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jhaack edited this page Sep 28, 2015 · 2 revisions

VOLTTRON 1.0 - 1.2

  • VOLTTRON platform based on PNNL research and needs of the RTU Network project
  • Open Source Reimplementation omitting patented features
  • Integrates researcher applications, devices, and cloud applications and resources
  • 1.0 Focused on building up the framework
  • Agent execution environment
  • Basic platform services
  • Modbus driver
  • 1.2 Expanded capabilities of platform
  • BACnet support
  • Multi-node communication
  • Released on GitHub


  • 2.0 Incorporated PNNL IP from the original research

  • Different license: Free for buildings domain

  • Resource monitoring

  • Agents must present an execution contract to the platform stating their resource requirements

  • Platform rejects agents which it cannot support

  • Expandable framework for specify additional resources

  • Agent signing and verification

  • Agent package contains multiple layers which can be signed by different entities

  • Creator of code

  • Administrator of ‘Scope of Influence’/Deployment

  • Instantiator of agent

  • Most recent platform (for mobile agents)

  • Each level verified before agent is allowed to run

  • Entities cannot change content of other layers

  • Agent Mobility

  • Admin can send an agent to another platform for deployment/updating

  • Agent can request to move

  • Agent can bring along working files as part of ‘mutable luggage’

  • Receiving platform verifies agent package and examines resource contract before executing agent


  • Modularized Historian
    • Historians can be built for any storage solution
      • Previous versions did not have option for local storage
    • BaseHistorian
      • Can be extended for any solution
      • Handles subscribing to Bus
      • Local cache
  • Modularized Drivers
    • Standardized creating custom drivers to scrape data and publish to the message bus
    • Simplify developing drivers and contributing new capabilities back to VOLTTRON
    • Abstracted out driver interfaces allowing Actuator Agent to handle controlling devices via any protocol
  • VIP - VOLTTRON Interconnect Protocol
    • Increase security of the message bus and allow direct communication where appropriate
    • New communication model underneath VOLTTRON Message Bus
    • Compatibility layer so changes are transparent to existing agents
  • Platform Agent
    • Provides point of contact for the platform
    • Enables VOLTTRON Management Central control of platform
  • VOLTTRON Management Central
    • Web interface for administering VOLTTRON platforms in deployment

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