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File metadata and controls

214 lines (140 loc) · 9 KB

v0.18 [2024-03-06]


Powerpipe is now the preferred way to run this mod! Migrating from Steampipe →

All v0.x versions of this mod will work in both Steampipe and Powerpipe, but v1.0.0 onwards will be in Powerpipe format only.


  • Focus documentation on Powerpipe commands.
  • Show how to combine Powerpipe mods with Steampipe plugins.

v0.17 [2023-11-03]

Breaking changes

  • Updated the plugin dependency section of the mod to use min_version instead of version. (#82)

Bug fixes

  • Updated the docs to include the correct links for the nsa_cisa_v1 benchmark. (#80) (Thanks @aniketh-varma for the contribution!)
  • Fixed the following queries to cast the data to boolean format. (#79)
    • cronjob_container_privilege_disabled
    • cronjob_host_network_access_disabled
    • cronjob_hostpid_hostipc_sharing_disabled
    • cronjob_immutable_container_filesystem
    • cronjob_non_root_container
    • daemonset_container_privilege_disabled
    • daemonset_host_network_access_disabled
    • daemonset_hostpid_hostipc_sharing_disabled
    • daemonset_immutable_container_filesystem
    • daemonset_non_root_container
    • deployment_container_privilege_disabled
    • deployment_host_network_access_disabled
    • deployment_hostpid_hostipc_sharing_disabled
    • deployment_immutable_container_filesystem
    • deployment_non_root_container
    • job_container_privilege_disabled
    • job_host_network_access_disabled
    • job_hostpid_hostipc_sharing_disabled
    • job_immutable_container_filesystem
    • job_non_root_container
    • pod_container_privilege_disabled
    • pod_immutable_container_filesystem
    • pod_non_root_container
    • pod_service_account_token_enabled
    • pod_template_container_privilege_disabled
    • pod_template_immutable_container_filesystem
    • replicaset_container_privilege_disabled
    • replicaset_host_network_access_disabled
    • replicaset_hostpid_hostipc_sharing_disabled
    • replicaset_immutable_container_filesystem
    • replicaset_non_root_container
    • replication_controller_container_privilege_disabled
    • replication_controller_host_network_access_disabled
    • replication_controller_hostpid_hostipc_sharing_disabled
    • replication_controller_immutable_container_filesystem
    • replication_controller_non_root_container
    • statefulset_container_privilege_disabled
    • statefulset_host_network_access_disabled
    • statefulset_hostpid_hostipc_sharing_disabled
    • statefulset_immutable_container_filesystem
    • statefulset_non_root_container

v0.16 [2023-10-04]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed queries to correctly return data for connection_name and tags dimensions instead of an error. (#73)

v0.15 [2023-10-03]

What's new?

  • Added 39 new controls for the ClusterRoleBinding, CronJob, DaemonSet, Ingress, Job, Pod resource types to the all_controls benchmark. (#68)

v0.14 [2023-09-29]

What's new?

  • Added 350+ new controls across all resource types to the all_controls benchmark. (#64)


  • Added path to default set of common_dimensions, so now any file paths will appear by default in the additional dimensions in control results. (#63)
  • Added iac category to mod definition.


  • Kubernetes plugin v0.23.0 or higher is now required.

v0.13 [2023-09-25]


  • Added 112 new controls to the All Controls benchmark for the following services: (#59)
    • CronJob
    • DaemonSet
    • Deployment
    • Job
    • Pod
    • ReplicaSet
    • ReplicationController
    • StatefulSet

v0.12 [2023-09-15]


  • Added 90 new controls to the All Controls benchmark for the following services: (#56)
    • CronJob
    • DaemonSet
    • Deployment
    • Job
    • Pod
    • ReplicaSet
    • ReplicationController
    • StatefulSet

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the role_with_wildcards_used control to correctly return data instead of an error. (#54)

v0.11 [2023-09-05]

Breaking changes

  • The Other Compliance Checks benchmark (steampipe check benchmark.other_checks) has been removed and replaced by the new All Controls benchmark (steampipe check benchmark.all_controls). This new benchmark includes 154 service-specific controls. (#47)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the namespace_* queries to use the correct common dimensions. (#49)

v0.10 [2023-06-02]


  • Kubernetes plugin v0.20.0 or higher is now required. (#41)

What's new?


  • Updated the resource column to use path and start_line for manifest resources. (#41)

v0.9 [2023-05-18]

What's new?

  • Added CIS v1.7.0 for Kubernetes v1.25 benchmark (steampipe check benchmark.cis_v170). (#35)
  • Added connection_name in the common dimensions to group and filter findings. (see var.common_dimensions) (#34)
  • Added tags as dimensions to group and filter findings. (see var.tag_dimensions) (#34)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed dashboard localhost URLs in README and index doc. (#37)

v0.8 [2023-04-13]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the structure and the order of sub-benchmarks and controls of cis_kube_v120_v100_5 benchmark based on the CIS documentation. (#30)

v0.7 [2022-11-22]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed pod_service_account_token_disabled, pod_security_policy_* and service_account_token_disabled queries to include the name of the relevant resource in the Reason column of the compliance report. (#23)

v0.6 [2022-05-09]


  • Added category, service, and type tags to benchmarks and controls. (#18)

Breaking changes

  • Updated all CIS Kubernetes v1.20 v1.0.0 filenames, benchmarks, and controls to include the Kubernetes version for future version compatibility. (#18)
  • Fixed all typos in control and query names namesapce->namespace. (#18)

v0.5 [2022-01-19]

What's new?

  • Added a new benchmark (cis_v100_5_7_2) to the CIS v1.0.0 for Kubernetes v1.20 benchmark (#13)
  • Added new controls for CronJob, ConfigMap, Ingress, Role, RoleBinding, Secret and StatefulSet resource types to CIS v1.0.0 for Kubernetes v1.20, Extra Checks and NSA CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance v1 benchmarks (#13)

v0.4 [2021-11-12]


  • docs/ file now includes the console output image

v0.3 [2021-11-10]

What's new?

  • Added: CIS v1.0.0 for Kubernetes v1.20 benchmark (steampipe check kubernetes_compliance.benchmark.cis_kubernetes_v120)
  • Added: Extra Checks benchmark (steampipe check kubernetes_compliance.benchmark.extra_checks) to provide additional information around other Kubernetes compliance best practices

v0.2 [2021-09-22]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Broken links in docs/ to mod controls and queries

v0.1 [2021-09-22]

What's new?

  • Added: NSA CISA Kubernetes Hardening Guidance v1 benchmark (steampipe check benchmark.nsa_cisa_v1)