2013.

OpenGL: memcpy wglSwapBuffers glDrawArrays glDrawElements glGenBuffers glBindBuffer glBufferData glCreateShader glCreateProgram glUseProgram glGenTextures glBindTexture glTexSubImage2D glGetUniformLocation glUniform1f/3f/4f glUniformMatrix4fv glShaderSource glVertexPointer glNormalPointer glLoadMatrixd glLoadMatrixf

DX10/11: memcpy DXGISwapChain::Present D3D11Buffer:Map D3D11DeviceContext:Map D3D11Device:DrawIndexed D3D11Device:DrawInstanced D3D11Device:Draw D3D11Device:CreateBuffer D3D11Device:CreateRenderTargetView D3D11Device:OMSetRenderTargets D3D11Device:CreateRasterizerState D3D11Device:RSSetState D3D11Device:CreateVertexShader D3D11Device:CreatePixelShader D3D11Device:VSSetShader D3D11Device:PSSetShader D3D11Device:UpdateSubresource D3D11Device:IASetVertexBuffers D3D11Device:VSSetConstantBuffers D3D11Device:PSSetConstantBuffers


Building APITRACE is only needed if the goal is also to rebuild the StateViewer, or to add functionality to the StateViewer.


  1. Requires VS 2010 64-bit Service Pack 1

  2. Install cmake and Python 2.7.5 (do not install 2.7.3 or 3.3)

    • Make sure that later version of Python were not previously installed
  3. Get apitrace: git clone git://


  1. Rename retrieved folder as: /apitrace_v5

  2. Run VS 2010 Command Prompt - to get correct VC env variables

  3. Include cmake-gui in path: path=%path%;c:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\bin

  4. Run cmake-gui from command line (CMake 2.8): cmake-gui -H%cd% -B%cd%\build

  5. Source path: c:/codes/apitrace_v5/ Build path: c:/codes/apitrace_v5/build Configure: VS 2010 64-bit

  6. Confirm PYTHON_EXECUTABLE C:/Python27/python.exe (NOT /Python33 or other ver)

  7. Click Configure. Click Generate.


  1. Build entire solution (34 projects). Rebuild again to resolve dependencies.

  2. If you get this issue: Issue: Any .py file error which says print "..." ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Resolve: You must use Python 2.7.5. Cannot use Python 3.x. Later version of pythong require () for print statements.

  3. Trace/retrace build to: \build\Release Injector builds to: \build\Release API wrappers build to: \build\wrappers\Release


NVIDIA StateViewer, A tool for viewing graphics state traces from OpenGL and DirectX apps and games.







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