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Releases: ropensci/rnoaa

rnoaa v0.9.2

23 Oct 19:38
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  • gefs gains new parameters ens and time, that will eventually replace the deprecated parameters ens_idx and time_idx (#321) (#324)
  • isd() now using fetching data using http instead of ftp


  • fix to tornadoes(): the URL had changed yet again (#322) (#323) thanks @mbjoseph !
  • fix to gefs, was failing with some examples (#320) (#321)

rnoaa v0.9.0

26 Sep 19:59
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  • gains sea_ice_tabular() function for fetching tabular .csv sea ice files instead of using the shp files in sea_ice() (#194)
  • seaice() fxn name has changed to sea_ice() (#313)
  • sea_ice() gains option to fetch GeoTIFF format data in addition to shp files (#219) (#313)
  • gains new function lcd_cleanup() - takes output of call to lcd(), parsing additional columns that contain comma separated strings (#283)


  • update README to link to ncdf4 pkg instead of ncdf pkg, and a note about which functions in rnoaa use ncdf4 (b/c ncdf4 is in Suggests) (#299) thanks @denrou
  • now using markdown docs (#301)
  • update isd() docs to highlight that cached files downloaded with the fxn will be used until deleted by the user! See ?isd docs for details (#205)
  • lat/lon param definition in gefs only mentioned longitude, now both vars discussed (#317) (#318)
  • improve docs for ncdc() regarding units, and in readme and vignette as well (#265) (#315) from @amoeba


  • fix bug in cpc_prcp(): should have allowed dates back to 1948, but only allowed back to 1979 (#300)
  • fix to buoy() fxn: datasets that did not have lat/lon variables were failing to be parsed by the fxn; now when lat/lon vars missing, we just give. back ncdf4 object for the user to deal with themselves (#303) (#304)
  • fix to gefs(): longitude on the (-180, 180) scale worked but not on the (0,360) scale (#316) (#318) (#319)
  • fix to tornadoes(): the URL for the data had changed (#311) (#312) thanks @mbjoseph
  • ncdc() parameters startdate/enddate weren't handling dates as input values; now handle date and character inputs (#307)
  • fixed issue in ghcnd_stations(); there was an encoding issue with the data returned from NOAA (#305)

rnoaa v0.8.4

14 Jan 22:39
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US federal government shutdown

This very long US federal government shutdown has allowed time for building in nicer failure behavior and more documentation for government shutdowns. There's a number of related changes:

  • better government shutdown failure behavior for the swdi() function (#298)
  • better government shutdown failure behavior for the lcd() function (#295)
  • better failure behavior for all ncdc*() functions (#293) (#297)
  • added a package level manual file section "Where data comes from and government shutdowns"


  • swdi(): changed from downloading data with download.file to crul (#298)
  • fix arc2() tests to not have hard-coded dates (#294)

rnoaa v0.8.0

03 Dec 20:49
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  • gains function bsw() for Blended Sea Winds data (#246)
  • gains function ghcnd_read() - to read .dly files directly, e.g., files already downloaded (#223) thanks @shabbychef for the feature request
  • gains function lcd() for Local Climatological Data (#212)
  • gains functions se_data() and se_files() for the Storm Events Database (#282)
  • ghcnd() and ghcnd_search() gain a refresh parameter to refresh data for the query even if it's already cached locally. in addition, these functions now print messages to tell the user what file path the data is locally cached in, and the min and max dates when using ghcnd_search() (#269) thanks @kgmccann
  • ncdc() gains add_units parameter (boolean) to toggle adding units to the output data.frame. default is add_units=FALSE. if add_units=TRUE we match dataset id and data type id and return units if we have them. do be in touch if you see a problem with these units! ncdc() now returns tibbles in the data slot (#233) (#266) (#289) (#287)


  • spelling fixes to coops docs (#228) thanks @jsta
  • fix in ghcnd_search() to arrange data by day instead of by month (#247) thanks @asrivas3 for reporting
  • move swdi() to use xml2 and crul packages instead of XML and httr (#275)
  • added swdi() tests (#239) thanks @kevin-ht-ho
  • isd_stations_search() no longer renames lat and lon column names (#238) thanks @kevin-ht-ho
  • add codemeta keywords to description (#287)
  • replace httr with crul throughout package (#186)
  • many tests use vcr now for caching, more to do waiting on vcr being able to handle direct to disk use cases and binary files like pdfs (#284)
  • fix links in Code of Conduct


