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Guide Quick Start

James Rudd edited this page Apr 5, 2017 · 1 revision

Quick Start Guide

Thanks for choosing the Sports Administrator to manage your carnivals. Here is a brief quick start guide to get your carnival underway.

  1. Have a good look at the demo carnivals. Play with these a bit to familiarise yourself with the programme. Don’t be too concerned about modifying it. You can always reinstall the demo files later.
  2. On the main menu push the Setup Carnival button.
  3. Follow the steps one through eight to set up your carnival from scratch.
  4. Firstly create a new carnival. Give it a name and specify a file for the carnival to be stored in.
  5. Setup the necessary point scales. Usually there are different point scales for different events. For example grand finals usually receive more points then heats.
  6. Add the appropriate teams that will be competing in the carnival.
  7. Add the events that will be held during the carnival. It is a good idea to set up one event first making sure that is correct and then copy it to create the other events.
  8. Allocate default lanes to each team if you haven’t done so already. The Sports Administrator will automatically put competitors into these lanes when they are enrolled in an event.
  9. Set the event order. This is optional and is not usually necessary for carnivals where marshalling lists aren’t used
  10. If you are responsible for entering the competitors into the events push the enter competitors button. (The Sports Administrator also allows you to generate disks with all the events on for each team. A person for each team can then enter the competitors’ names into the events for you. This feature is usually only used for inter-school carnivals or the like).
    There are two ways of getting competitors into your carnival.
    a) The easiest way is to import all competitor details from a text file that can be generated by, say, a school administration system. The required format can be found in the help file. Push the Import Carnival Competitors from a Text File button.
    b) Alternatively you can enter each competitor manually. Push the Enter Carnival Competitors Manually button.

Lastly you must enrol competitors into events. Push the Enter Competitors into Events button, select the event to enter competitors into and start adding competitors to it. 11. The last thing to do is to generate event lists. Again this may not be necessary if you do not require marshalling sheets.

Your carnival is now ready. When competitor results start coming in push the Enter Results button on the Main Menu to begin entering them.

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