Please feel free to pull requests for the unlisted open-source papers.
Title | FirstAuthor | Code |
3D Arterial Segmentation via Single 2D Projections and Depth Supervision in Contrast-Enhanced CT Images | Alina F. Dima | code |
3D Dental Mesh Segmentation Using Semantics-Based Feature Learning with Graph-Transformer | Fan Duan | code |
3D Medical Image Segmentation with Sparse Annotation via Cross-Teaching between 3D and 2D Networks | Heng Cai | code |
3D Mitochondria Instance Segmentation with Spatio-Temporal Transformers | Omkar Thawakar | code |
A denoised Mean Teacher for domain adaptive point cloud registration | Alexander Bigalke | code |
A flexible framework for simulating and evaluating biases in deep learning-based medical image analysis | Emma A.M. Stanley | code |
A Model-Agnostic Framework for Universal Anomaly Detection of Multi-Organ and Multi-Modal Images | Yinghao Zhang | code |
A Motion Transformer for Single Particle Tracking in Fluorescence Microscopy Images | Yudong Zhang | code |
A Multi-Task Method for Immunofixation Electrophoresis Image Classification | Yi Shi | code |
A Multi-Task Network for Anatomy Identification in Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery | Adrito Das | code |
A Patient-Specific Self-supervised Model for Automatic X-ray/CT Registration | Baochang Zhang | code |
A Privacy-Preserving Walk in the Latent Space of Generative Models for Medical Applications | Matteo Pennisi | code |
A Reliable and Interpretable Framework of Multi-view Learning for Liver Fibrosis Staging | Zheyao Gao | code |
A Sheaf Theoretic Perspective for Robust Prostate Segmentation | Ainkaran Santhirasekaram | code |
A Spatial-Temporal Deformable Attention based Framework for Breast Lesion Detection in Videos | Chao Qin | code |
A Transfer Learning Approach to Localise a Deep Brain Stimulation Target | Ying-Qiu Zheng | code |
A Video-based End-to-end Pipeline for Non-nutritive Sucking Action Recognition and Segmentation in Young Infants | Shaotong Zhu | code |
A2FSeg: Adaptive Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Medical Image Segmentation | Zirui Wang | code |
ACC-UNet: A Completely Convolutional UNet model for the 2020s | Nabil Ibtehaz | code |
Accurate multi-contrast MRI super-resolution via a dual cross-attention transformer network | Shoujin Huang | code |
ACTION++: Improving Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation with Adaptive Anatomical Contrast | Chenyu You | code |
Adapter Learning in Pretrained Feature Extractor for Continual Learning of Diseases | Wentao Zhang | code |
Adaptive Multi-scale Online Likelihood Network for AI-assisted Interactive Segmentation | Muhammad Asad | code |
Adaptive Region Selection for Active Learning in Whole Slide Image Semantic Segmentation | Jingna Qiu | code |
Adaptive Supervised PatchNCE Loss for Learning H&E-to-IHC Stain Translation with Inconsistent Groundtruth Image Pairs | Fangda Li | code |
Adjustable Robust Transformer for High Myopia Screening in Optical Coherence Tomography | Xiao Ma | code |
Adult-like Phase and Multi-scale Assistance for Isointense Infant Brain Tissue Segmentation | Jiameng Liu | code |
AirwayFormer: Structure-Aware Boundary-Adaptive Transformers for Airway Anatomical Labeling | Weihao Yu | code |
Alias-Free Co-Modulated Network for Cross-Modality Synthesis and Super-Resolution of MR Images | Zhiyun Song | code |
ALL-IN: A Local GLobal Graph-based DIstillatioN Model for Representation Learning of Gigapixel Histopathology Images With Application In Cancer Risk Assessment | Puria Azadi | code |
AME-CAM: Attentive Multiple-Exit CAM for Weakly Supervised Segmentation on MRI Brain Tumor | Yu-Jen Chen | code |
An AI-Ready Multiplex Staining Dataset for Reproducible and Accurate Characterization of Tumor Immune Microenvironment | Parmida Ghahremani | code |
An Anti-Biased TBSRTC-Category Aware Nuclei Segmentation Framework with A Multi-Label Thyroid Cytology Benchmark | Junchao Zhu | code |
An automated pipeline for quantitative T2* fetal body MRI and segmentation at low field | Kelly Payette | code |
An Explainable Deep Framework: Towards Task-Specific Fusion for Multi-to-One MRI Synthesis | Luyi Han | code |
An Explainable Geometric-Weighted Graph Attention Network for Identifying Functional Networks Associated with Gait Impairment | Favour Nerrise | code |
An Unsupervised Multispectral Image Registration Network for Skin Diseases | Songhui Diao | code |
Anatomical Landmark Detection Using a Multiresolution Learning Approach with a Hybrid Transformer-CNN Model | Thanaporn Viriyasaranon | code |
Anatomy-Driven Pathology Detection on Chest X-rays | Philip M¨¹ller | code |
Anatomy-informed Data Augmentation for Enhanced Prostate Cancer Detection | Balint Kovacs | code |
Aneurysm Pose Estimation with Deep Learning | Youssef Assis | code |
AngioMoCo: Learning-based Motion Correction in Cerebral Digital Subtraction Angiography | Ruisheng Su | code |
Annotator Consensus Prediction for Medical Image Segmentation with Diffusion Models | Tomer Amit | code |
Ariadne¡®s Thread: Using Text Prompts to Improve Segmentation of Infected Areas from Chest X-ray images | Yi Zhong | code |
ArSDM: Colonoscopy Images Synthesis with Adaptive Refinement Semantic Diffusion Models | Yuhao Du | code |
Artifact Restoration in Histology Images with Diffusion Probabilistic Models | Zhenqi He | code |
ASCON: Anatomy-aware Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Low-dose CT Denoising | Zhihao Chen | code |
Asymmetric Contour Uncertainty Estimation for Medical Image Segmentation | Thierry Judge | code |
Attentive Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease using Multimodal Imaging Genetics | Rong Zhou | code |
atTRACTive: Semi-automatic white matter tract segmentation using active learning | Robin Peretzke | code |
Automatic Bleeding Risk Rating System of Gastric Varices | Yicheng Jiang | code |
Automatic Retrieval of Corresponding US Views in Longitudinal Examinations | Hamideh Kerdegari | code |
Automatic Segmentation of Internal Tooth Structure from CBCT Images using Hierarchical Deep Learning | SaeHyun Kim | code |
BerDiff: Conditional Bernoulli Diffusion Model for Medical Image Segmentation | Tao Chen | code |
Beyond the Snapshot: Brain Tokenized Graph Transformer for Longitudinal Brain Functional Connectome Embedding | Zijian Dong | code |
Bidirectional Mapping with Contrastive Learning on Multimodal Neuroimaging Data | Kai Ye | code |
Boosting Breast Ultrasound Video Classification by the Guidance of Keyframe Feature Centers | Anlan Sun | code |
Boundary Difference Over Union Loss For Medical Image Segmentation | Fan Sun | code |
