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Releases: dojo/dojo1-dgrid


30 May 11:11
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Breaking changes

OnDemandList's dgrid-refresh-complete event no longer includes rows

The rows property of this event was removed to match the implementation
added to the Pagination extension, which does not include it. If a particular
row is needed, it can be resolved from the QueryResults included on the event
via grid.row(...).element.

Significant changes


  • Added an index page to the test folder to browse the tests via a grid. (#407)
  • Added a preliminary set of DOH tests to assist in spotting regressions. (#412)


  • The Keyboard mixin has been made significantly more extensible (#429):
    • Added keyMap and headerKeyMap properties, which are object hashes
      whose keys are event key codes and whose values are functions to be
      executed in the context of the instance; if not specified, defaults
      (exposed via Keyboard.defaultKeyMap and keyboard.defaultHeaderKeyMap)
      will be used.
    • Added addKeyHandler(key, callback, isHeader) method for registering
      additional keyboard handlers; this is usually easier than trying to
      override keyMap or headerKeyMap.
  • The Keyboard mixin no longer emits dgrid-cellfocusout and
    dgrid-cellfocusin when spacebar is pressed. (#429)

Column Plugins

  • The editor column plugin now emits dgrid-editor-show and dgrid-editor-hide
    events when an editor with editOn set is shown or hidden, respectively. (#424)
  • The editor column plugin now adds a dgrid-cell-editing class to any cell
    containing an active editor. (#442; thanks Brandano for the idea)


  • The Pagination extension now emits dgrid-refresh-complete like
    OnDemandList. (#188, #411)

Other changes and fixes


  • Fixed Grid#styleColumn, which had broken in 0.3.5. (#408)
  • Fixed an issue with Grid#cell specific to when a cell object representing a
    header cell was passed in. (#429)
  • The Keyboard mixin now properly handles Home/End keypresses.
  • Fixed logic in _StoreMixin to work around a
    Dojo 1.8 bug with when, which
    could inappropriately mutate the return value of _trackError. (#411)
  • Fixed logic in OnDemandList so that asynchronous errors during refresh
    are properly signaled via the promise it returns. (#411)
  • Added CSS to ensure that IE6 renders empty OnDemandList preload nodes with
    0 height. (#429)

Column Plugins

  • The editor plugin now supports widgets returning object values by comparing
    using valueOf. (#256, #304, #423)
  • The tree plugin has been refactored to make use of the util/has-css3
    module, rather than feature-detecting upon first expansion. (#416)
  • The tree plugin now implements expand such that it will bail out if the
    target row is already in the desired state.


30 May 11:11
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Breaking changes

Signature of the newRow method

The newRow method in List, called in reaction to observed store changes,
has had its signature altered to match that of insertRow. Please note
that it is likely that newRow may be refactored out of existence in the future.

Grid and the columns property

The Grid module now normalizes the columns instance property to an object
even when it is passed in as an array. This means that any code written
which accesses grid.columns directly will break if it expects it to maintain
the array structure that was originally passed in.

To compensate for this, get("columns") retains the previous behavior - it
returns columns as initially passed, except in the case where subRows is
passed instead, in which case it returns an object hash version of the structure
keyed by column IDs.

put-selector version

When updating to dgrid 0.3.5, make sure you also update your version of
put-selector to 0.3.1 or higher
(0.3.2 is the latest at the time of this writing). If you use
cpm to update dgrid, this should happen

