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VOLTTRON Central Demo

Craig edited this page Oct 8, 2015 · 18 revisions

VOLTTRON Central is a platform management web application that allows platforms to communicate and to be managed from a centralized server. This agent alleviates the need to ssh into independent nodes in order to manage them. The demo will start up 3 different instances of VOLTTRON with 3 historians and different agents on each host. The following entries will help to navigate around the VOLTTRON Central interface.

Running the Demo

After building VOLTTRON, open a shell with the current directory the root of the volttron repository. Activate the shell

. env/bin/activate

execute the script


Upon completion a browser window (opened to http://localhost:8080/) should be opened with a login prompt and the shell should look like the following image.

Run VC Demo

  1. Log into the front page using credentials admin/admin.
  2. From the console window copy the first platform address from the shell.
  3. In the upper right of the browser window, click Platforms, then click Register Platform.
  4. Type 'Platform 1' in the name parameter and paste the first platforms ipc address that you copied from step 2.
  • The Platform 1 should show up in the list of platforms on this page.
  1. Repeat step 4 for the other 2 platforms.

Stopping the Demo

Once you have completed your walk through of the different elements of the VOLTTRON Central demo you can stop the demos by executing


Once the demos is complete you may wish to see the VOLTTRON Central page for more details on how to configure the agent for your specific use case.


To login to the Management Platform, navigate in a browser to localhost:8080, and enter the username and password on the login screen. Login Screen


To logout of the Management Platform, click the link at the top right of the screen. Logout Button

Platforms Screen

This screen lists the registered VOLTTRON Platforms, and allows new platforms to be registered by clicking the button in the top right corner of the screen. This includes the Platform UID as well as the number of agents running, stopped and installed on each platform. Platforms

Register new Platform

To register a new VOLTTRON Platform, click the Button in the corner of the screen. You will need to provide a name and the IP address of the VOLTTRON Platform. Register Platform Information

Deregister Platform

To deregister a VOLTTRON Platform, click on the ‘X’ at the far right of the platform display.

Platform View

Use the Platform View to manage a specific VOLTTRON Platform. This includes installing agents, start/stop agents, and configuring charts. Platform Screen

Install Agent

To install a new agent, all you need is the agent’s wheel file. Click on the button To upload the wheel file used to install the agent.

Start and Stop Agents

To Start or Stop an Agent, click on the button as shown in the figure. If the agent is running, its PID will be displayed. Start Agent Button

Add Chart

To add a chart, click the Add Chart button. You will need to provide the published topic the chart pulls data from. You may also select refresh interval and chart type as well as pin the chart to the dashboard. Add Chart Screen

Edit Chart

To edit a chart, click the edit chart button. You will get a popup window of settings for the chart, as shown in the figure. To pin the chart to the dashboard select the checkbox. Edit Chart Screen

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