Boundary-weighted logit consistency improves calibration of segmentation networks | Neerav Karani | code |
Brain Anatomy-Guided MRI Analysis for Assessing Clinical Progression of Cognitive Impairment with Structural MRI | Lintao Zhang | code |
BrainUSL: Unsupervised Graph Structure Learning for Functional Brain Network Analysis | Pengshuai Zhang | code |
Bridging ex-vivo training and intra-operative deployment for surgical margin assessment with Evidential Graph Transformer | Amoon Jamzad | code |
Can point cloud networks learn statistical shape models of anatomies? | Jadie Adams | code |
CARL: Cross-aligned Representation Learning for Multi-view Lung Cancer Histology Classification | Yin Luo | code |
CAS-Net: Cross-view Aligned Segmentation by Graph Representation of Knees | Zixu Zhuang | code |
CAT-ViL: Co-Attention Gated Vision-Language Embedding for Visual Question Localized-Answering in Robotic Surgery | Long Bai | code |
CDiffMR: Can We Replace the Gaussian Noise with K-Space Undersampling for Fast MRI? | Jiahao Huang | code |
CellGAN: Conditional Cervical Cell Synthesis for Augmenting Cytopathological Image Classification | Zhenrong Shen | code |
Centroid-aware feature recalibration for cancer grading in pathology images | Jaeung Lee | code |
Certification of Deep Learning Models for Medical Image Segmentation | Othmane Laousy | code |
Chest X-ray Image Classification: A Causal Perspective | Weizhi Nie | code |
CheXstray: A Real-Time Multi-Modal Monitoring Workflow for Medical Imaging AI | Jameson Merkow | code |
CircleFormer: Circular Nuclei Detection in Whole Slide Images with Circle Queries and Attention | Hengxu Zhang | code |
CL-ADDA: Contrastive Learning with Amplitude-Driven Data Augmentation for fMRI-Based Individualized Predictions | Jiangcong Liu | code |
Class-Aware Feature Alignment for Domain Adaptative Mitochondria Segmentation | Dan Yin | code |
Client-Level Differential Privacy via Adaptive Intermediary in Federated Medical Imaging | Meirui Jiang | code |
CoactSeg: Learning from Heterogeneous Data for New Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation | Yicheng Wu | code |
Co-assistant Networks for Label Correction | Xuan Chen | code |
CoLa-Diff: Conditional Latent Diffusion Model for Multi-Modal MRI Synthesis | Lan Jiang | code |
Co-Learning Semantic-aware Unsupervised Segmentation for Pathological Image Registration | Yang Liu | code |
Collaborative modality generation and tissue segmentation for early-developing macaque brain MR images | Xueyang Wu | code |
COLosSAL: A Benchmark for Cold-start Active Learning for 3D Medical Image Segmentation | Han Liu | code |
Combat Long-tails in Medical Classification with Relation-aware Consistency and Virtual Features Compensation | Li Pan | code |
Combating Medical Label Noise via Robust Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning | Bingzhi Chen | code |
Community-Aware Transformer for Autism Prediction in fMRI Connectome | Anushree Bannadabhavi | code |
Conditional Diffusion Models for Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation | Xinrong Hu | code |
Conditional Temporal Attention Networks for Neonatal Cortical Surface Reconstruction | Qiang Ma | code |
Consistency-guided Meta-Learning for Bootstrapping Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation | Qingyue Wei | code |
Context-Aware Pseudo-Label Refinement for Source-Free Domain Adaptive Fundus Image Segmentation | Zheang Huai | code |
Contrastive Diffusion Model with Auxiliary Guidance for Coarse-to-Fine PET Reconstruction | Zeyu Han | code |
Contrastive Feature Decoupling for Weakly-supervised Disease Detection | Jhih-Ciang Wu | code |
Contrastive Masked Image-Text Modeling for Medical Visual Representation Learning | Cheng Chen | code |
ConvFormer: Plug-and-Play CNN-Style Transformers for Improving Medical Image Segmentation | Xian Lin | code |
cOOpD: Reformulating COPD classification on chest CT scans as anomaly detection using contrastive representations | Silvia D. Almeida | code |
Correlation-Aware Mutual Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation | Shengbo Gao | code |
CorSegRec: A Topology-Preserving Scheme for Extracting Fully-Connected Coronary Arteries from CT Angiography | Yuehui Qiu | code |
CortexMorph: fast cortical thickness estimation via diffeomorphic registration using VoxelMorph | Richard McKinley | code |
COVID-19 Pneumonia Classification with Transformer from Incomplete Modalities | Eduard Lloret Carbonell | code |
Cross-adversarial local distribution regularization for semi-supervised medical image segmentation | Thanh Nguyen-Duc | code |
Cross-Dataset Adaptation for Instrument Classification in Cataract Surgery Videos | Jay N. Paranjape | code |
Cross-modulated Few-shot Image Generation for Colorectal Tissue Classification | Amandeep Kumar | code |
CT Kernel Conversion Using Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation with Generator-Guided Contrastive Learning | Changyong Choi | code |
CTFlow: Mitigating Effects of Computed Tomography Acquisition and Reconstruction with Normalizing Flows | Leihao Wei | code |
CXR-CLIP: Toward Large Scale Chest X-ray Language-Image Pre-training | Kihyun You | code |
CycleSTTN: A Learning-Based Temporal Model for Specular Augmentation in Endoscopy | Rema Daher | code |
DARC: Distribution-Aware Re-Coloring Model for Generalizable Nucleus Segmentation | Shengcong Chen | code |
DAS-MIL: Distilling Across Scales for MIL Classification of Histological WSIs | Gianpaolo Bontempo | code |
Data AUDIT: Identifying Attribute Utility- and Detectability-Induced Bias in Task Models | Mitchell Pavlak | code |
DBTrans: A Dual-Branch Vision Transformer for Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation | Xinyi Zeng | code |
Decoupled Consistency for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation | Faquan Chen | code |
DeDA: Deep Directed Accumulator | Hang Zhang | code |
Deep Homography Prediction for Endoscopic Camera Motion Imitation Learning | Martin Huber | code |
Deep Learning for Tumor-associated Stroma Identification in Prostate Histopathology Slides | Zichen Wang | code |
Deep Learning-based Anonymization of Chest Radiographs: A Utility-preserving Measure for Patient Privacy | Kai Packh?user | code |
Deep Mutual Distillation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation | Yushan Xie | code |
Deep unsupervised clustering for conditional identification of subgroups within a digital pathology image set | Mariia Sidulova | code |
DeepGraphDMD: Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Decomposition of Non-linear Functional Brain Network Dynamics | Md Asadullah Turja | code |
