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Body scanned event

Tkael edited this page Nov 25, 2022 · 15 revisions

Triggered when you complete a scan of a planetary body.

Where values are indexed (the compartments on a ship for example), the index will be represented by '<index>'. For VoiceAttack, a variable with the root name of the indexed array shall identify the total number of entries in the array. For example, if compartments 1 and 2 are available then the value of the corresponding 'compartments' variable will be 2.

When using this event in the Speech responder the information about this event is available under the event object. The available variables are as follows:

  • {event.alreadydiscovered} - Whether this body's scan data has already been registered with Universal Cartographics

  • {event.alreadymapped} - Whether this body's map data has already been registered with Universal Cartographics

  • {event.atmosphere} - The atmosphere of the body that has been scanned (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.atmospherecompositions} - The composition of the atmosphere of the body that has been scanned (array of objects) (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.atmospherecompositions[<index>].composition}

  • {event.atmospherecompositions[<index>].invariantName}

  • {event.atmospherecompositions[<index>].name}

  • {event.atmospherecompositions[<index>].percent}

  • {event.bodyname} - The name of the body that has been scanned

  • {event.bodytype} - The body type of the body that has been scanned (e.g. 'Planet', 'Moon', 'Star' etc.)

  • {event.density} - The average density of the body, in kg per cubic meter

  • {event.densityprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's density, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.distance} - The distance in LS from the main star

  • {event.earthmass} - The mass of the body that has been scanned, relative to Earth's mass

  • {event.eccentricity} - The orbital eccentricity of the body

  • {event.eccentricityprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's orbital eccentricity, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.estimatedvalue} - The estimated value of the current scan

  • {event.gravity} - The surface gravity of the body that has been scanned, relative to Earth's gravity

  • {event.gravityprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's gravity, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.inclination} - The orbital inclination of the body, in degrees

  • {event.inclinationprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's orbital inclination, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.landable} - True if the body is landable (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.massprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's mass, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.materials} - A list of materials present on the body that has been scanned

  • {event.materials[<index>].category}

  • {event.materials[<index>].name}

  • {event.materials[<index>].percentage}

  • {event.materials[<index>].rarity}

  • {event.orbitalperiod} - The number of days taken for a full orbit of the main star

  • {event.orbitalperiodprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's orbital period, relative to other bodies of the same planettype

  • {event.periapsis} - The argument of periapsis of the body, in degrees

  • {event.periapsisprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's argument of periapsis, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.planettype} - The type of body that has been scanned (High metal content body etc)

  • {event.pressure} - The surface pressure of the body that has been scanned, in Earth atmospheres (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.pressureprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's atmospheric pressure, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.radius} - The radius of the body that has been scanned, in kilometres

  • {event.radiusprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's radius, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.reserves} - The level of reserves in the rings if applicable (Pristine/Major/Common/Low/Depleted)

  • {event.rings} - A list of the body's rings (as ring objects)

  • {event.rings[<index>].composition}

  • {event.rings[<index>].hotspots}

  • {event.rings[<index>].hotspots[<index>].amount}

  • {event.rings[<index>].hotspots[<index>].commodity}

  • {event.rings[<index>].innerradius}

  • {event.rings[<index>].mapped}

  • {event.rings[<index>].mass}

  • {event.rings[<index>].name}

  • {event.rings[<index>].outerradius}

  • {event.rotationalperiod} - The number of days taken for a full rotation

  • {event.rotationalperiodprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's rotational period, relative to other bodies of the same planettype

  • {event.scantype} - The type of scan event (AutoScan, Basic, Detailed, NavBeacon, NavBeaconDetail)

  • {event.semimajoraxis} - The semi major axis of the body's orbit, in light seconds

  • {event.semimajoraxisprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's semi-major axis, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.shortname} - The short name of the body, less the system name

  • {event.solidcompositions} - The composition of the body's solids that has been scanned (array of objects) (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.solidcompositions[<index>].composition}

  • {event.solidcompositions[<index>].invariantName}

  • {event.solidcompositions[<index>].name}

  • {event.solidcompositions[<index>].percent}

  • {event.systemname} - The name of the system containing the scanned body

  • {event.temperature} - The surface temperature of the body that has been scanned, in Kelvin (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.tempprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's temperature, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.terraformstate} - Whether the body can be, is in the process of, or has been terraformed (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.tidallylocked} - True if the body is tidally locked (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.tilt} - Axial tilt for the body, in degrees (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.tiltprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's orbital tilt, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {event.volcanism} - The volcanism of the body that has been scanned (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {event.volcanism.amount}

  • {event.volcanism.composition}

  • {event.volcanism.type}

To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI body scanned)). VoiceAttack variables will be generated to allow you to access the event information.

