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Craig edited this page Oct 8, 2015 · 11 revisions

Agent Introduction

The VOLTTRON Central Agent is responsible for controlling multiple VOLTTRON instances through a single interfaces. The VOLTTRON instances can be either local or remote. VOLTTRON Central provides a web based interface to our JSON based web api. Both the web api and the interface are serviced through the VOLTTRON Central agent. There is a VOLTTRON Central Demo that will allow you to quickly setup and see the current offerings of the interface. VOLTTRON Central will allow you to

  • See a list of platforms being managed.
  • Add and remove platforms.
  • Install, start and stop agents to the registered platforms.
  • Create dynamic graphs from the historians based upon points.
  • Execute functions on remote platforms.


The following is the default configuration file for VOLTTRON Central

    # The agentid is used during display on the VOLTTRON central platform
    # it does not need to be unique.
    "agentid": "volttron central",
    # Must be unique on a given instance of VOLTTRON
    "vip_identity": "volttron.central",
    # Tornado server settings.  These options are passed to the
    # tornado webserver during agent start up.
    "server" : {
        "host": "",
        "port": 8080,
        "debug": "False"
    # Authentication for users is handled through a naive password algorithm
    # import hashlib
    # hashlib.sha512(password).hexdigest() where password is the plain text password.
    "users" : {
        "reader" : {
            "password" : "2d7349c51a3914cd6f5dc28e23c417ace074400d7c3e176bcf5da72fdbeb6ce7ed767ca00c6c1fb754b8df5114fc0b903960e7f3befe3a338d4a640c05dfaf2d",
            "groups" : [
        "writer" : {
            "password" : "f7c31a682a838bbe0957cfa0bb060daff83c488fa5646eb541d334f241418af3611ff621b5a1b0d327f1ee80da25e04099376d3bc533a72d2280964b4fab2a32",
            "groups" : [
        "admin" : {
            "password" : "c7ad44cbad762a5da0a452f9e854fdc1e0e7a52a38015f23f3eab1d80b931dd472634dfac71cd34ebc35d16ab7fb8a90c81f975113d6c7538dc69dd8de9077ec",
            "groups" : [
        "dorothy" : {
            "password" : "cf1b67402d648f51ef6ff8805736d588ca07cbf018a5fba404d28532d839a1c046bfcd31558dff658678b3112502f4da9494f7a655c3bdc0e4b0db3a5577b298",
            "groups" : [
                "reader, writer"

Agent Execution

To start VOLTTRON Central first make sure the VOLTTRON instance is running. Next create/choose the config file to use. Finally from an activated shell in the root of the VOLTTRON repository execute

# Arguments are package to execute, config file to use, tag to use as reference
./scripts/core/ services/core/VolttronCentral services/core/VolttronCentral/config vc

# Start the agent
volttron-ctl start --tag vc

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