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PhysK edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 1 revision

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. End State Execution
    1. IP & Port
    2. Domain & Port
    3. Subdomain & Domain
  3. Conclusion

1. Intro

Accessing applications may appear to be odd through PlexGuide; but will realize that accessing applications is the same as you have done utilizing other operating systems (MAC/Windows). Applications generated by PlexGuide are accessed through one of the three ways; via subdomain-domain, domain-port, and/or through ipv4-port.

2. End State Execution

What does this mean? It boils down to the what the application produces at the end for you to access. Notice below that the are several different vectors in-which the application can be accessed.

I. IP & Port:

This is the most common way that an application may be accessed. If you are accessing your applications through this method; it would not be ideal for general internet usage. Why? It's because the server can easily accessed or subject to an attack by an adversary who is conducting a recon through the use of a port scan. If utilizing a server internally with in your network or through a local virtual machine, this will be the most common route. For example, deploying NETDATA may generate the address of Final Note, it may be ideal to lock your internal server down with a fixed ip address rather than routing providing a random address every several days.

II. Domain & Port

As noted above, this would still not be ideal because your domain address is tied to an IP Address or the domain is utilized as a forwarding domain. This will still generate the same concern as listed above in that your ports can be scanned by any adversarial forces on the Internet. It would be recommend to close your ports via portguard and apPTSuard. If internal, you can actually use duckdns to have a domain reach your virtual machines/servers within your network, but again; your server may subject to an attack.

Notice that LABEL 1 says the site is not secure. That is bad in general because the data your accessing is not encrypted. If an adversary were to conduct a man-in-the middle attack, it would be easy for anyone on the Internet through the use of a series of tools to capture data between yourself and remote server. LABEL2 just demonstrates that domain and IP address were utilized. In this example, Traefik was not setup and the domain pointed to the IP address.

III. Subdomain & Domain

This would be the most ideal route for you to access your applications. By doing so, the adversary would have to attempt to attack your server through the use of a domain/subdomain list. This would be rare due to the amount of effort that an adversary would have to put forth to discover your services. Accessing your programs through the use of a subdomain/domain is generally useful by typing a domain such as

Notice the LABEL 1 in the picture above. This is the best way to access your server because the data between you and the server's access is encrypted. If you are utilizing an internal server, this part would not matter.

3. Conclusion

So to wrap this all up, there are multiple way to access your applications. The more secure you want your site to be, the more effort you will have to put to lock it down. Regardless, now you understand how to access your applications through three different ways as shown above.

Useful Starter Links

  1. Introduction
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  3. Recommended NewsHosts
  4. Change Log

Prior Planning 101

  1. Recommended Pre-Reading
  2. Server - Storage Planning
  3. Usenet or BitTorrent
  4. PTS Editions
  5. PTS Folder Structure
  6. PTS-Repos
  7. Common Issues

Deploy & Config

  1. SSH Server Access
  2. Install PTS
  3. WatchTower
  4. Remote Path Mappings

Data Transport
  1. PTS Clone
    1. Google OAuth Keys
    2. PTS Move
    3. PTS Blitz
    4. 2nd HD Option

Key Components

  1. Traefik
  2. Port Guard
  3. PTS Shield
  4. PTS Press
  5. Google Cloud - GCE
    1. Automated setup
  6. Hetzner Cloud
  7. PTS Fork
  8. Extra PTS Commands

Blitz App Info

  1. Accessing PTS Apps
  2. App Port Scheme

Tools & Services

Core Apps [Expand]
  1. Emby
  2. Jackett
  3. Jellyfin
  4. LazyLibrarian
  5. Lidarr
  6. Netdata
  7. NZBGet
  8. Ombi
  9. Plex
  10. Portainer
  11. qBittorrent
  12. Radarr
  13. Radarr4k
  14. RadarrHDR
  15. RuTorrent
  16. SABnzbd
  17. Sonarr
  18. Sonarr4k
  19. SonarrHDR
  20. Tautulli
  21. JDownloader2
Community Apps [Expand]
  1. AirSonic
  2. Bazarr
  3. Bitwarden
  4. BookSonic
  5. cAdvisor
  6. Cloud Commander
  7. Deluge
  8. DelugeVPN
  9. Dozzle
  10. Duplicati
  11. Filebrowser
  12. FlexGet
  13. Gazee
  14. Headphones
  15. Heimdall
  16. HomeAssistant
  17. jd2-openvpn
  18. Kitana
  19. Logarr
  20. MakeMKV
  21. MariaDB
  22. McMyadmin
  23. MEDUSA
  24. Mellow
  25. Miniflux
  26. Monitorr
  27. Muximux
  28. Mylar
  29. NextCloud
  30. NowShowing
  31. NZBHydra2
  32. Organizr
  33. plpp
  34. pyLoad
  35. qBittorrent
  36. QBittorrent VPN
  37. radarrsyncarr
  38. Resilio
  39. rflood-openvpn
  40. rutorrent-openvpn
  41. Shoko Anime Server
  42. SpeedTest
  43. SyncLounge
  44. Teamspeak3
  45. The Lounge
  46. Transmission
  47. Trakt.or
  48. Ubooquity
  49. Varken
  50. vnc-xfce
  51. vnstat
  52. ZeroTier

Misc Info & Articles

  1. Change Server Time
  2. Fail2Ban
  3. Custom Containers
  4. Deploying Varken, Influx, Telegraf, Grafana
  5. cloneclean commands
  6. Understanding htop
  1. Scripting Area
    1. Auto Upload for Sonarr and Lidarr
    2. Auto Delete Log
    3. Plex Plugin DB Backup
    4. Plex fast BACKUP
    5. Delete All Unmonitored from Radarr
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