DeepSOZ: A Robust Deep Model for Joint Temporal and Spatial Seizure Onset Localization from Multichannel EEG Data | Deeksha M. Shama | code |
Democratizing Pathological Image Segmentation with Lay Annotators via Molecular-empowered Learning | Ruining Deng | code |
Deployment of Image Analysis Algorithms under Prevalence Shifts | Patrick Godau | code |
Detecting the Sensing Area of A Laparoscopic Probe in Minimally Invasive Cancer Surgery | Baoru Huang | code |
Detection-free Pipeline for Cervical Cancer Screening of Whole Slide Images | Maosong Cao | code |
Developing Large Pre-trained Model for Breast Tumor Segmentation from Ultrasound Images | Meiyu Li | code |
Development and Fast Transferring of General Connectivity-based Diagnosis Model to New Brain Disorders with Adaptive Graph Meta-learner | Yuxiao Liu | code |
Devil is in Channels: Contrastive Single Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation | Shishuai Hu | code |
DHC: Dual-debiased Heterogeneous Co-training Framework for Class-imbalanced Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation | Haonan Wang | code |
Dice Semimetric Losses: Optimizing the Dice Score with Soft Labels | Zifu Wang | code |
DiffDP: Radiotherapy Dose Prediction via a Diffusion Model | Zhenghao Feng | code |
Differentiable Beamforming for Ultrasound Autofocusing | Walter Simson | code |
DiffMIC: Dual-Guidance Diffusion Network for Medical Image Classification | Yijun Yang | code |
DiffMix: Diffusion Model-based Data Synthesis for Nuclei Segmentation and Classification in Imbalanced Pathology Image Datasets | Hyun-Jic Oh | code |
DiffULD: Diffusive Universal Lesion Detection | Peiang Zhao | code |
Diffusion Kinetic Model for Breast Cancer Segmentation in Incomplete DCE-MRI | Tianxu Lv | code |
Diffusion-Based Hierarchical Multi-Label Object Detection to Analyze Panoramic Dental X-rays | Ibrahim Ethem Hamamci | code |
DISA: DIfferentiable Similarity Approximation for Universal Multimodal Registration | Matteo Ronchetti | code |
DisAsymNet: Disentanglement of Asymmetrical Abnormality on Bilateral Mammograms using Self-adversarial Learning | Xin Wang | code |
DisC-Diff: Disentangled Conditional Diffusion Model for Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution | Ye Mao | code |
Distilling BlackBox to Interpretable models for Efficient Transfer Learning | Shantanu Ghosh | code |
Distributionally Robust Image Classifiers for Stroke Diagnosis in Accelerated MRI | Boran Hao | code |
DMCVR: Morphology-Guided Diffusion Model for 3D Cardiac Volume Reconstruction | Xiaoxiao He | code |
Do we really need that skip-connection? Understanding its interplay with task complexity | Amith Kamath | code |
Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation using Transformation-Invariant Self-Training | Negin Ghamsarian | code |
Domain-agnostic segmentation of thalamic nuclei from joint structural and diffusion MRI | Henry F. J. Tregidgo | code |
Dose Guidance for Radiotherapy-oriented Deep Learning Segmentation | Elias R¨¹fenacht | code |
DRMC: A Generalist Model with Dynamic Routing for Multi-Center PET Image Synthesis | Zhiwen Yang | code |
Dual Arbitrary Scale Super-Resolution for Multi-Contrast MRI | Jiamiao Zhang | code |
Dual Conditioned Diffusion Models for Out-Of-Distribution Detection: Application to Fetal Ultrasound Videos | Divyanshu Mishra | code |
Dual Domain Motion Artifacts Correction for MR Imaging Under Guidance of K-space Uncertainty | Jiazhen Wang | code |
Dynamic Curriculum Learning via In-Domain Uncertainty for Medical Image Classification | Chaoyi Li | code |
Dynamic Graph Neural Representation Based Multi-modal Fusion Model for Cognitive Outcome Prediction in Stroke Cases | Shuting Liu | code |
Dynamic Structural Brain Network Construction by Hierarchical Prototype Embedding GCN using T1-MRI | Yilin Leng | code |
EchoGLAD: Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks for Left Ventricle Landmark Detection on Echocardiograms | Masoud Mokhtari | code |
ECL: Class-Enhancement Contrastive Learning for Long-tailed Skin Lesion Classification | Yilan Zhang | code |
EdgeAL: An Edge Estimation Based Active Learning Approach for OCT Segmentation | Md Abdul Kadir | code |
EdgeMixup: Embarrassingly Simple Data Alteration to Improve Lyme Disease Lesion Segmentation and Diagnosis Fairness | Haolin Yuan | code |
Efficient Subclass Segmentation in Medical Images | Linrui Dai | code |
EGE-UNet: an Efficient Group Enhanced UNet for skin lesion segmentation | Jiacheng Ruan | code |
Enabling Geometry Aware Learning Through Differentiable Epipolar View Translation | Maximilian Rohleder | code |
Encoding Surgical Videos as Latent Spatiotemporal Graphs for Object and Anatomy-Driven Reasoning | Aditya Murali | code |
EndoSurf: Neural Surface Reconstruction of Deformable Tissues with Stereo Endoscope Videos | Ruyi Zha | code |
EoFormer: Edge-oriented Transformer for Brain Tumor Segmentation | Dong She | code |
EPVT: Environment-aware Prompt Vision Transformer for Domain Generalization in Skin Lesion Recognition | Siyuan Yan | code |
Estimated time to surgical procedure completion: An exploration of video analysis methods | Barak Ariel | code |
Evidence Reconciled Neural Network for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Medical Images | Wei Fu | code |
Evolutionary normalization optimization boosts semantic segmentation network performance | Luisa Neubig | code |
Explainable Image Classification with Improved Trustworthiness for Tissue Characterisation | Alfie Roddan | code |
Exploring Brain Function-Structure Connectome Skeleton via Self-Supervised Graph-Transformer Approach | Yanqing Kang | code |
Exploring Unsupervised Cell Recognition with Prior Self-activation Maps | Pingyi Chen | code |
Eye-Guided Dual-Path Network for Multi-organ Segmentation of Abdomen | Chong Wang | code |
Factor Space and Spectrum for Medical Hyperspectral Image Segmentation | Boxiang Yun | code |
FairAdaBN: Mitigating unfairness with adaptive batch normalization and its application to dermatological disease classification | Zikang Xu | code |
Faithful Synthesis of Low-dose Contrast-enhanced Brain MRI Scans using Noise-preserving Conditional GANs | Thomas Pinetz | code |
Fast Reconstruction for Deep Learning PET Head Motion Correction | Tianyi Zeng | code |
Feature-Conditioned Cascaded Video Diffusion Models for Precise Echocardiogram Synthesis | Hadrien Reynaud | code |
FEDD - Fair, Efficient, and Diverse Diffusion-based Lesion Segmentation and Malignancy Classification | He?ctor Carrio?n | code |
FedIIC: Towards Robust Federated Learning for Class-Imbalanced Medical Image Classification | Nannan Wu | code |
