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Plex fast BACKUP
PhysK edited this page Jan 22, 2020
1 revision
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The purpose of this script is to do faster backups of plex database, by using all the CPU resources of the system. This script is particularly useful for systems with several CPUs/cores as it can take advantage of all of them.
The backup is also sent to Google Drive.
In the script below, you just have to replace the variables with your custom paths.
The process is:
Stop the Plex docker
Create the backup and compressed file with tar + pigz
Restart Plex Docker
Send backup to Google Drive
Remove local backup
You can add this script to crontab.
# !/bin/bash
# Automatic Backup Plex and sync to Google Cloud Drive
# Variables
useragent="$(cat /var/plexguide/uagent)"
# Stop Plex
sudo docker stop plex
sleep 2s
# Backup Plex database
tar cf - "/opt/appdata/plex" -P | pigz > "$local_backups/$(date +%F-%R)-PlexBackup.tar.gz"
sleep 2s
# Restart Plex
sudo docker start plex
sleep 2s
# Send backup to Google Drive
rclone --config "/opt/appdata/plexguide/rclone.conf" copy "$local_backups" "$remote:$remote_backups" --user-agent="$useragent"
# Remove local backup
rm -rv $local_backups/*
crontab add
sudo sed -i '$a\@weekly bash /the/path/for/script/\' /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
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