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Deprecated_3. Step (Offering & Consuming data)

Igor Petrov edited this page May 7, 2024 · 1 revision

Data offering

  1. To offer data you need to define the data asset first. Open the Assets tab and click on Create asset
  1. Describe your meta-data. As general information you can set
    • Name: The name of your data
    • Description: A more detailed description of your data offering
    • Keywords: To describe the data offering with keywords and make it searchable inside Broker. Press 'Enter' after each keyword.
    • Content Type: Content type of your offer, e.g. 'text/plain'.
    • Version: Version of your offer.
    • Language: The inherent language of your data

Please be aware that this information is accurate and complete. These fields represent your offer in the MDS Catalog (Broker).

  1. The Mobility Data Space uses the MDS Ontology for description of additional mobility related metadata attributes. You need to select at least a suitable data category at 'Advanced information' chapter
    • Data Category (mandatory, enumeration)
    • Data Subcategory (optional, enumeration)
    • Transport Mode (optional, enumeration)
    • Data Model (optional, free string)
    • Geo Reference Method (optional, free string)
  1. Define a data source you want to offer. You can use a REST-API with different authentication types (none, basic auth or API key)
  1. Define metadata for this data source. You can set
    • Publisher (as URL): The publisher of the data you are offering
    • License (as URL): Terms under which your data shall be processed (e.g.
    • Endpoint documentation with description of your data (as URL)
      and then press Create

Congratulations! You have just defined your first MDS asset!

  1. Create a new usage policy pattern or select an already existing one using the Policies tab. The following usage policies are currently implemented:
    • Connector restricted usage: Your data offer can be consumed only through connectors you have whitelisted. Be aware that the Connector ID usually equals your Connectors base URL (e.g.
    • Time period restricted: Your data offer can be consumed within the given time range only.
    • Always free: free access.
  1. Create a contract offer using the Contract Definitions tab. Choose a unique ID for your contract offer and select already defined policies and data asset(s).
  1. Great! Now your asset will be visible in the MDS Catalog (Broker). Use your asset name or keywords for search.

Data consumption

  1. You can access the frontend of the MDS Test Catalog or MDS Productive Catalog and browse all registered resources. If you find a data resource to be consumed, copy the base path of the Original ID e.g., and append /api/v1/ids/data (default EDC catalog request path). Be aware that data providers or Connector-as-a-Service provider could add path mappings for routing which must be added too, e.g., ([...]/control/[...]).

In case you find a connector (Connectors tab of the MDS Catalog) from which you want to request data, you can use the Access URL directly (should already end with /api/v1/ids) which contains aforementioned custom path mapping. You simply would need to append /data.

  1. Go to Catalog Browser at the Frontend of the MDS EDC version and enter the URL of the Connector, whose data shall be requested, in the field Connector IDs. Be aware to use the access URL endpoint which ends on /api/ids/data (e.g. Press Enter. You will see all avaialable offers of the requsted connector.
Request offered data from a Connector
  1. Select a desired resource and if you want to consume it click the button Negotiate.
Select a data offering

If an access policy of the resource allows to consume it, you will see the message Negotiation is sussessful. It means that you now have a contract with the provider, which is visible under Contracts.

  1. Go to Conracts and press the button Transfer
  1. Enter a destination endpoint of your backend and press Start transfer.
Start Transfer

For test purposes and only for public data you can use services like Webhook who show all information from HTTP requests.

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