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Releases: LGhassen/Scatterer


16 Dec 18:56
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Compatible with 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11

New features:

  • Added volumetric shadows (godrays). Godrays use shadow information so the quality is directly tied to shadowmap resolution and shadow distance. Godray strength can be tweaked and godrays respect atmosphere density and optical depth. Only compatible with Directx 11 (requires the unified camera setup)
  • Added underwater light rays, derived directly from the caustics textures and config. Brightness of underwater light rays can be adjusted. Light rays are volumetric and respect shadows
  • Added craft-wave interactions. Ocean waves are now interactible/collidable. Only compatible with Directx 11 as it requires async GPU readback
  • Added override for ship recovery velocity when splashed and wave interactions are on (by default 5 m/s vs 0.3 m/s for stock), to allow ship recovery in wavy oceans
  • Added overrides for water drag and crash tolerance when wave interactions are on, to make ships and seaplanes experience better (3x less drag and 3x less crash tolerance than stock by default). Seaplanes are workable but require some care and timing, it's still possible to take off with the stock gull from by going in the same direction as the waves


  • Fix scattering effect getting cut off in the distance for RSS/Rescale
  • Fix bleached/white mountains in the distance when ascending to orbit
  • Fix caustics, extinction lighting, long-distance shadows and ocean shadows not working on Kopernicus suns
  • EVE clouds have correct scattering and extinction based on their altitude and no longer behave as if at ocean level
  • Fix EVE clouds having dark side appearing lit in some cases with EVE integration on
  • EVE clouds + Sunlight extinction respect extinction thickness
  • Fix some cloud flickering issues with EVE, mostly noticeable with spectra when using EVE integration
  • Fix sunflares being offset from their star/planet in some cases (when the body is small)
  • Fix reflections disappearing from ships when using cameraTools after 250 meters distance
  • Fix ocean secondary lights causting artifacts/squares on the planet from orbit
  • Fix sky reflection on the ocean not respecting sky exposure and alpha settings
  • Added configurable skyReflectionStrength setting in ocean config (can be changed from UI but need to rebuild ocean to apply)

Config tool Mac and Linux test versions

26 Nov 21:09
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hide stock ocean material

0.0767 pre-release

07 May 13:06
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0.0767 pre-release Pre-release
  • Depth buffer mode: Renders scattering effect using the depth buffer instead of re-rendering opaque objects:
    * Enables CPU and GPU performance improvements (anywhere from 17% to 41% higher fps with the stock game and scatterer)
    * Added option to render the scattering in 1/4 resolution and upsample for performance (incompatible will godrays, will auto-disable if godrays are used)
    * Compatibility with Parallax (most noticeably underwater)
    * Compatibility with trees and terrain scatters (they now get correct scattering on them instead of sticking out)
    * Disables MSAA anti-aliasing because it's not compatible with the depth buffer (Added option to use SMAA to compensate, MSAA is still used in tracking station and editor scenes so keep it enabled).
    * Depth buffer mode can be disabled in favor of the old mode if you want to have MSAA (performance and compatiblity improvements won't be available in this case)
  • Faster long-distance shadow rendering (no longer need to render an additional depth buffer for shadows farther than 7km)
  • Small performance improvements in the ocean + ability to further disable foam and transparency for performance on slower machines
  • Performance presets and a preset loader in the KSC menu, to easily adjust quality/performance. It will also tell you your current preset by matching individual settings against presets. Scatterer will now default to "low" preset which is just the basic scattering+ocean feel free to go higher or lower depending on your specs.
  • Sunflare editor in the UI, changes made here will be lost on scene changes so copy your config. (Config will also be logged when applied from the UI)
  • New sunflare syntax (check wiki for details
    * Support for per-element intensity and scale curves
    * Units for the distance in the curves is the parent body's radius, used to make sunflares easy to port from one star to another with different sizes
    * Support for .dds textures for the flares
    * More readable syntax, scales are supplied normally instead of inverse
    * Older sunflares stay compatible by omitting the syntaxVersion tag or using syntaxVersion=1. New sunflare syntax using syntaxVersion=2 in the sunflare config
  • Sunflares are loaded directly from their individual sunflare configs (Scatterer_sunflare nodes), no longer need to have and maintain sunflare list in the planetsList file
  • Better error handling when loading and clearer logging, if loading fails the stock effects will load instead of having the ocean not load. Same when atmo files are missing, display stock effects instead of loading white atmosphere.
  • Configs loaded from ModuleManager are detected as such, and no longer as coming from "Laythe.cfg", config saving to disk is disabled when a ModuleManager patch is used
  • Possibility to preview different SunColor values directly from the UI for fine-tuning (will not save to file though, you still have to manually edit the planetsList file after)
  • De-hardcoded a gravity parameter in the ocean spectrum (previously hardcoded to 9.81 m/s^2), a value of 0 will apply the body's surface gravity. This can impact the waves look and look unnatural to us (as we are used to how waves looks on earth), old ocean configs where the value is missing will default to 9.81 as before.