FedSoup: Improving Generalization and Personalization in Federated Learning via Selective Model Interpolation | Minghui Chen | code |
FE-STGNN: Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network with Functional and Effective Connectivity Fusion for MCI Diagnosis | Dongdong Chen | code |
FeSViBS: Federated Split Learning of Vision Transformer with Block Sampling | Faris Almalik | code |
Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation via a Region-enhanced Prototypical Transformer | Yazhou Zhu | code |
Fine-grained Hand Bone Segmentation via Adaptive Multi-dimensional Convolutional Network and Anatomy-constraint Loss | Bolun Zeng | code |
Forensic Histopathological Recognition via a Context-Aware MIL Network Powered by Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning | Chen Shen | code |
Foundation Model for Endoscopy Video Analysis via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train | Zhao Wang | code |
FreeSeed: Frequency-band-aware and Self-guided Network for Sparse-view CT Reconstruction | Chenglong Ma | code |
Frequency Domain Adversarial Training for Robust Volumetric Medical Segmentation | Asif Hanif | code |
Frequency-mixed Single-source Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation | Heng Li | code |
From Mesh Completion to AI Designed Crown | Golriz Hosseinimanesh | code |
FSDiffReg: Feature-wise and Score-wise Diffusion-guided Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration for Cardiac Images | Yi Qin | code |
Fully Bayesian VIB-DeepSSM | Jadie Adams | code |
Fundus-Enhanced Disease-Aware Distillation Model for Retinal Disease Classification from OCT Images | Lehan Wang | code |
Gadolinium-Free Cardiac MRI Myocardial Scar Detection by 4D Convolution Factorization | Amine Amyar | code |
Gall Bladder Cancer Detection from US Images with Only Image Level Labels | Soumen Basu | code |
Gene-induced Multimodal Pre-training for Image-omic Classification | Ting Jin | code |
Geometry-adaptive Network for Robust Detection of Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders | Zailiang Chen | code |
GL-Fusion: Global-Local Fusion Network for Multi-view Echocardiogram Video Segmentation | Ziyang Zheng | code |
GLSFormer : Gated - Long, Short Sequence Transformer for Step Recognition in Surgical Videos | Nisarg A. Shah | code |
GRACE: A Generalized and Personalized Federated Learning Method for Medical Imaging | Ruipeng Zhang | code |
GSMorph: Gradient Surgery for cine-MRI Cardiac Deformable Registration | Haoran Dou | code |
Guiding the Guidance: A Comparative Analysis of User Guidance Signals for Interactive Segmentation of Volumetric Images | Zdravko Marinov | code |
H2GM: A Hierarchical Hypergraph Matching Framework for Brain Landmark Alignment | Zhibin He | code |
HACL-Net: Hierarchical Attention and Contrastive Learning Network for MRI-Based Placenta Accreta Spectrum Diagnosis | Mingxuan Lu | code |
HC-Net: Hybrid Classification Network for Automatic Periodontal Disease Diagnosis | Lanzhuju Mei | code |
H-DenseFormer: An Efficient Hybrid Densely Connected Transformer for Multimodal Tumor Segmentation | Jun Shi | code |
HENet: Hierarchical Enhancement Network for Pulmonary Vessel Segmentation in Non-contrast CT Images | Wenqi Zhou | code |
Hierarchical Vision Transformers for Disease Progression Detection in Chest X-Ray Images | Amarachi B. Mbakwe | code |
High-Quality Virtual Single-Viewpoint Surgical Video: Geometric Autocalibration of Multiple Cameras in Surgical Lights | Yuna Kato | code |
High-Resolution Cranial Defect Reconstruction by Iterative, Low-Resolution, Point Cloud Completion Transformers | Marek Wodzinski | code |
HIGT: Hierarchical Interaction Graph-Transformer for Whole Slide Image Analysis | Ziyu Guo | code |
Histopathology Image Classification using Deep Manifold Contrastive Learning | Jing Wei Tan | code |
How Does Pruning Impact Long-Tailed Multi-Label Medical Image Classifiers? | Gregory Holste | code |
How Reliable are the Metrics Used for Assessing Reliability in Medical Imaging? | Mayank Gupta | code |
IIB-MIL: Integrated instance-level and bag-level multiple instances learning with label disambiguation for pathological image analysis | Qin Ren | code |
Implicit Anatomical Rendering for Medical Image Segmentation with Stochastic Experts | Chenyu You | code |
Implicit neural representations for joint decomposition and registration of gene expression images in the marmoset brain | Michal Byra | code |
Improved Multi-Shot Diffusion-Weighted MRI with Zero-Shot Self-Supervised Learning Reconstruction | Jaejin Cho | code |
Improving Automatic Fetal Biometry Measurement with Swoosh Activation Function | Shijia Zhou | code |
Incomplete Multimodal Learning for Visual Acuity Prediction after Cataract Surgery Using Masked Self-Attention | Qian Zhou | code |
Instructive Feature Enhancement for Dichotomous Medical Image Segmentation | Lian Liu | code |
Interpretable Medical Image Classification using Prototype Learning and Privileged Information | Luisa Gall¨¦e | code |
Intraoperative CT augmentation for needle-based liver interventions | Sidaty El hadramy | code |
Inverse Consistency by Construction for Multistep Deep Registration | Hastings Greer | code |
InverseSR: 3D Brain MRI Super-Resolution Using a Latent Diffusion Model | Jueqi Wang | code |
Ischemic stroke segmentation from a cross-domain representation in multimodal diffusion studies | Santiago G¨®mez | code |
Iteratively Coupled Multiple Instance Learning from Instance to Bag Classifier for Whole Slide Image Classification | Hongyi Wang | code |
Joint Dense-Point Representation for Contour-Aware Graph Segmentation | Kit Mills Bransby | code |
Joint optimization of a ¦Â-VAE for ECG task-specific feature extraction | Viktor van der Valk | code |
Joint Segmentation and Sub-Pixel Localization in Structured Light Laryngoscopy | Jann-Ole Henningson | code |
Knowledge Boosting: Rethinking Medical Contrastive Vision-Language Pre-Training | Xiaofei Chen | code |
Label-preserving Data Augmentation in Latent Space for Diabetic Retinopathy Recognition | Zhihao Zhao | code |
LABRAD-OR: Lightweight Memory Scene Graphs for Accurate Bimodal Reasoning in Dynamic Operating Rooms | Ege ?zsoy | code |
Laplacian-Former: Overcoming the Limitations of Vision Transformers in Local Texture Detection | Reza Azad | code |
Learnable Query Initialization for Surgical Instrument Instance Segmentation | Rohan Raju Dhanakshirur | code |
Learnable Subdivision Graph Neural Network for Functional Brain Network Analysis and Interpretable Cognitive Disorder Diagnosis | Dongdong Chen | code |
