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User Story: sorting article at board

Seongmin Park edited this page Oct 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

Feature: sorting article at board

As a SNUBot community user
I want to sort the articles in my preferred order like, the most recommended or the latest
So that I can see the articles easily

Form Fields

  • Sorting
  • field label: sort
  • field type: drop down
  • field options: Good, Bad, New, Old
  • default value: New


  • Sort button
  • Label: Sort
  • Action: Sort the articles based on sorting field option.

Acceptance test

  1. at community boards pages(both main and sub), user can find select(drop down) form right above. default value is New .
  2. on clicking New, drop down list appears and user can choose one of them.
  3. if user choose some option, then drop-down list closes and form field changes to selected options.
  4. user clicks Sort button, page changes so that articles displayed are sorted by chosen option.
  5. if chosen option's values of each articles are the same, the newest one comes first (when sorting, first priority is user-selected and second priority is time posted)