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Art Style

Adam Collins edited this page Nov 8, 2020 · 1 revision

Player View

  • We are doing a top-down style.
  • But the view will be slightly tilted to provide a bit more depth to the world and our assets.
  • We are calling it 2.1D and it is a really good idea we came up with.
  • The player will see everything looking down at it from a 30-degree angle.

Asset Styling

Pixel Ratio

  • 100%x62.5% pixel ratio for squares (128x128 pixel square becomes 128x80)
  • 👏 1 👏 UNITY 👏 WORLD 👏 UNIT = 👏 128 👏 PIXELS

Colour Scheme

  • Pretty pastels.
  • Different colour palettes for different zones.

PRO TIP: Don’t use black or white, use colours close to it (for example sub dark brown for black).

Asset Outlines

  • 2px outside outline, 1px inside details.


> Home
> Our Team
> Milestone 1: αω plasmashark


> Merge Conflicts
> Using GitHub

> Behaviour Trees

Game Systems

> Level Progression
> Alignment
> Inventory

> Gameplay Loop
> Combat
> Quests
> Items
> Dialogue

Content Design

> Art Style
> Thematic Decisions
> UI

Music + Sound
> Inspiration Board

> Prologue

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