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The VOLTTRON™ Restricted additions provide additional protection against an agent consuming too many resources to the point of the host system becoming unresponsive or unstable. The resource monitor uses Linux control groups (or cgroups) to limit the CPU cycles and memory an individual agent may consume, preventing its possible overconsumption from adversely affecting other agents and services on the system. The execution requirements of an agent are set when provisioning an agent for service.

When a request is made to move an agent to a new platform, part of the validation of the agent includes checking its execution requirements against resources currently available on the system. If the resources are available and the agent has passed all other validation, the agent will be executed and retain those resource guarantees throughout its lifetime on that platform. If the agent, however, requests memory or CPU cycles that are not available, its move request is denied and it will not execute on the requested platform.

Once an agent has been assigned resources, it is the responsibility of that agent to manage use of its resources. While an agent may exceed its resource guarantees when system utilization is low, when resources given to other agents are required, an agent exceeding the use in its contract may be terminated.

Execution Requirements

The execution requirements are specified as a JSON formatted document embedded in the agent during initial provisioning and takes the following form:

  "requirements": {
    "cpu.bogomips": 100,
    "memory.soft_limit_in_bytes": 2000000

The contract must contain the requirements object, specifying the soft requirements, and might optionally specify a hard_requirements object.

Each agent, including newly developed agents, must maintain their own requirements. The execution requirements for an agent are located in a file in the individual agent directory, called exereqs.json.

For example, the execution requirements for the Listener Agent are located at volttron/examples/ListenerAgent/exereqs.json

Soft requirements

Soft requirements are considered soft on the platform because they change depending on the number of agents and other services are running on the system. They may also be negotiated on the fly in a future release. A list of the current resources which may be reserved follows:

  • cpu.bogomips - The CPU requirements of an agent indicated as either an exact integer (N >= 1) in MIPS (millions of instructions per second) or a floating-point percentage (0.0 < N < 1.0) of the total available bogo-MIPS on a system. Bogomips is a rough calculation performed at system boot indicating the likely number of calculations a system may perform each second.
  • memory.soft_limit_in_bytes - The maximum amount of random access memory (RAM) an agent requires to perform its tasks measured in bytes and given as an integer. Additional resources may be added in a future release.

Hard requirements

Hard requirements are based on system attributes that are very unlikely to change except after a system reboot. It is rare that an agent would need to set hard requirements and is usually only necessary for architecture-specific code. Each hard requirement is tested for a match.

  • - Kernel name as given by uname.
  • kernel.release - Kernel release as given by uname.
  • kernel.version - Kernel version as given by uname.
  • architecture - Kernel architecture as given by uname.
  • os - Always 'GNU/Linux'
  • platform.version - Version of VOLTTRON in use.
  • - Total amount of memory on the system in bytes.
  • - Total of all bogomips reported for all processors on the system.

Example using requirements

In this example we modify the execution requirements for the Listener Agent.

  1. Open a terminal and type the following command: cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal The output will be the total memory available on the system. Save this number.

  2. In a text editor, open volttron/examples/ListenerAgent/exereqs.json

  3. Replace the requirements with the following text:

        "requirements": {
            "cpu.bogomips": 100,
            "memory.soft_limit_in_bytes": 2000000
        "hard_requirements": {
            "os": "GNU/Linux",
            "": 2064328
  4. Replace the number for "" with the number from step 1, so that the requirement matches the memory for your system.

  5. Save and close the file. Now, if the total memory on the system is changed, such as with a hardware update, the requirement will fail. Note that the hard requirements are separate, and follow the same format as the soft requirements.

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