Significant changes


  • List instances will now clean up any styles added dynamically via the
    addCssRule method; this also applies by extension to Grid#styleColumn
    and ColumnSet#styleColumnSet. This may cause a change in behavior in some
    edge cases; the previous behavior can be obtained by passing
    cleanAddedRules: false in the constructor arguments object. (#371)
  • The up and down methods of List will now call grid.row internally to
    resolve whatever argument is passed; the left and right methods of
    Grid will call grid.cell. (Formerly these methods only accepted a
    row or cell object directly.)
  • The Grid module now ensures that an object hash of the grid's columns is
    always available (see Breaking Changes above); this fixes issues when
    column IDs are explicitly set, but then couldn't be properly looked up
    against the columns array.
  • The Grid module now emits a dgrid-sort event when a sortable header cell
    is clicked; this event includes a sort property, and may be canceled to
    stop the sort, or to substitute alternative behavior. In the latter case,
    if updating the sort arrow in the UI is still desired, call the
    updateSortArrow method and pass the sort value from the event.
  • The OnDemandList module now supports a pagingMethod property, which allows
    specifying whether to throttle or debounce scroll events. The default
    behavior has been changed from "throttleDelayed" to "debounce", which
    generally is capable of far reducing the number of store queries issued,
    moreso if pagingDelay is increased (though its default remains the same).
  • The OnDemandList module now supports a keepScrollPosition property, which
    will attempt to preserve scroll position between refresh calls. This can be
    set on the instance itself to affect all refreshes, or can be passed to the
    refresh method directly for a specific call.
  • The OnDemandList module now returns a promise from the refresh method,
    which resolves when the grid finishes rendering results after the refresh.
    It also emits a dgrid-refresh-complete event, which includes both a
    reference to the QueryResults object (results) and the rendered rows
    (rows). In addition, the dgrid-error event now fires more consistently
    (both for OnDemandList and Pagination).


  • The Selection mixin now supports an allowTextSelection property, allowing
    text selection within a List or Grid to be permitted or denied completely
    independently from the selectionMode property; default behavior is still
    to prevent unless selectionMode is none. Selection prevention itself
    has also been fixed to work in all browsers. (#148)

Column Plugins

  • Fixed a tree regression since 0.3.2 involving only-child rows being misplaced
    upon observed changes. (#353)


  • The ColumnResizer extension now supports an adjustLastColumn flag; when
    set to true (the default, and previous behavior), this will adjust the
    last column's width to auto at times where a column resize operation would
    otherwise cause column widths to stretch due to how browsers render tables.
    This can be set to false to purposely disable this behavior.
  • The Pagination extension now returns a promise from the refresh and
    gotoPage methods, which resolves when the grid finishes rendering results.
    Note that it does not (yet) emit an event like OnDemandList.
  • The Pagination extension now re-queries for the current page of data when
    the grid is notified of a store modification which affects the number of
    items currently rendered. (#283)
  • The Pagination extension now supports a showLoadingMessage property; by
    default (true), a loading node will be displayed whenever a new page is
    requested; if set to false, the grid will instead retain the previous
    content until the new data is fully received and ready to render. (#219)
  • The Pagination extension now includes localized strings for the following languages:
    • French (#381, thanks mduriancik)
    • Brazilian Portuguese (#376, thanks stavarengo)
    • Slovak (#381, thanks mduriancik)
  • The DijitRegistry extension now supports dgrid components as direct children
    of common Dijit layout container widgets, and will now properly alter the
    size of a list or grid if the resize method is passed an argument. (#401)

Other changes and fixes


  • Resolved an issue where upon changing column structure, the placement of the
    sort arrow would be lost even though the grid is still sorting by the same
  • Simplified logic in Grid to always create tr elements. (#387)
  • Resolved an issue where OnDemandList could end up firing requests where
    start exceeds total and count is negative. (#323)
  • Resolved issues regarding proper handling of errors / rejected promises in
    OnDemandList as well as the Pagination extension.
    (#351; obsoletes #241, #242)
  • Resolved potential memory leaks in Grid, ColumnSet, and ColumnResizer.
    (#393, #394, #395, #396, #397)
  • Resolved issues in Grid, ColumnSet, ColumnHider, and ColumnResizer
    regarding dynamic style injection for grids with DOM node IDs containing
    unsafe characters; added escapeCssIdentifier function to util/misc. (#402)
  • Resolved an issue in TouchScroll which unnecessarily prevented native
    touch-scrolling even when the component can't be scrolled. (#344)


  • Resolved an issue with the ColumnSet mixin where clicking within the
    horizontal scrollbar area (aside from the arrows/handle) wouldn't work in IE.
  • Improved logic of isSelect for Selection and CellSelection regarding
    unloaded rows/cells in combination with the select-all feature in some cases.


