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Working with Drupal Rules

Melissa Anez edited this page May 26, 2016 · 1 revision

The Drupal Rules Module provides support for a Drupal site to react to actions taken by users or processes. This can be used in a variety of ways, but one of the most common use cases for Rules is the maintenance of site-wide workflows; e.g., handing off items and notifying relevant users when particular actions are taken.

Several Islandora modules include Rules implementations, including a core implementation that can react to Fedora objects and datastreams being created, manipulated or purged. This document will attempt to cover any Islandora modules that implement rules, and explain what is available to reactions that include them.

The Rules administration page can be found at the menu path admin/config/workflow/rules. Note that this menu path does not appear unless the Rules UI module is enabled; the Rules API functions on its own without the UI enabled.

Table of Contents

Common Terms

Event Triggers


Islandora Batch Report

Islandora Book Batch

Islandora IP Embargo

Islandora Scholar Embargo





Islandora DOMXpath

Islandora Scholar Embargo

Islandora XACML API

Islandora-Unique Data Selector Types






Common Terms

  • Data Selector: a placeholder for a value that was loaded from something. Data selectors can have properties and subproperties. These values, properties and subproperties represented by the data selector can then be used to populate fields in other parts of a rule.
  • List: A special type of data selector property that contains multiple values.
  • Machine Name: The name of something used internally by the Rules API to distinguish it from other things. These names are used in exported rules JSON and can be used to construct a rules definition by hand.

Event Triggers

Event triggers define what a rule will react to. Often, event triggers will also provide data selectors that can then be used to either filter the scope of the reaction or take action as a result of the trigger. The following modules implement Rules reactions:


Rule Name Machine Name Data Selectors (Type)
Object Ingested islandora_object_ingested object (islandora_object)
Object Modified islandora_object_modified object (islandora_object)
Object Purged islandora_object_purged object (text - the PID of the object)
Datastream Ingested islandora_datastream_ingested object (islandora_object), datastream (islandora_datastream)
Datastream Modified islandora_datastream_modified object (islandora_object), datastream (islandora_datastream)
Datastream Purged islandora_datastream_purged object (islandora_object), datastream (text - the DSID)

Islandora Batch Report (part of Islandora Batch)

Rule Name Machine Name Data Selectors (Type)
Prepare Daily Report islandora_batch_report_prepare_daily_report report_date_timestamp (date), successful_object_total (text), failed_object_total (text), successful_set_total (text), failed_set_total (text), content_model_successful_ingest_breakdown (text), ready_to_process_sets (text), ready_to_process_objects (text)

Islandora Book Batch

Rule Name Machine Name Data Selectors (Type)
Book Ingested islandora_book_batch_ingested book_object (islandora_object)

Islandora IP Embargo

Rule Name Machine Name Data Selectors (Type)
Embargo to be lifted islandora_ip_embargo_embargo_to_be_lifted embargoed_object (islandora_object)

Islandora Scholar Embargo

Rule Name Machine Name Data Selectors (Type)
Datastream Embargo Expired islandora_scholar_datastream_embargo_expired object (islandora_object), datastream (islandora_datastream)
Datastream Embargo Expiry Approaching islandora_scholar_datastream_embargo_expiring object (islandora_object), datastream (islandora_datastream)
Datastream Embargo Expiry Lifted islandora_scholar_datastream_embargo_lifted object (islandora_object), datastream (islandora_datastream)
Datastreams Embargo Expired islandora_scholar_datastreams_embargo_expired object (islandora_object), datastreams (list:text - the DSIDs of the expired datastreams)
Object Embargo Expired islandora_scholar_object_embargo_expired object (islandora_object)
Object Embargo Expiry Approaching islandora_scholar_object_embargo_expiring object (islandora_object)
Object Embargo Lifted islandora_scholar_object_embargo_lifted object (islandora_object)


Conditions allow the scope of rules to be filtered from either site-wide variables or from variables that are provided by data selectors. Much filtering can be done using conditions under the Data group, such as comparing text or counting the number of things in a list. However, the following custom conditions are available:


Name Machine Name Required Variables (Type)
Check for an XPath match in an XML datastream islandora_rules_datastream_has_xpath object (islandora_object), datastream_id (text), xpath (text), xpath_namespaces (taxonomy_vocabulary)
Check object for a relationship islandora_object_has_relationship subject (islandora_object), pred_uri (text), pred (text), object (text), type (integer describing the object type, where 0 is a URI and 1 is a plain literal)
Check object for existence of a datastream islandora_object_has_datastream object (islandora_object), datastream_id (text)


Actions are taken when an event is triggered. They execute in order, and can be weighted to change variables and pass them on to other objects.