  • fixes to gefs(). was incorrectly repeating time values within ensembles when it should have repeated time values across ensembles so that each ensemble has a time value for each time period (#230) (#231) thanks for report from @lcsma and fix by @potterzot
  • fix bug in ncdc() - fix to internal function parse_ncdc(), which was failing on strsplit() call if attributes was NULL (#232) thanks for reporting @andypicke
  • fix to cpc_prcp(): URLs were changed at some point, fixes for this (#242)
  • fix to cpc_prcp(): to read .gz files correctly with gzfile instead of file (#248)
  • fix in homr() - NOAA server gives back a 200 OK response even if that's not the case - but we can check content type to see if there was likely an error (#250)
  • fix to autoplot.meteo_coverage (#258)
  • fix to buoy_stations(): was getting the wrong station ids - fixed; and use async HTTP requests to get data faster (#261) thanks @JohnHarley for the bug report
  • fix to ghcnd_stations(): was returning an extra empty row (#267) thanks @joeroe for the bug report
  • related to (#267), ghcnd() was giving a trailing row of NA's - fixed (#270)
  • swdi(): radius parameter doesn't work, update docs to tell users not to use it (#243)
  • ncdc() fix: fix to internal function parse_ncdc(), errored when more than 1 flag returned (#279) thanks @ghaines3 for the bug report
  • buoy fixes (#251)
  • storm_shp() fix: update to use new URL patterns (#263)
  • make swdi() fail better (#274) thanks @OrionDarley
  • fix meteo_nearby_stations() to coerce character to numeric lat and lon values (#257) thanks @mondorescue for the bug report
  • fix to meteo_nearby_stations() - internally ignored the user supplied column names for lat and lon (#286) thanks @ghaines3 for the bug report
  • fixed tornadoes() for Windows OS's: utils::untar() was failing on windows, changed to using utils::unzip() (#203)
  • fixed argo_buoy_files(): use fill=TRUE in the read.table call - was erroring on some Windows OS's (#235) thanks @jonmcalder for reporting

rnoaa v0.7.0

05 May 23:51
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Note that some NOAA datasets have changed names:

  • GHCNDMS is now GSOM (Global Summary of the Month)
  • ANNUAL is now GSOY (Global Summary of the Year)


  • isd() gains new parameters additional to toggle whether the
    non-mandatory ISD fields (additional + remarks) are parsed and
    returned & force to toggle whether download new version or use
    cached version. isd_read() gains new parameter additional
    (see description above) (#190)
  • New function for Climate Prediction Center data: cpc_prcp() (#193)
  • New function arc2() to get data from Africa Rainfall Climatology
    version 2 (#201)


  • A number of NOAA services now use https - changed internal code
    to use https from http for coops, swdi, ersst, and tornadoes
    data sources (#187)
  • Changes to sea ice URLs - just internal (#185)
  • Fixes to coops_search() to handle requests better: only certain
    date combinations allowed for certain COOPS products (#213) (#214)
    thanks @tphilippi !
  • Now using hoardr package to manage caching in some functions. Will
    roll out to all functions that cache soon (#191)
  • README img location fix requested by CRAN (#207)
  • GHCNDMS is now GSOM and ANNUAL is now GSOY - added to docs
    and examples of using GSOM and GSOY (#189)


  • A number of fixes to isd() (#168)
  • Fixes to coops_search() to fix time zone problems (#184) thanks @drf5n
  • Fixes to ghcnd() - fix some column types that were of inappropriate
    type before (#211)
  • Fix to ghcnd(): we were coercing factors to integers, which caused
    nonsense output - first coercing to character now, then integer (#221)
  • There were problems in parsing flags (attributes) for some datasets
    via ncdc() function. Added metadata to the package to help parse
    flags (#199)

rnoaa v0.6.6

17 Nov 00:32
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  • isd() now using a new package isdparser to parse
    NOAA ISD files. We still fetch the file within rnoaa, but the
    file parsing is done by isdparser (#176) (#177) (#180) thanks @mrubayet
    for the push


  • Fixed precipitation units in docs for meteo_* functions (#178)
    thanks @mrubayet


  • Fixed bug in ghcnd() where internal unexported function
    was not found (#179)
  • Fix to isd_stations() and isd_stations_search() to work
    correctly on Windows (#181) thanks @GuodongZhu
  • Changed base URL for all NOAA NCDC functions (those starting with
    ncdc) to https from http (#182) thanks @maspotts
  • Changed base URL for all NOAA HOMR functions (those starting with
    homr) to https from http (#183)

rnoaa v0.6.5

22 Oct 21:10
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  • Added notes to docs of functions that do file caching - where
    to find cached files.
  • meteo_clear_cache gains parameter force to control force
    parameter in unlink()
  • Removed lubridate usage in seaiceurls() function, just using
    base R functions.