  • Resolved an issue where ColumnHider would leave styles applied for hiding
    columns, which could have adverse effects if a new grid is later created
    with the same ID. (#371)
  • Resolved an issue with ColumnHider which could cause the hidden state of
    columns to be forgotten when other components such as ColumnReorder
    interact with the column structure. (#289)
  • Resolved an issue with ColumnHider related to IE8 standards mode's handling
    of display: none cells. (#362)
  • Resolved an issue where widths set via the ColumnResizer extension would be
    reset upon rearranging columns with the ColumnReorder extension.
  • Resolved an issue in ColumnResizer styles which caused body and header cells
    to skew in Chrome 19 and Safari 6. (#142, #370)
  • Changed name of private _columnStyles object used by the ColumnResizer
    extension to _columnSizes to reduce ambiguity.
  • The Pagination extension will no longer immediately throw errors if it is
    initialized without a store. However, a warning will be logged, and any
    method calls will likely throw errors until a store is assigned. (#355)


30 May 11:10
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Significant changes


  • The ColumnResizer extension now emits a dgrid-columnresize event when a resize
    occurs; if initiated by the user, the event will include a parentType property
    indicating the type of event that triggered it. If this event is canceled,
    the column will not be resized. (#320)
  • The ColumnResizer extension now honors a width property included on column
    definition objects for the purpose of initializing the width of a column; this
    can be useful if it is desired to persist and restore custom column widths
    from a cookie or other local storage. (#321)
  • The ColumnResizer extension now honors a resizable property included on
    column definition objects for the purpose of disallowing resize of specific
    columns. (#325)

Other changes and fixes


  • Resolved an issue in List relating to scrolling and preload nodes. (#318, #323)


  • The ColumnSet mixin now supports horizontal mousewheel events. (#239)

Column Plugins

  • The column plugins (editor, selector, and tree) can now be invoked without
    a column definition object at all, if no properties need to be set. This
    is mostly useful for selector. (#324)
  • Fixed an issue with the selector plugin when a column definition lacks a
    label property. (#324)
  • Always-on editor columns now honor the canEdit function on column definitions
    at the time each cell is rendered.
  • Always-on editor columns now properly revert values if the dgrid-datachange
    event is canceled. (#252)


  • The ColumnResizer extension's resize indicator now follows the cursor
    even when dragging beyond the grid's boundaries, and reacts if the mouse
    button is released even outside the boundaries of the browser window. (#310)


30 May 11:09
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Breaking changes

  • The Keyboard module's dgrid-cellfocusin and dgrid-cellfocusout events
    now report either a row or cell object, depending on whether
    cellNavigation is false or true, respectively. (Formerly these events
    always contained a cell property pointing to the DOM node that fired the event.)
  • Several mixin and extension modules have had their declare hierarchies
    simplified under the expectation that they will always be mixed in as
    documented, and never be instantiated directly. To be clear, this will not
    break any code that is written as prescribed by the documentation.

Significant changes

  • All custom events fired by dgrid components now report the following properties:
    • grid: The dgrid instance which fired the event.
    • parentType: If the event was fired in direct response to another event,
      this property reflects the type of the originating event. If the event
      was fired due to a direct API call, parentType will not be defined.
  • The ColumnReorder extension now fires a dgrid-columnreorder event when
    a column is reordered via drag'n'drop. Note that this event always reports
    a parentType of "dnd" (there is no way to trigger this event directly
    from an API call).
  • The Pagination extension now exposes and references its i18n strings via the
    i18nPagination instance property, allowing these strings to be overridden.

Other changes and fixes


  • Fixed an issue with the up and down methods in List and the left and
    right methods in Grid, which could cause them to attempt to traverse
    outside the list/grid in question.
  • Fixed an issue in the observer code in List which could cause an updated
    row to render out-of-sequence when tree is used. (#154)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause old IE to throw errors due to an undefined
    parameter to insertBefore. (#308)
  • The _StoreMixin module now shows/hides a node displaying noDataMessage in
    reaction to the last row being removed or first row being added. (#229)
  • The OnDemandList module now adheres more strictly to the maxRowsPerPage
    property. To accommodate this, the default has been increased from 100 to
    250. (#280)
  • The OnDemandList module's default value for farOffRemoval has been
    lowered from 10000 to 2000.
  • The loadingMessage property (referenced by OnDemandList and the Pagination
    extension) now supports HTML strings, like noDataMessage (#312)
  • The CSS for one of the util/has-css3 module's tests has had its class renamed
    to prevent conflicting with users of Modernizr. (#313)


