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Releases: etcd-io/etcd


10 Sep 17:28
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Zero-Downtime Rolling Upgrade from 2.1

Upgrading from etcd 2.1 to etcd 2.2 is a zero-downtime rolling upgrade. The basic approach is that you can upgrade a cluster running etcd 2.1 one-by one to etcd 2.2. For more details, please read the upgrade documentation. If you are running your cluster under etcd 0.4.x, please follow the snapshot migration documentation to upgrade your cluster.
Also, with this release, etcd 2.2 is now the current stable etcd release; as such, all bug fixes will go into new etcd 2.2.x releases and won't be backported to etcd 2.1.x.

Major Changes

[GH 3083] New etcd client

Today we added a new Go etcd client binding to replace the old go-etcd client. The new client provides a clean set of APIs and improves the functionality around request cancellation and error reporting. We encourage you to try it out for new projects and provide feedback on the API via the etcd-dev mailing list. In this release etcdctl also uses this new client, which will improve its reliability.

[GH 3248] Experimental v3 API and new storage demo

We recently proposed a new version of the etcd API that is focused on providing improved features to the key/value store including: range reads, multi-key transactions, binary keys/values, and a longer, more reliable key change history.

This new API also provides an efficient, reliable and scalable way to access the new disk storage backend. The new disk storage backend allows etcd to do incremental snapshots and decreases the memory pressure of large datasets while retaining hot data in memory for fast access. The new storage backend combined with the v3 API will provide even better performance and stability than today’s in-memory store that supports the v2 API.

etcd 2.2 supports a subset of the v3 API for testing and demo purposes. Note that this early preview is a non-clustered version and should not be used in production. You can enable it by setting --experimental-v3demo flag, then build and use the etcdctlv3 tool in the etcd repo to interact with it.

We plan to support an experimental clustered version of v3 API in the next etcd minor release, etcd v2.3.0, currently targeted for release at the end of October.

[GH 3210 GH 3197] Active cluster health checking

In previous releases of etcd, the leader of the cluster was solely responsible for monitoring the health of other members. With this new release, all members of an etcd cluster now regularly check for connectivity and timing differences to other members to ensure cluster-wide health. To ease debugging potential issues etcd now report members that are observed as unhealthy every 30 seconds in the logs. This new feature also helps users explore and understand the stability of their cluster - for example, by exposing clock synchronization issues that might cause incorrect TTL expiration or issue caused by partial network partitions between members.

etcdctl supports a new flag --forever for the cluster-health subcommand. With that flag set, etcdctl will monitor cluster health continuously. You can now run etcdctl cluster-health --forever and it will print out the cluster health information every 10 seconds.

Improved documentation

Based on feedback from the community, we've made a number of improvements to the readability and understandability of our documentation. Moreover, we added two key new documents:

[GH 3275] v2 API change

The newly created unique key is padded with 0s. We now can sort the created unique keys in lexicographic order.

Default GOMAXPROCS changes with Go 1.5

Since Go 1.5, by default Go programs run with GOMAXPROCS set to the number of cores available; in prior releases it defaulted to 1. When compiled with Go 1.5, etcd follows the default behavior described above. The released binaries are compiled with Go 1.5. The number of cores used is printed out on start.

[GH 3413] Support Dedicated WAL Directory

etcd 2.2 supports using a dedicated disk to store wal files, which could improve the throughput and stabilize the cluster. It is highly recommended to dedicate a wal disk and set --wal-dir to point to a directory on that device for a production cluster deployment.

[GH 3390] Introduce flag --endpoint in etcdctl

We recommend to use flag --endpoint to specify the etcd cluster endpoints in etcdctl instead of flag --peers. Though two flags perform the same, name --endpoint is clear and straightforward.

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.2.0-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.2.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.2.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.2.0-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run --name etcd
docker exec etcd /etcdctl set foo bar

For advanced usage, please check our docker guide.


To get started with rkt on Linux run the following in a terminal:

# for more info about rkt command line, see related doc at
rkt run --volume data-dir,kind=host,source=/tmp --mds-register=false


03 Sep 20:45
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  • [GH 3378] when invalid TLS files are provided etcd logs a helpful error message and shuts down cleanly.