26 Aug 21:20
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  • Fix occasional black screen when reverting to KSC
  • Compatibility with EVE-Redux's volumetric particle fading near camera
  • Caustics don't appear on shadows
  • Small performance improvement when using ocean shader (CPU usage reduction)
  • Ocean builds/loads faster if compute shader support is available, m_variance variable is hidden from user
  • Added option to disable dithering from sky and scattering effects


19 Aug 19:00
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-Support for performance-enhanced EVE version:

-Fix wrong overriding of EVE renderqueues


16 Aug 14:21
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-Update for 1.10
-Fix stock sky and scatterer sky drawing on each other in 1.10
-Fix z-fighting and scattering rendering twice on stock ocean
-Fixed compression method for netkan bot (otherwise same as release 0.0621)
-Fixed file paths causing white atmospheres for users (otherwise same as release 0.0621b)


25 Apr 09:20
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-Fix issue with VesselView mod resulting in black ship view screens
-Display effects in main menu for modded planets other than Kerbin


19 Apr 20:54
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-Fix for 1.9.x (Maintain compatibility with 1.8.x)
-Fix for flickering shadows in Dx11 (stock game bug) (with option to disable it just in case)
-Temporary fix for EVE clouds sinking into planet in 1.9
-Temporary fix for EVE clouds being visible in plumes (thanks @R-T-B)
-Handle long-distance shadows on 1.9 Dx11 with a custom method
-Separate shadow settings for new unified camera mode (1.9 Dx11) and other modes using dual cameras
-Added options to override shadowMap resolution with long-distance shadows (defaults to 8K in unified camera mode, can be lowered along with shadows distance for saving performance)
-Added options to override shadowCascadeSplits with long-distance shadows
-Fix compatibility with stock reflection probes
-Fix planets and scaledSpace scenery being visible through other planetSurfaces in stock reflection probes (stock game bug)
-Fix ocean shadow artifacts
-Fade out ocean shadows correctly
-Fix foam/whitecaps becoming invisible in some situations
-Fix shores having weird scattering (mostly RSS/rescale bug)
-Fix Kopernicus ring shadows broken since Kopernicus refactor (only linear rings supported, tiled rings will not cast shadows)
-Fix issue with some cargo bays (stock drag cubes) causing low framerates and errors
-Added new setting to partially flatten scaledSpace mesh geometry, to be used when "naked" scaledSpace geometry is visible behind localSpace scattering and terrain (Kerbin needs this in 1.9)
-New, more readable options menu layout
-Better logging when initializing Scatterer celestial bodies


20 Feb 21:52
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-Added water caustics, configurable

-Add possiblity to change sun color for atmospheres (possibility for colored suns, coloring atmospheres differently)

-Fix issue with symlinks in paths

-Fixed issue with oceanRefractions setting not getting saved

-Fixed crash due to atmosphereProjector destructor

-Fixed some issues when starting unity in debug mode


24 Oct 20:28
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0.0541 Pre-release

-Update for 1.8
-Disable dithering on sunflares because of pronounced artifacts