  • The Selection mixin in single-selection mode now properly allows reselecting
    a row that was deselected immediately prior. (#295)


  • The ColumnHider extension will now resize its popup element and enable
    scrolling within it, in cases where its height would otherwise exceed the
    that of the parent grid. (#311)
  • The Pagination extension now supports noDataMessage like OnDemandList. (#180)


30 May 11:09
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Breaking changes

GridFromHtml and OnDemandGrid

The GridFromHtml module no longer automatically mixes in the OnDemandGrid
module, mixing in only Grid instead, in order to support the option of using
alternative store-backed mechanisms such as the Pagination extension.
This may cause existing code which relied on GridFromHtml and loaded from a
store to break. Such cases will now need to mix in OnDemandList manually
(they don't need to mix in OnDemandGrid, since Grid is still inherited by

There are a couple of ways to deal with this. In Dojo 1.8, when parsing dgrid
instances declaratively, the new data-dojo-mixins attribute can be used to
mix OnDemandList into GridFromHtml:

<table data-dojo-type="dgrid/GridFromHtml" data-dojo-mixins="dgrid/OnDemandList" data-dojo-props="...">

In the case of Dojo 1.7, dojo/parser doesn't understand module IDs, and so a
global reference to the dgrid components used is needed. Changing such code to
mix in OnDemandList involves nothing more than an additional use of declare:

<table data-dojo-type="dgrid.OnDemandGridFromHtml" data-dojo-props="...">
    var dgrid = {}; // declared in global scope
    require(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/parser", "dgrid/GridFromHtml", "dgrid/OnDemandList", ..., "dojo/domReady!"],
    function(declare, parser, GridFromHtml, OnDemandList, ...) {
        // Create dgrid constructor with necessary components, available in the global scope.
        dgrid.OnDemandGridFromHtml = declare([GridFromHtml, OnDemandList]);

        // Parse the document, now that the above constructor is available.

Significant changes


  • All dgrid components now have scrollTo and getScrollPosition methods,
    either inheriting from TouchScroll (see below) or implemented in List
    based on scrollTop and scrollLeft. Updates have been made to dgrid
    components where necessary to leverage these methods.
  • All dgrid components now respond to set("showFooter") consistently with
    set("showHeader"). (#284)
  • It is now possible to initialize or later set CSS classes on a dgrid component's
    top DOM node via "class" or className. (#183)
  • _StoreMixin (used by OnDemandList and the Pagination extension) now
    includes a reference to the grid instance in emitted dgrid-error events
    (via a grid property on the error object).
  • The TouchScroll module has undergone significant changes and improvements:
    • uses CSS3 translate3d to take advantage of hardware acceleration
      • a util/has-css3 module has been added with has-feature tests to
        detect CSS3 features to be used by TouchScroll
    • implements increased tension and bounce-back beyond edges
    • displays scrollbars as appropriate while scrolling
    • implements scrollTo and getScrollPosition methods to allow manipulation
      and retrieval of scroll information based on CSS transformations
    • allows configuring how many touches are necessary to activate scrolling,
      via the touchesToScroll property


  • The ColumnSet mixin now defines a styleColumnSet method, which is
    analogous to Grid's styleColumn method, but instead adds a style rule for
    the class on nodes containing the entire columnset contents for a row.
  • The Keyboard mixin now defines focus and focusHeader methods, for
    programmatically focusing a row or cell (depending on the value of the
    cellNavigation setting). (#130)

Column Plugins

  • The tree column plugin now supports a collapseOnRefresh property in the
    column definition; if set to true, it will cause all parent rows to render
    collapsed whenever the grid is refreshed, rather than remembering their
    previous state.
  • The tree column plugin now supports a allowDuplicates property in the
    column definition; this can be set to true to allow for cases where the same
    item may appear under multiple parents in the tree. Note however that it
    limits the capabilities of the row method to the top level only. (#147)


