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lilmergo edited this page Dec 24, 2020 · 5 revisions

The dialogue system is a key part of the player's interactions with other characters in the game, and plays a big part in helping our player find and navigate their quest.

Side conversations

Non-quest related conversations will be displayed as text bubble pop-ups that floats above NPCs, the player can click on these text bubbles to progress through the dialogue

Important conversations

Quest related conversations or ones related to the main storyline will be displayed as a dialogue box at the bottom of the screen, the player can click on this box to progress through the dialogue.

Voice acting

If there is enough time and resources, the dialogue will also include voice acting. We would have to find a way to standardize these recordings. For now, phone recordings in a closed closet seems to work (note: all the quacks should also be recorded)

Dialogue choices

Dialogue choices for both side and important conversations will affect the player's alignment.


> Home
> Our Team
> Milestone 1: αω plasmashark


> Merge Conflicts
> Using GitHub

> Behaviour Trees

Game Systems

> Level Progression
> Alignment
> Inventory

> Gameplay Loop
> Combat
> Quests
> Items
> Dialogue

Content Design

> Art Style
> Thematic Decisions
> UI

Music + Sound
> Inspiration Board

> Prologue

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