Learned Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Dual-Domain Sparse-View CT Reconstruction | Chi Ding | code |
Learning Asynchronous Common and Individual Functional Brain Network for AD Diagnosis | Xiang Tang | code |
Learning Deep Intensity Field for Extremely Sparse-View CBCT Reconstruction | Yiqun Lin | code |
Learning Expected Appearances for Intraoperative Registration during Neurosurgery | Nazim Haouchine | code |
Learning normal asymmetry representations for homologous brain structures | Duilio Deangeli | code |
Learning Ontology-based Hierarchical Structural Relationship for Whole Brain Segmentation | Junyan Lyu | code |
Learning Transferable Object-Centric Diffeomorphic Transformations for Data Augmentation in Medical Image Segmentation | Nilesh Kumar | code |
Learning with Domain-Knowledge for Generalizable Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease from Multi-Site Structural MRI | Yanjie Zhou | code |
Learning with Synthesized Data for Generalizable Lesion Detection in Real PET Images | Xinyi Yang | code |
Lesion-aware Contrastive Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis | Shuai Cheng | code |
LLCaps: Learning to Illuminate Low-Light Capsule Endoscopy with Curved Wavelet Attention and Reverse Diffusion | Long Bai | code |
Localized Questions in Medical Visual Question Answering | Sergio Tascon-Morales | code |
Longitudinal Multimodal Transformer Integrating Imaging and Latent Clinical Signatures From Routine EHRs for Pulmonary Nodule Classification | Thomas Z. Li | code |
LOTUS: Learning to Optimize Task-based US representations | Yordanka Velikova | code |
Low-dose CT image super-resolution network with dual-guidance feature distillation and dual-path content communication | Jianning Chi | code |
LSOR: Longitudinally-Consistent Self-Organized Representation Learning | Jiahong Ouyang | code |
LUCYD: A Feature-Driven Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution Network | Tom¨¢? Chobola | code |
Machine Learning for Automated Mitral Regurgitation Detection from Cardiac Imaging | Ke Xiao | code |
Many tasks make light work: Learning to localise medical anomalies from multiple synthetic tasks | Matthew Baugh | code |
Masked Frequency Consistency for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation of Laparoscopic Images | Xinkai Zhao | code |
Masked Vision and Language Pre-training with Unimodal and Multimodal Contrastive Losses for Medical Visual Question Answering | Pengfei Li | code |
Maximum Entropy on Erroneous Predictions: Improving model calibration for medical image segmentation | Agostina J. Larrazabal | code |
Maximum-entropy estimation of joint relaxation-diffusion distribution using multi-TE diffusion MRI | Lipeng Ning | code |
MDA-SR: Multi-level Domain Adaptation Super-Resolution for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images | Tianbao Liu | code |
MDViT: Multi-domain Vision Transformer for Small Medical Image Segmentation Datasets | Siyi Du | code |
Medical Boundary Diffusion Model for Skin Lesion Segmentation | Jiacheng Wang | code |
MedNeXt: Transformer-driven Scaling of ConvNets for Medical Image Segmentation | Saikat Roy | code |
MEPNet: A Model-Driven Equivariant Proximal Network for Joint Sparse-View Reconstruction and Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images | Hong Wang | code |
Merging-Diverging Hybrid Transformer Networks for Survival Prediction in Head and Neck Cancer | Mingyuan Meng | code |
Mesh2SSM: From Surface Meshes to Statistical Shape Models of Anatomy | Krithika Iyer | code |
MetaLR: Meta-tuning of Learning Rates for Transfer Learning in Medical Imaging | Yixiong Chen | [code]( ultrasound) |
M-FLAG: Medical Vision-Language Pre-training with Frozen Language Models and Latent Space Geometry Optimization | Che Liu | code |
M-GenSeg: Domain Adaptation For Target Modality Tumor Segmentation With Annotation-Efficient Supervision | Malo Alefsen | code |
Mining Negative Temporal Contexts For False Positive Suppression In Real-Time Ultrasound Lesion Detection | Haojun Yu | code |
MI-SegNet: Mutual Information-Based US Segmentation for Unseen Domain Generalization | Yuan Bi | code |
Mitosis Detection from Partial Annotation by Dataset Generation via Frame-Order Flipping | Kazuya Nishimura | code |
MixUp-MIL: Novel Data Augmentation for Multiple Instance Learning and a Study on Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis | Michael Gadermayr | code |
MoCoSR: Respiratory Motion Correction and Super-Resolution for 3D Abdominal MRI | Weitong Zhang | code |
Modeling Alzheimers' Disease Progression from Multi-task and Self-supervised Learning Perspective with Brain Networks | Wei Liang | code |
ModeT: Learning Deformable Image Registration via Motion Decomposition Transformer | Haiqiao Wang | code |
ModusGraph: Automated 3D and 4D Mesh Model Reconstruction from cine CMR with Improved Accuracy and Efficiency | Yu Deng | code |
Morphology-inspired Unsupervised Gland Segmentation via Selective Semantic Grouping | Qixiang Zhang | code |
Motion Compensated Unsupervised Deep Learning for 5D MRI | Joseph Kettelkamp | code |
MPBD-LSTM: A Predictive Model For Colorectal Liver Metastases Using Time Series Multi-phase Contrast-Enhanced CT Scans | Xueyang Li | code |
MRIS: A Multi-modal Retrieval Approach for Image Synthesis on Diverse Modalities | Boqi Chen | code |
MulHiST: Multiple Histological Staining for Thick Biological Samples via Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation | Lulin Shi | code |
Multi-Head Multi-Loss Model Calibration | Adrian Galdran | code |
Multimodal brain age estimation using interpretable adaptive population-graph learning | Kyriaki-Margarita Bintsi | code |
Multimodal Deep Fusion in Hyperbolic Space for Mild Cognitive Impairment Study | Lu Zhang | code |
Multi-modal Variational Autoencoders for normative modelling across multiple imaging modalities | Ana Lawry Aguila | code |
Multi-modality contrastive learning for sarcopenia screening from hip X-rays and clinical information | Qiangguo Jin | code |
Multi-scale Cross-restoration Framework for Electrocardiogram Anomaly Detection | Aofan Jiang | code |
Multi-scope Analysis Driven Hierarchical Graph Transformer for Whole Slide Image based Cancer Survival Prediction | Wentai Hou | code |
Multi-shot Prototype Contrastive Learning and Semantic Reasoning for Medical Image Segmentation | Yuhui Song | code |
MultiTalent: A Multi-Dataset Approach to Medical Image Segmentation | Constantin Ulrich | code |
Multi-Target Domain Adaptation with Prompt Learning for Medical Image Segmentation | Yili Lin | code |