  • A CompoundColumns extension has been added, which allows defining column
    structures which include additional spanning header cells describing the
    contents beneath.
  • The ColumnHider extension has undergone some refactoring to make it more
    extensible and to provide a public API for toggling the hidden state of a
    column, via the toggleColumnHiddenState(columnId) method.
  • The ColumnReorder extension has been refactored to allow reordering of
    columns within the same subrow or columnset in more complex column structures,
    in addition to the previous ability to reorder columns in simple single-row
  • The DnD extension now properly supports touch devices when used with Dojo 1.8.
  • The DnD extension now supports specifying a getObjectDndType function, for
    customizing the DnD type reported for each item rendered.

Other changes and fixes


  • Several accessibility issues have been addressed, including fixes to the
    roles reported by certain elements, and labels added to the Pagination
    extension's controls. (Partly attributed to #273)
  • Grid: calls to cell with a falsy columnId value now work properly. (#198)
  • Fixed an issue with dgrid instances not reacting correctly to window resize.
  • Fixed an issue affecting odd/even row classes on in-place updates. (#269)
  • Fixed a rendering issue involving confusion of preload node dimensions. (#161)
  • Fixed an issue causing tree level indentation to render improperly when used
    with the Pagination extension.
  • Fixed a deprecated API call in _StoreMixin. (#272)
  • Improved logic in OnDemandList to properly account for lists with displays
    which tile items using display: inline-block.


  • The ColumnSet mixin now behaves properly when calling
    set("columnSets", ...). (#202)
  • The non-standard colsetid attribute assigned to nodes by the ColumnSet
    mixin has been replaced with the data-dgrid-column-set-id attribute.
  • The Selection mixin will now properly reset _lastSelected when
    clearSelection is called. (#175)
  • The Selection mixin will now wait until mouseup when handling mouse events
    on targets that are already selected. (#251)

Column Plugins

  • The expand method defined by the tree column plugin will no longer
    be called at all in reaction to events on rows which report no children.


  • The ColumnHider extension now supports setting hidden and unhidable
    together, resulting in the column being hidden and not being present in the
    popup menu (but it can still be shown programmatically). (#199)
  • The ColumnHider extension now behaves appropriately for columns with no
    label defined. (#244)
  • A number of protected members in the ColumnHider extension have been renamed:
    • _toggleColumnState has been replaced by _setColumnHiddenState and the
      public API toggleColumnHiddenState mentioned above
    • _toggleHiderMenu has been renamed to _toggleColumnHiderMenu
    • _columnStyleRules has been renamed to _columnHiderRules
  • An issue with the ColumnResizer extension which could cause distortion of
    width values on the first resize has been fixed. (#291)
  • The DnD extension can now drag non-root tree items in Dojo 1.8 only by
    passing allowNested: true to the source via dndParams. (#68)
  • The DnD extension now behaves better with regard to synchronizing with
    dgrid's Selection mixin, and also with regard to dragging when some selected
    nodes are no longer in the DOM. (#185, #246)
  • The DnD extension now adds CSS to adequately override spurious styles which
    can leak in from dijit.css in Dojo 1.8. (#255)


30 May 11:08
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Significant changes

  • Column plugins can now define the following functions on column definitions,
    providing more opportune timing for initialization and tear-down:
    • init, which will be executed at the time the grid's column configuration
      is (re-)applied
    • destroy, which will be executed when the grid is destroyed, as well as
      before a new column configuration is applied
  • The tree plugin now supports the following column definition properties:
    • shouldExpand(row, level, previouslyExpanded), a function providing for
      conditional automatic expansion of parent rows (#141)
    • indentWidth, an integer specifying the size (in pixels) of each level's
      indent (note that the default is now 9, though it was previously 19)
    • renderExpando(), a function which can replace the default logic for
      rendering the expando node (the arrow next to the content of each cell)
  • The editor plugin now augments the grid instance with an edit(cell) method
    which can be used to programmatically activate the editor in a given cell.
  • A util/mouse module has been added, which exposes simulated events for
    the mouse entering and leaving grid rows and cells. (#165)
  • A package.js has been added in order to streamline the build process.
    package.json has been updated to reflect the presence of package.js and
    reference the latest versions of xstyle and put-selector, each of which now
    have a package.js of their own.

