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First Material

Ruben de la Torre edited this page May 4, 2018 · 1 revision


To keep things organised we create a new folder in the root and name it “Materials”, this is the place where we will put all new Materials.

For our first Material we will make something Curvature based. In the ./Demo Scene/Assets/Textures/Sprite folder we find the tex_icon_curvature sprite, move it into the Scene.

Assigning Materials

Go to the Materials folder we have created before and right click on empty space and select Create→Material. Give the Material a Name, I called mine My first Material.

Every new created Material has the Standard (3D) Shader assigned by default, let's change it to NextGenSprites→Standard→Multi Lit. You can do this from the Dropdown menu on the Material Inspector:

Drag and drop the Material on the the Sprite in the Scene.

You might wonder why the Sprite became dark after assigning the new Material, the reason is that we have created a Multi Lit shader which requires Lighting in our Scene. You can fix this by either adding Directional Light or change the Shader to Unlit.

Material Creation via Widget

To be quite frankly, all this work seems kinda tedious, right? Don't worry, for this task we can use the Widget to speed up work! You can open the Widget by selecting it from the top Menu Bar:

And this is how the Widget looks like:

We have here several options but only the top row is relevant for the Material creation. As you may notice the Buttons are grayed out, this due to not having a Sprite from the Scene selected.

But with a Sprite selected, we can assign a new Material.You can choose Multi Lit, Single Lit and Unlit. These options will explained later. By default, the newly created Material will be saved at the same folder where the Sprite is stored, under the Widget settings you can choose a custom folder.

I think it's now time to take a look into the Material Inspector.

Continue → Material Inspector