Some actions of note that aren't provided specifically by Islandora modules are:

  • Add a variable - allows you to add variables of different types to the list of available data selectors for future actions, including data selector types provided by Islandora modules.
  • Calculate a value - especially good for manipulating dates
  • Send account e-mail - useful for constructing workflows, e.g., by pulling the owner of an object or an email-address from an XML datastream


Name Machine Name Variables (Type) Provides Data Selector (Type)
Add a relationship to an object islandora_object_add_relationship subject (islandora_object), pred_uri (text), pred (text), object (text), type (integer describing the object type, where 0 is a URI and 1 is a plain literal) N/A
Load a datastream from an object islandora_rules_datastream_load object (islandora_object), datastream_id (text) datastream (islandora_datastream)
Remove a relationship from an object islandora_object_remove_relationship subject (islandora_object), pred_uri (text), pred (text), object (text), type (integer describing the object type, where 0 is a URI and 1 is a plain literal) N/A
Set value in elements matched by an XPath in an XML datastream islandora_rules_datastream_set_xpath object (islandora_object), datastream_id (text), xpath (text), xpath_namespaces (taxonomy_vocabulary), value (text - the value to set) N/A

Islandora DOMXpath (provided by Islandora)

Name Machine Name Variables (Type) Provides Data Selector (Type)
Load a DOMXpath for a given XML islandora_rules_datastream_load_domxpath datastream (text - the XML) islandora_domxpath (islandora_domxpath)
Load a DOMXpath from a datastream islandora_rules_datastream_load_xpath datastream (islandora_datastream - containing XML) islandora_domxpath (islandora_domxpath)
Query nodes from DOMXpath instance islandora_rules_datastream_query_xpath xpath (islandora_domxpath), query (text), context_node (islandora_domnode; optional) nodes (list:islandora_domnode)
Register namespaces on a DOMXpath instance islandora_rules_datastream_load_namespace_vocab value (islandora_domxpath), xpath_namespaces (taxonomy_vocabulary)

Islandora Scholar Embargo

Name Machine Name Variables (Type) Provides Data Selector (Type)
Lift an Embargo islandora_scholar_embargo_lift_embargo object (islandora_object), datastream (islandora_datastream or list:text of DSIDS; optional)

Islandora XACML API

Name Machine Name Variables (Type) Provides Data Selector (Type)
Load the XACML "POLICY" stream from the given object islandora_xacml_api_rules_load object (islandora_object) xacml (islandora_xacml)
Save a loaded policy back to its object islandora_xacml_api_rules_save xacml (islandora_xacml)

Islandora-Unique Data Selector Types

Rules uses the format selector:property:subproperty when being notated.

Any other types one may encounter when creating rules are inherited from other modules, and those modules' documentation should be consulted to determine how their data selector types work.

Note that some data selectors provide lists that have multiple accessible data.


Name Description
object The Fedora object in question.
object:id The object PID.
object:label The label of the object.
object:owner The owner of the object.
object:state The object state.
object:models The object's list of content models.
object:models:n A selected content model, where 'n' is the index of the content model in the object's models array.
object:createdDate The createdDate of the object.


Name Description
datastream The datastream in question.
datastream:id The datastream DSID.
datastream:state The datastream state initial.
datastream:label The label of the datastream.
datastream:mimetype The datastream's mime type.
datastream:parent The parent object to which this datastream belongs. This value represents an islandora_object data selector, and can be used as such.
datastream:content The content of the datastream.


Name Description
islandora_domxpath The loaded DOMXPath object.
islandora_domxpath:content The XML representation of the object.


Name Description
islandora_domnode A list of XML nodes found from a query.
islandora_domnode:n The nth XML node found from a query.

islandora_xacml (provided by Islandora XACML API)

Name Description
xacml The loaded XACML policy.
xacml:manage The XACML 'Manage' rules.
xacml:manage:users A list of users the 'Manage' rules apply to.
xacml:manage:users:x The user x from the 'Manage' users list.
xacml:manage:roles A list of roles the 'Manage' rules apply to.
xacml:manage:roles:x The role x from the 'Manage' roles list.
xacml:view The XACML 'View' rules.
xacml:view:users A list of users the 'View' rules apply to.
xacml:view:users:x The user x from the 'View' users list.
xacml:view:roles A list of roles the 'View' rules apply to.
xacml:view:roles:x The role x from the 'View' roles list.
xacml:datastream The XACML 'Datastream' rules.
xacml:datastream:users A list of users the 'Datastream' rules apply to.
xacml:datastream:users:x The user x from the 'Datastream' users list.
xacml:datastream:roles A list of roles the 'Datastream' rules apply to.
xacml:datastream:roles:x The role x from the 'Datastream' roles list.
xacml:datastream:mimes A list of mime types applied to datastream rules.
xacml:datastream:mimes:x Mime type x from the list of datastream mime types.
xacml:datastream:mimeregexs A list of mime type regexes applied to datastream rules.
xacml:datastream:mimeregexs:x The mime type regex x from the list of mime type regexes.
xacml:datastream:dsids A list of DSIDs applied to datastream rules.
xacml:datastream:dsids:x DSID x from the list of datastream DSIDs.
xacml:datastream:dsidregexs A list of DSID regexes applied to datastream rules.
xacml:datastream:dsidregexs:x The DSID regex x from the list of DSID regexes.

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