Multi-view Guidance for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation on Laparoscopic Images via Spatio-temporal Correspondence | Wenda Li | code |
Multi-View Vertebra Localization and Identification from CT Images | Han Wu | code |
NASDM: Nuclei-Aware Semantic Histopathology Image Generation Using Diffusion Models | Aman Shrivastava | code |
Neural LerPlane Representations for Fast 4D Reconstruction of Deformable Tissues | Chen Yang | code |
Neural Pre-Processing: A Learning Framework for End-to-end Brain MRI Pre-processing | Xinzi He | code |
NeuroExplainer: Fine-Grained Attention Decoding to Uncover Cortical Development Patterns of Preterm Infants | Chenyu Xue | code |
NISF: Neural Implicit Segmentation Functions | Nil Stolt-Ans¨® | code |
Non-iterative Coarse-to-fine Transformer Networks for Joint Affine and Deformable Image Registration | Mingyuan Meng | code |
On the Relevance of Temporal Features for Medical Ultrasound Video Recognition | D. Hudson Smith | code |
One-shot Federated Learning on Medical Data using Knowledge Distillation with Image Synthesis and Client Model Adaptation | Myeongkyun Kang | code |
One-Shot Traumatic Brain Segmentation with Adversarial Training and Uncertainty Rectification | Xiangyu Zhao | code |
Open-Ended Medical Visual Question Answering Through Prefix Tuning of Language Models | Tom van Sonsbeek | code |
Optimizing the 3D Plate Shape for Proximal Humerus Fractures | Marilyn Keller | code |
Partial Vessels Annotation-based Coronary Artery Segmentation with Self-training and Prototype Learning | Zheng Zhang | code |
Pathology-and-genomics Multimodal Transformer for Survival Outcome Prediction | Kexin Ding | code |
PCMC-T1: Free-breathing myocardial T1 mapping with Physically-Constrained Motion Correction | Eyal Hanania | code |
Pelphix: Surgical Phase Recognition from X-ray Images in Percutaneous Pelvic Fixation | Benjamin D. Killeen | code |
Pelvic Fracture Reduction Planning Based on Morphable Models and Structural Constraints | Sutuke Yibulayimu | code |
Pelvic Fracture Segmentation Using a Multi-scale Distance-weighted Neural Network | Yanzhen Liu | code |
Physics-based Decoding Improves Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting | Juyeon Heo | code |
Physics-Informed Conditional Autoencoder Approach for Robust Metabolic CEST MRI at 7T | Junaid R. Rajput | code |
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Tissue Elasticity Reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Elastography | Matthew Ragoza | code |
Pick and Trace: Instance Segmentation for Filamentous Objects with a Recurrent Neural Network | Yi Liu | code |
Pick the Best Pre-trained Model: Towards Transferability Estimation for Medical Image Segmentation | Yuncheng Yang | code |
PIViT: Large Deformation Image Registration with Pyramid-Iterative Vision Transformer | Tai Ma | code |
PLD-AL: Pseudo-Label Divergence-Based Active Learning in Carotid Intima-Media Segmentation for Ultrasound Images | Yucheng Tang | code |
PMC-CLIP: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training using Biomedical Documents | Weixiong Lin | code |
Point Cloud Diffusion Models for Automatic Implant Generation | Paul Friedrich | code |
Polar-Net: A Clinical-Friendly Model for Alzheimer¡¯s Disease Detection in OCTA Images | Shouyue Liu | code |
Position-aware masked autoencoder for histopathology WSI representation learning | Kun Wu | code |
Pre-trained Diffusion Models for Plug-and-Play Medical Image Enhancement | Jun Ma | code |
Privacy-preserving Early Detection of Epileptic Seizures in Videos | Deval Mehta | code |
Probabilistic Modeling Ensemble Vision Transformer Improves Complex Polyp Segmentation | Tianyi Ling | code |
Progressive Attention Guidance for Whole Slide Vulvovaginal Candidiasis Screening | Jiangdong Cai | code |
Prompt-MIL: Boosting Multi-Instance Learning Schemes via Task-specific Prompt Tuning | Jingwei Zhang | code |
ProtoASNet: Dynamic Prototypes for Inherently Interpretable and Uncertainty-Aware Aortic Stenosis Classification in Echocardiography | Hooman Vaseli | code |
Punctate White Matter Lesion Segmentation in Preterm Infants Powered by Counterfactually Generative Learning | Zehua Ren | code |
QCResUNet: Joint Subject-level and Voxel-level Prediction of Segmentation Quality | Peijie Qiu | code |
Radiomics-Informed Deep Learning for Classification of Atrial Fibrillation Sub-Types from Left-Atrium CT Volumes | Weihang Dai | code |
Rad-ReStruct: A Novel VQA Benchmark and Method for Structured Radiology Reporting | Chantal Pellegrini | code |
RBGNet: Reliable Boundary-Guided Segmentation of Choroidal Neovascularization | Tao Chen | code |
RCS-YOLO: A Fast and High-Accuracy Object Detector for Brain Tumor Detection | Ming Kang | code |
Realistic endoscopic illumination modeling for NeRF-based data generation | Dimitrios Psychogyios | code |
Rectifying Noisy Labels with Sequential Prior: Multi-Scale Temporal Feature Affinity Learning for Robust Video Segmentation | Beilei Cui | code |
Reflectance Mode Fluorescence Optical Tomography with Consumer-Grade Cameras | Mykhaylo Zayats | code |
Regressing Simulation to Real: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Automated Quality Assessment in Transoesophageal Echocardiography | Jialang Xu | code |
Regular SE(3) Group Convolutions for Volumetric Medical Image Analysis | Thijs P. Kuipers | code |
Relaxation-Diffusion Spectrum Imaging for Probing Tissue Microarchitecture | Ye Wu | code |
Reliable Multimodality Eye Disease Screening via Mixture of Student’s t Distributions | Ke Zou | code |
Representation, Alignment, Fusion: A Generic Transformer-based Framework for Multi-modal Glaucoma Recognition | You Zhou | code |
Rethinking Semi-Supervised Federated Learning: How to co-train fully-labeled and fully-unlabeled client imaging data | Pramit Saha | code |
Reveal to Revise: An Explainable AI Life Cycle for Iterative Bias Correction of Deep Models | Frederik Pahde | code |
Revealing Anatomical Structures in PET to Generate CT for Attenuation Correction | Yongsheng Pan | code |
Reversing the Abnormal: Pseudo-Healthy Generative Networks for Anomaly Detection | Cosmin I. Bercea | code |
Revisiting Distillation for Continual Learning on Visual Question Localized-Answering in Robotic Surgery | Long Bai | code |
Revolutionizing Space Health (Swin-FSR): Advancing Super-Resolution of Fundus Images for SANS Visual Assessment Technology | Khondker Fariha Hossain | code |
Right for the Wrong Reason: Can Interpretable ML Techniques Detect Spurious Correlations? | Susu Sun | code |
Robust and Generalisable Segmentation of Subtle Epilepsy-causing Lesions: a Graph Convolutional Approach | Hannah Spitzer | code |