Other Fixes

  • Mouse events for expanding/collapsing rows in tree grids should be a bit more
    reliable. (#112)
  • Rows expanded in a tree grid which has been started up but is currently hidden
    will now be rendered properly when re-shown. (#140)
  • The tree and editor plugins can now both be used on the same column, by
    wrapping editor with tree. (#144)
  • sortable now defaults to false for columns where field is "_item"
    or entirely unspecified (in which case there's nothing to sort by anyway).
  • The Pagination extension now behaves appropriately with empty result sets.
  • The ColumnHider extension now iterates over subRows rather than columns,
    making it a bit more reliable in general. (#164)
  • A couple of issues with the DijitRegistry extension were identified and
    fixed. (#146, thanks jdohert)


30 May 11:06
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column plugin names are now lowercase

Formerly, column plugins and the named arguments storing their module return values
had their first letter capitalized. However, given that these plugins are in
fact simply functions which modify (and return) their first passed argument,
and are not in fact constructors, their nomenclature has been amended to
all-lowercase to avoid confusion, and to further convey that they are intended
to be run without the new keyword.

When running on a case-insensitive filesystem (e.g. Windows, or Mac OS X by
default), this change likely won't have any immediate visible effect on
existing code which requests the module with an initial capital letter.
However, revising code to reference the all-lowercase module ID is encouraged.

new TouchScroll implementation

The TouchScroll module provides touch-event-based scrolling for dgrid
components on touch devices. Originally this module was borrowed from a
snapshot of a dojox/mobile module, but this implementation blocked several
dgrid features from working correctly on touch devices.

That module has been replaced by a new barebones implementation written from the
ground up. Further development on this module is likely to occur.

additional extensions

The following extensions have been added since v0.2:

  • ColumnReorder: allows reordering columns in simple grids via DnD
  • ColumnHider: allows dynamically hiding/showing grid columns from a simple menu
  • Pagination: adds controls for discrete pagination


column- and columnset-* classes now prefixed with dgrid-

The column-<id> classes added by the Grid module, and the columnset-*
classes added by the ColumnSet mixin, have been renamed to include the dgrid-
prefix like most other classes automatically added by dgrid components.

The main exception is the field-<field> classes, which are intentionally not
namespaced in this fashion, as they are thought to be more applicable to the
particular use-case and less applicable to the dgrid components themselves.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is recommended to style using the
.field-<field> classes (or, if a className is specified in the column
definition, use that as it overrides the .field-<field> class).

ColumnResizer: handle node class is now dgrid-resize-handle

The class on the resize handle node added to each header cell by the
ColumnResizer extension was formerly dgrid-resize-handler; this has been
corrected to dgrid-resize-handle.


While these changes relate particularly to code in List.js, note that the changes
essentially affect all dgrid components, since all components extend from or
mix into List.

new: get and set methods

Central get and set functions have been implemented, somewhat akin to the
interfaces seen in dojo/Stateful and dijit/_WidgetBase. However, there are
some key differences:

  • dgrid supports custom getters and setters, but they are named following the
    pattern of _getFoo and _setFoo, unlike Dijit's _getFooAttr and _setFooAttr.
  • watch is not implemented.

Most set* functions found throughout dgrid components are now implemented
as custom setters, and should thus be accessed via the central set method.
For example, setQuery(...) is now set("query", ...). Deprecation stubs
are currently in place for the old APIs, but will be removed in the future.

sortOrder property and sort function replaced by getter/setter

Previously, sortOrder was the (arguably internal) instance property used to
store the current sort options. Sort code has since been rearranged; the new
recommended way to retrieve existing sort options is to call get("sort").

Meanwhile, the sort method has been deprecated in favor of set("sort", ...).
Sort order can also now be initially defined when creating a list or grid by
specifying a sort property in the object passed to the constructor.


columndef.get function now takes one parameter

The get function on column definitions is now passed only one argument: the
object for the row in question.