The following VoiceAttack variables are available for this event:

  • {BOOL:EDDI body scanned alreadydiscovered} - Whether this body's scan data has already been registered with Universal Cartographics

  • {BOOL:EDDI body scanned alreadymapped} - Whether this body's map data has already been registered with Universal Cartographics

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned atmosphere} - The atmosphere of the body that has been scanned (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {INT:EDDI body scanned atmospherecompositions} - The composition of the atmosphere of the body that has been scanned (array of objects) (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned atmospherecompositions <index> composition}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned atmospherecompositions <index> invariant name}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned atmospherecompositions <index> name}

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned atmospherecompositions <index> percent}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned bodyname} - The name of the body that has been scanned

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned bodytype} - The body type of the body that has been scanned (e.g. 'Planet', 'Moon', 'Star' etc.)

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned density} - The average density of the body, in kg per cubic meter

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned densityprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's density, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned distance} - The distance in LS from the main star

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned earthmass} - The mass of the body that has been scanned, relative to Earth's mass

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned eccentricity} - The orbital eccentricity of the body

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned eccentricityprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's orbital eccentricity, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned estimatedvalue} - The estimated value of the current scan

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned gravity} - The surface gravity of the body that has been scanned, relative to Earth's gravity

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned gravityprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's gravity, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned inclination} - The orbital inclination of the body, in degrees

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned inclinationprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's orbital inclination, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {BOOL:EDDI body scanned landable} - True if the body is landable (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned massprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's mass, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {INT:EDDI body scanned materials} - A list of materials present on the body that has been scanned

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned materials <index> category}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned materials <index> name}

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned materials <index> percentage}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned materials <index> rarity}

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned orbitalperiod} - The number of days taken for a full orbit of the main star

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned orbitalperiodprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's orbital period, relative to other bodies of the same planettype

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned periapsis} - The argument of periapsis of the body, in degrees

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned periapsisprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's argument of periapsis, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned planettype} - The type of body that has been scanned (High metal content body etc)

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned pressure} - The surface pressure of the body that has been scanned, in Earth atmospheres (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned pressureprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's atmospheric pressure, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned radius} - The radius of the body that has been scanned, in kilometres

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned radiusprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's radius, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned reserves} - The level of reserves in the rings if applicable (Pristine/Major/Common/Low/Depleted)

  • {INT:EDDI body scanned rings} - A list of the body's rings (as ring objects)

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned rings <index> composition}

  • {INT:EDDI body scanned rings <index> hotspots}

  • {INT:EDDI body scanned rings <index> hotspots <index> amount}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned rings <index> hotspots <index> commodity}

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned rings <index> innerradius}

  • {DATE:EDDI body scanned rings <index> mapped}

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned rings <index> mass}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned rings <index> name}

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned rings <index> outerradius}

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned rotationalperiod} - The number of days taken for a full rotation

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned rotationalperiodprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's rotational period, relative to other bodies of the same planettype

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned scantype} - The type of scan event (AutoScan, Basic, Detailed, NavBeacon, NavBeaconDetail)

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned semimajoraxis} - The semi major axis of the body's orbit, in light seconds

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned semimajoraxisprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's semi-major axis, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned shortname} - The short name of the body, less the system name

  • {INT:EDDI body scanned solidcompositions} - The composition of the body's solids that has been scanned (array of objects) (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned solidcompositions <index> composition}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned solidcompositions <index> invariant name}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned solidcompositions <index> name}

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned solidcompositions <index> percent}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned systemname} - The name of the system containing the scanned body

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned temperature} - The surface temperature of the body that has been scanned, in Kelvin (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned tempprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's temperature, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned terraformstate} - Whether the body can be, is in the process of, or has been terraformed (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {BOOL:EDDI body scanned tidallylocked} - True if the body is tidally locked (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned tilt} - Axial tilt for the body, in degrees (only available if DSS equipped)

  • {DEC:EDDI body scanned tiltprobability} - The cumulative probability describing the body's orbital tilt, relative to other bodies of the same planet type

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned volcanism amount}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned volcanism composition}

  • {TXT:EDDI body scanned volcanism type}

For more details on VoiceAttack integration, see

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