Robust Cervical Abnormal Cell Detection via Distillation from Local-scale Consistency Refinement | Manman Fei | code |
Robust estimation of the microstructure of the early developing brain using deep learning | Hamza Kebiri | code |
Robust Segmentation via Topology Violation Detection and Feature Synthesis | Liu Li | code |
Robust vertebra identification using simultaneous node and edge predicting Graph Neural Networks | Vincent B¨¹rgin | code |
S2ME: Spatial-Spectral Mutual Teaching and Ensemble Learning for Scribble-supervised Polyp Segmentation | An Wang | code |
S3M: Scalable Statistical Shape Modeling through Unsupervised Correspondences | Lennart Bastian | code |
Scale Federated Learning for Label Set Mismatch in Medical Image Classification | Zhipeng Deng | code |
Scale-aware Test-time Click Adaptation for Pulmonary Nodule and Mass Segmentation | Zhihao Li | code |
Scaling Up 3D Kernels with Bayesian Frequency Re-Parameterization for Medical Image Segmentation | Ho Hin Lee | code |
SCOL: Supervised Contrastive Ordinal Loss for Abdominal Aortic Calcification Scoring on Vertebral Fracture Assessment Scans | Afsah Saleem | code |
SEDSkill: Surgical Events Driven Method for Skill Assessment from Thoracoscopic Surgical Videos | Xinpeng Ding | code |
Segment Membranes and Nuclei from Histopathological Images via Nuclei Point-level Supervision | Hansheng Li | code |
Segmentation Distortion: Quantifying Segmentation Uncertainty under Domain Shift via the Effects of Anomalous Activations | Jonathan Lennartz | code |
Segmentation of Kidney Tumors on Non-Contrast CT Images using Protuberance Detection Network | Taro Hatsutani | code |
SegmentOR: Obtaining Efficient Operating Room Semantics Through Temporal Propagation | Lennart Bastian | code |
Self-adaptive Adversarial Training for Robust Medical Segmentation | Fu Wang | code |
Self-aware and Cross-sample Prototypical Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation | Zhenxi Zhang | code |
Self-distillation for surgical action recognition | Amine Yamlahi | code |
Self-pruning Graph Neural Network for Predicting Inflammatory Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis from Brain MR Images | Chinmay Prabhakar | code |
Self-supervised dense representation learning for live-cell microscopy with time arrow prediction | Benjamin Gallusser | code |
Self-Supervised Learning for Endoscopic Video Analysis | Roy Hirsch | code |
Self-Supervised Learning for Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Dynamic PET | Francesca De Benetti | code |
Self-supervised learning via inter-modal reconstruction and feature projection networks for label-efficient 3D-to-2D segmentation | Jos¨¦ Morano | code |
Self-Supervised MRI Reconstruction with Unrolled Diffusion Models | Yilmaz Korkmaz | code |
Semantic difference guidance for the uncertain boundary segmentation of CT left atrial appendage | Xin You | code |
Semantic segmentation of surgical hyperspectral images under geometric domain shifts | Jan Sellner | code |
Semi-supervised Class Imbalanced Deep Learning for Cardiac MRI Segmentation | Yuchen Yuan | code |
Semi-supervised Domain Adaptive Medical Image Segmentation through Consistency Regularized Disentangled Contrastive Learning | Hritam Basak | code |
SFusion: Self-attention based N-to-One Multimodal Fusion Block | Zecheng Liu | code |
Shape-Aware 3D Small Vessel Segmentation with Local Contrast Guided Attention | Zhiwei Deng | code |
Shifting More Attention to Breast Lesion Segmentation in Ultrasound Videos | Junhao Lin | code |
SHISRCNet: Super-resolution And Classification Network For Low-resolution Breast Cancer Histopathology Image | Luyuan Xie | code |
SimPLe: Similarity-Aware Propagation Learning for Weakly-Supervised Breast Cancer Segmentation in DCE-MRI | Yuming Zhong | code |
Single-subject Multi-contrast MRI Super-resolution via Implicit Neural Representations | Julian McGinnis | code |
Skin Lesion Correspondence Localization in Total Body Photography | Wei-Lun Huang | code |
SLPD: Slide-level Prototypical Distillation for WSIs | Zhimiao Yu | code |
Smooth Attention for Deep Multiple Instance Learning: Application to CT Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection | Yunan Wu | code |
Solving Low-Dose CT Reconstruction via GAN with Local Coherence | Wenjie Liu | code |
Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation via Prototype-Anchored Feature Alignment and Contrastive Learning | Qinji Yu | code |
Source-Free Domain Adaptive Fundus Image Segmentation with Class-Balanced Mean Teacher | Longxiang Tang | code |
Spectral Adversarial MixUp for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation | Jiajin Zhang | code |
Spinal nerve segmentation method and dataset construction in endoscopic surgical scenarios | Shaowu Peng | code |
STAR-Echo: A Novel Biomarker for Prognosis of MACE in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients using Spatiotemporal Analysis and Transformer-Based Radiomics Models. | Rohan Dhamdhere | code |
Structured State Space Models for Multiple Instance Learning in Digital Pathology | Leo Fillioux | code |
Structure-Preserving Synthesis: MaskGAN for Unpaired MR-CT Translation | Minh Hieu Phan | code |
Style-based Manifold for Weakly-supervised Disease Characteristic Discovery | Siyu Liu | code |
Surgical Action Triplet Detection by Mixed Supervised Learning of Instrument-Tissue Interactions | Saurav Sharma | code |
Surgical Video Captioning with Mutual-Modal Concept Alignment | Zhen Chen | code |
SurgicalGPT: End-to-End Language-Vision GPT for Visual Question Answering in Surgery | Lalithkumar Seenivasan | code |
SwinMM: Masked Multi-view with Swin Transformers for 3D Medical Image Segmentation | Yiqing Wang | code |
SwinUNETR-V2: Stronger Swin Transformers with Stagewise Convolutions for 3D Medical Image Segmentation | Yufan He | code |
SwIPE: Efficient and Robust Medical Image Segmentation with Implicit Patch Embeddings | Yejia Zhang | code |
Synthesis of Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI Using T1- and Multi-b-Value DWI-based Hierarchical Fusion Network with Attention Mechanism | Tianyu Zhang | code |
Synthesising Rare Cataract Surgery Samples with Guided Diffusion Models | Yannik Frisch | code |
Synthetic Augmentation with Large-scale Unconditional Pre-training | Jiarong Ye | code |
TabAttention: Learning Attention Conditionally on Tabular Data | Michal K. Grzeszczyk | code |
TCL: Triplet Consistent Learning for Odometry Estimation of Monocular Endoscope | Hao Yue | code |
Temporal Uncertainty Localization to Enable Human-in-the-loop Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Cardiac MRI Datasets | Dilek M. Yalcinkaya | code |