Earlier, the object was the second parameter, in order to match the signature of
the same function in dojox grid components. However, the first parameter did
absolutely nothing in dgrid, and has now been removed.

_StoreMixin (OnDemandList/OnDemandGrid, Pagination)

new: columndef.set function

Store-backed grids now support a set function on the column definition object.
Like get, this function receives an object, which contains the updated item as
it will be put into the store. The function may return a value to replace the
value in the field represented by the column.

Additionally, since the object passed to the function is the
object that will be put, it is possible to perform more complex
transformations by modifying the object directly; in this case, the function
may elect not to return anything. Note, however, that this approach should
be used sparingly and carefully, since it is possible to do anything to the
item, and complications may develop if multiple columns in the same grid take
this approach.

new: updateDirty

Store-backed grids also now have an updateDirty(id, field, value) method,
which can be used to update dirty state of items represented in the grid.
(On master this was previously known as setDirty, but did not exist in v0.2.)

Selection / CellSelection

dgrid-select and dgrid-deselect events

The behavior and signature of selection events has changed significantly.

  • When a range is selected, instead of firing many individual events for each
    affected row/cell, a single batched event will be fired.
  • These events now include a rows or cells property yielding an array of objects,
    rather than a row or cell property yielding a single object.
  • Deselect events will now fire when rows are removed, or if a refresh occurs
    which resets the grid's selection.

new: allowSelectAll property, disabled by default

Previously, checkbox selectors provided the ability to select all rows.
This ability is still provided, but is now determined by the value of the
allowSelectAll property.

Note, however, that this property defaults to false. This feature is not
needed in all use cases, and its implications should be considered beforehand,
especially with regard to the lazy-loading nature of store-backed lists and grids.

Additionally, it is now possible to use Ctrl+A or Cmd+A to toggle between
selecting all items and selecting no items.

new: allowSelect method

Selection now exposes an allowSelect method on the instance. This method
receives a row object (or a cell object in the case of CellSelection) and
is expected to return true or false, reflecting whether selection of this
row or cell should be permitted.

This is particularly useful in conjunction with the selector column plugin,
which will display a disabled checkbox or radio button as appropriate.

new: deselectOnRefresh property

Previously, the Selection module would clear the selection whenever a list
or grid is refreshed. While this is still the default, the behavior can now
be disabled by setting deselectOnRefresh to false.


columndef.type is now columndef.selectorType

In dgrid 0.2, the selector type (generally either "checkbox" or "radio")
could be specified within the column definition object via the type property.
This has been changed to selectorType to avoid ambiguity. The selector type
can also be specified as the second argument to the selector column plugin
function instead, as before.


The editor column plugin has been significantly refactored since v0.2.
The most notable changes in terms of API effects are noted below.

widgetArgs property is now editorArgs

The widgetArgs property supported in the column definition by the editor
plugin has been renamed to editorArgs to be agnostic as to whether the
editor is a widget or a standard input, leaving the door open for usage with
standard HTML input types.

editorArgs cannot be specified as a function

Previously, it was possible to specify widgetArgs as a function instead of an
object. The function would receive a store item and be expected to return an
object hash to pass to the widget constructor each time an editor is rendered.

This capability was rarely useful, and is no longer viable, particularly due to
how editors now behave when editOn is specified: the editor component is only
constructed once, rather than every time a cell is activated for editing.

Thus, widget properties may only be specified directly via an object hash to
the editorArgs property. For more advanced cases where the value needs to be
computed or transformed on a per-item basis, use the get function in the
column definition object to return the appropriate data.

dgrid-datachange event properties

The dgrid-datachange event emitted by the editor column plugin now includes
a cell property, which contains the same data retrievable via
grid.cell(event). Since grid.cell is already called in the relevant
editor code, it is exposed directly on the event to avoid forcing developers
to perform the same lookup again on the other end.

Since it is possible to get cell and row information from this property,
the previously-exposed rowId property of the dgrid-datachange event is
now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

The dgrid-datachange event also now includes a grid property containing a
reference to the Grid instance from which the event was fired.


expand method added to grid instance

Tree columns now add an expand(row, expand) method to their parent grid,
for programmatically expanding or collapsing grid rows. See the documentation
for details.


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