  • Fixed bug which was affecting binary installs only. We accidentally
    determined a path on package build, such that the user
    of the CRAN binary build machine got inserted into the path.
    This is now fixed. (#173)

rnoaa v0.6.4

07 Oct 14:03
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  • New function isd_read() to read ISD output from isd() manually
    instead of letting isd() read in the data. This is useful when you
    use isd() but need to read the file in later when it's already cached.
  • Some functions in rnoaa cache files that are downloaded from
    various NOAA web services. File caching is usually done when data comes
    from FTP servers. In some of these functions where we cache data, we used
    to write to your home directory, but have now changed all these functions
    to write to a proper cache directory in a platform independent way.
    We determine the cache directory using rappdirs::user_cache_dir().
    Note that this may change your workflow if you'd been depending on
    cached files to be a in particular place on your file system. In addition,
    the path parameter in the changed functions is now defunct, but you
    get an informative warning about it (#171)


  • storm_data() now returns a tibble/data.frame not inside of a list. We used
    to return a list with a single slot data with a data.frame, but this was
  • ghcnd_stations() now outputs a data.frame (tbl_df) by itself,
    instead of a data.frame nested in a list. This may change how
    you access data from this function. (#163)
  • Improved docs on token usage for NCDC functions (with prefix
    ncdc_*()) (#167)
  • Added note to isd() docs that when you get an error similar to
    Error: download failed for,
    the file does not exist on NOAA's ftp servers. If your internet is down,
    you'll get a different error saying as much (#170)

rnoaa v0.6.0

30 Aug 23:49
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  • A large PR was merged with a suite of functions. Most functions added
    a prefixed with meteo_*, and are meant to find weather monitors near
    locations (meteo_nearby_stations), find all monitors within a radius
    of a location (meteo_distance), calculate the distances between a
    location and all available stations (meteo_process_geographic_data),
    calculate the distance between two locations (meteo_spherical_distance),
    pull GHCND weather data for multiple weather monitors (meteo_pull_monitors),
    create a tidy GHCND dataset from a single monitor (meteo_tidy_ghcnd),
    and determine the "coverage" for a station data frame (meteo_coverage()).
    In addition, vis_miss() added to visualize missingness in a data.frame. See
    the PR diff against master
    for all the changes. (#159) Thanks a ton to @geanders et al. (@hrbrmstr,
    @masalmon, @jdunic, @njtierney, @leighseverson, @RyanGan, @mandilin, @jferreri,
    @cpatrizio88, @Ryan-Hicks, @Ewen2015, @mgutilla, @hakessler, @rodlammers)


  • isd_stations_search() changed internal structure. We replaced
    usage of geojsonio and lawn for faster dplyr::filter for
    bbox inputs, and meteo_distance() for lat/long/radius inputs
    . This speeds up this function significantly. Thanks to @lukas-rokka
  • isd_stations_search() and isd_stations() now return
    tibble's instead of data.frame's
  • Removed cached ISD stations dataset within package to reduce
    package size. Only change is now that on first use of the function
    the user has to download the entire thing, but on subsquent
    uses it will pull from the cached version on the users machine.
    isd_stations_search() now caches using rappdirs (#161)
  • Convert all is() uses to inherits()


  • Fixed seaiceeurls() function that's used to generate urls for
    the seaice() function - due to change in NOAA urls (#160)
  • Fix to function ghncd_split_vars() to not fail on dplyr::contains
    call (#156) thanks @lawinslow !

rnoaa v0.5.6

05 May 05:00
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  • Fixes for new httr version to call encoding explicitly (#135)
  • Fix to broken link for reference to source code used in gefs functions (#121)
  • Speed ups implemented for the isd() function - it's a time consuming task
    as we have to parse a nasty string of characters line by line - more speed
    ups to come in future versions (#146)
  • Replace dplyr::rbind_all() with dplyr::bind_rows() as the former is
    being deprecated (#152)


  • Fix for isd() function - was failing on some station names that had
    leading zeros. (#136)
  • Fix for ncdc_stations() - used to allow more than one station id to
    be passed in, but internally only handled one. This is a restriction
    due to the NOAA NCDC API. Documentation now shows an example of how
    to deal with many station ids (#138)
  • Fixes to the suite of ncdc_*() functions to allow multiple inputs
    to those parameters where allowed (#139)
  • Fixed bug in ncdc_plot() due to new ggplot2 version (#153)
  • Fixed bugs in argo() functions: a) with new httr, box input of a vector
    no longer works, now manually make a character vector; b) errant file param
    being passed into the http request, removed (#155)