Tensor-based Multimodal Learning for Prediction of Pulmonary Arterial Wedge Pressure from Cardiac MRI | Prasun C. Tripathi | code |
Text-guided Foundation Model Adaptation for Pathological Image Classification | Yunkun Zhang | code |
The Role of Subgroup Separability in Group-Fair Medical Image Classification | Charles Jones | code |
Topology Repairing of Disconnected Pulmonary Airways and Vessels: Baselines and a Dataset | Ziqiao Weng | code |
Topology-Preserving Automatic Labeling of Coronary Arteries via Anatomy-aware Connection Classifier | Zhixing Zhang | code |
Topology-Preserving Computed Tomography Super-resolution Based on Dual-stream Diffusion Model | Yuetan Chu | code |
Toward Fairness Through Fair Multi-Exit Framework for Dermatological Disease Diagnosis | Ching-Hao Chiu | code |
Towards AI-driven radiology education: A self-supervised segmentation-based framework for high-precision medical image editing | Kazuma Kobayashi | code |
Towards Expert-Amateur Collaboration: Prototypical Label Isolation Learning for Left Atrium Segmentation with Mixed-Quality Labels | Zhe Xu | code |
Towards frugal unsupervised detection of subtle abnormalities in medical imaging | Geoffroy Oudoumanessah | code |
Towards Generalizable Diabetic Retinopathy Grading in Unseen Domains | Haoxuan Che | code |
TPRO: Text-prompting-based Weakly Supervised Histopathology Tissue Segmentation | Shaoteng Zhang | code |
Trackerless Volume Reconstruction from Intraoperative Ultrasound Images | Sidaty El hadramy | code |
Tracking adaptation to improve SuperPoint for 3D reconstruction in endoscopy | O. Leo?n Barbed | code |
Transferability-Guided Multi-Source Model Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation | Chen Yang | code |
Transformer-based Annotation Bias-aware Medical Image Segmentation | Zehui Liao | code |
Transformer-based end-to-end classification of variable-length volumetric data | Marzieh Oghbaie | code |
TransLiver: A Hybrid Transformer Model for Multi-phase Liver Lesion Classification | Xierui Wang | code |
TransNuSeg: A Lightweight Multi-Task Transformer for Nuclei Segmentation | Zhenqi He | code |
Treasure in Distribution: A Domain Randomization based Multi-Source Domain Generalization for 2D Medical Image Segmentation | Ziyang Chen | code |
Triangular Analysis of Geographical Interplay of Lymphocytes (TriAnGIL): Predicting Immunotherapy Response in Lung Cancer | Sara Arabyarmohammadi | code |
TriDo-Former: A Triple-Domain Transformer for Direct PET Reconstruction from Low-Dose Sinograms | Jiaqi Cui | code |
Trust your neighbours: Penalty-based constraints for model calibration | Balamurali Murugesan | code |
TSegFormer: 3D Tooth Segmentation in Intraoral Scans with Geometry Guided Transformer | Huimin Xiong | code |
Twelve-Lead ECG Reconstruction from Single-Lead Signals Using Generative Adversarial Networks | Jinho Joo | code |
Uncertainty and Shape-Aware Continual Test-Time Adaptation for Cross-Domain Segmentation of Medical Images | Jiayi Zhu | code |
Uncertainty-informed Mutual Learning for Joint Medical Image Classification and Segmentation | Kai Ren | code |
Understanding Silent Failures in Medical Image Classification | Till J. Bungert | code |
Unified Brain MR-Ultrasound Synthesis using Multi-Modal Hierarchical Representations | Reuben Dorent | code |
Unified surface and volumetric inference on functional imaging data | Thomas F. Kirk | code |
UniSeg: A Prompt-driven Universal Segmentation Model as well as A Strong Representation Learner | Yiwen Ye | code |
Unpaired Cross-modal Interaction Learning for COVID-19 Segmentation on Limited CT images | Qingbiao Guan | code |
Unsupervised 3D out-of-distribution detection with latent diffusion models | Mark S. Graham | code |
Unsupervised 3D registration through optimization-guided cyclical self-training | Alexander Bigalke | code |
Unsupervised classification of congenital inner ear malformations using DeepDiffusion for latent space representation | Paula L¨®pez Diez | code |
Unsupervised Discovery of 3D Hierarchical Structure with Generative Diffusion Features | Nurislam Tursynbek | code |
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Anatomical Landmark Detection | Haibo Jin | code |
Unsupervised Domain Transfer with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks | Kris K. Dreher | code |
UOD: Universal One-shot Detection of Anatomical Landmarks | Heqin Zhu | code |
UPCoL: Uncertainty-informed Prototype Consistency Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation | Wenjing Lu | code |
Utilizing Longitudinal Chest X-Rays and Reports to Pre-Fill Radiology Reports | Qingqing Zhu | code |
UWAT-GAN: Fundus Fluorescein Angiography Synthesis via Ultra-wide-angle Transformation Multi-scale GAN | Zhaojie Fang | code |
Vertex Correspondence in Cortical Surface Reconstruction | Anne-Marie Rickmann | code |
VesselVAE: Recursive Variational Autoencoders for 3D Blood Vessel Synthesis | Paula Feldman | code |
VF-HM: Vision Loss Estimation using Fundus Photograph for High Myopia | Zipei Yan | code |
VISA-FSS: A Volume-Informed Self Supervised Approach for Few-Shot 3D Segmentation | Mohammad Mozafari | code |
Vision Transformer based Multi-Class Lesion Detection in IVOCT | Zixuan Wang | code |
vox2vec: A Framework for Self-supervised Contrastive Learning of Voxel-level Representations in Medical Images | Mikhail Goncharov | code |
Wasserstein Distance-Preserving Vector Space of Persistent Homology | Tananun Songdechakraiwut | code |
Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Superpixel-guided Scribble Walking and Class-wise Contrastive Regularization | Meng Zhou | code |
Weakly-supervised Drug Efficiency Estimation with Confidence Score: Application to COVID-19 Drug Discovery | Nahal Mirzaie | code |
Weakly-supervised positional contrastive learning: application to cirrhosis classification | Emma Sarfati | code |
WeakPolyp: You Only Look Bounding Box for Polyp Segmentation | Jun Wei | code |
What Do AEs Learn? Challenging Common Assumptions in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection | Cosmin I. Bercea | code |
Xplainer: From X-Ray Observations to Explainable Zero-Shot Diagnosis | Chantal Pellegrini | code |
X-Ray to CT Rigid Registration Using Scene Coordinate Regression | Pragyan Shrestha | code |
YONA: You Only Need One Adjacent Reference-frame for Accurate and Fast Video Polyp Detection | Yuncheng Jiang | code |
You Don¡®t Have to Be Perfect to Be Amazing: Unveil the Utility of Synthetic Images | Xiaodan Xing | code |
Zero-shot Nuclei Detection via Visual-Language Pre-trained Models | Yongjian Wu | code |