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User Story : Account Info

desiderare edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 4 revisions

Feature: Account Information

As a SNUBot user, I think my password is not safe enough I want to change my password So that my account could remain safe


  • Confirm button
  • Label : confirm
  • Action : apply changes

Acceptance test

  1. At ask page, user clicks toggle button on navigation bar.
  2. User clicks Account button to access account information page.
  3. User can see his/her own username, nickname, e-mail in default.
  4. User should type his/her current password on current password area.
  5. User type new password and new password confirmation area.
  6. User clicks Confirm button to apply user's account change.
  7. If user's current password is valid and new password doesn't have a problem, changes applied.