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.1.3-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.1.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.1.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.1.3-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 2379:2379 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with Rocket on Linux run the following in a terminal:

rkt run


28 Aug 20:22
Choose a tag to compare
v2.2.0-rc.0 Pre-release

Main features

new etcd client [GH 3083]

We’re releasing a new etcd client in the etcd repo to replace the old go-etcd client. The new client provides a clean set of APIs and improves the functionality around request cancellation and error reporting. It is still under development and might not be as stable as go-etcd. We encourage you to give it a try.

etcdctl now uses the new etcd client. The new client should improve the stability and reliability of etcdctl.

experimental v3 API demo [GH 3248]

We’ve proposed a new version of the etcd API recently. etcd 2.2 supports a subset of the API for testing and demo purposes. It is a non-clustered version and should not be put in production. You can enable it by setting --experimental-v3demo flag, then build and use the etcdctlv3 tool in the etcd repo to interact with it.

v2 API change [GH 2564]

The newly created unique key is padded with 0s. We now can sort the created unique keys in lexicographic order.

default GOMAXPROCS changes with Go 1.5

Since Go 1.5, by default Go programs run with GOMAXPROCS set to the number of cores available; in prior releases it defaulted to 1. When compiled with Go 1.5, etcd follows the default behavior described above. The released binaries are compiled with Go 1.5. The number of cores used is printed out on start.

cluster health monitoring [GH 3210 3197]

In 2.2, etcd members check for connectivity and timing differences to other other members to ensure the cluster wide health. etcd members report anything unhealthy every 30 seconds as log output.

etcdctl supports a new flag --forever for the cluster-health subcommand. With that flag set, etcdctl will monitor cluster health continuously. You can now run etcdctl cluster-health --forever and it will print out the cluster health information every 10 seconds.

new documentation

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.2.0-rc.0-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.2.0-rc.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.2.0-rc.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.2.0-rc.0-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 2379:2379 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with rkt on Linux run the following in a terminal:

# for more info about rkt command line, see related doc at
rkt run --volume data-dir,kind=host,source=/tmp --mds-register=false


21 Aug 23:45
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  • [GH 3129] refuse to start when listening on HTTPS and the TLS cert and/or key is missing
  • [GH 2234] log a warning when listening on HTTP and TLS is set
  • [GH 3149] fix start etcd failure after failing to use proxy mode in member-mode data directory
  • [GH 3143] improve output for command line flag parsing errors
  • [GH 3257] improve retry mechanism when using the etcd discovery service
  • [GH 3118] limit the max election timeout setting to 50 seconds
  • [GH 3249] fix struct alignment issue when running under arm64
  • [GH 2905] specify request timeout caused by leader election
  • [GH 3235] improve error response codes for key etcd requests
  • [GH 3238] support cluster health check when auth is enabled
  • [GH 3332] log the etcd version during startup
  • [GH 3350] fix peer-url and initial-cluster mismatch issue when using discovery SRV
  • stop spamming snapshot logging at INFO level when there is a member failure

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.1.2-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.1.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.1.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.1.2-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 2379:2379 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with Rocket on Linux run the following in a terminal:

rkt run


13 Aug 23:14
Choose a tag to compare
v2.2.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Main features

new etcd client [GH 3083]

We release a new etcd client in etcd repo to replace the old go-etcd client. The new client provides a clean set of APIs and improves the functionality around request cancellation and error reporting. It is still under development and might not be as stable as go-etcd. We encourage you to get it a try.

etcdctl now uses the new etcd client. The new client should improve the stability and reliability of etcdctl.

experimental v3 API demo [GH 3248]

We’ve proposed a new version of the etcd API recently. etcd 2.2 supports a subset of the API for testing and demo purposes. It is a non-clustered version and should not be put in production. You can enable it by setting --experimental-v3demo flag, then build and use the etcdctlv3 in etcd repo to interact with it.

cluster health monitoring [GH 3210 3197]

In 2.2, etcd members check for connectivity and timing differences to other other members to ensure the cluster wide health. etcd members report anything unhealthy every 30 seconds as log output.

etcdctl supports a new flag --forever for cluster-health subcommand. With that flag set, etcdctl will monitor cluster health continuously. You can now run etcdctl cluster-health --forever and it will print out the cluster health information every 10 seconds.

new documentation

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.2.0-alpha.1-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.2.0-alpha.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.2.0-alpha.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.2.0-alpha.1-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 2379:2379 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with rkt on Linux run the following in a terminal:

# for more info about rkt command line, see related doc at
rkt run --volume data-dir,kind=host,source=/tmp --mds-register=false


13 Aug 18:11
Choose a tag to compare
v2.2.0-alpha.0 Pre-release

Main features

new etcd client [GH 3083]

We release a new etcd client in etcd repo to replace the old go-etcd client. The new client provides a clean set of APIs and improves the functionality around request cancellation and error reporting. It is still under development and might not be as stable as go-etcd. We encourage you to get it a try.

etcdctl now uses the new etcd client. The new client should improve the stability and reliability of etcdctl.

experimental v3 API demo [GH 3248]

We’ve proposed (a new version of the etcd API)[] recently. etcd 2.2 supports a subset of the API for testing and demo purposes. It is a non-clustered version and should not be put in production. You can enable it by setting --experimental-v3demo flag, the build and use the etcdctlv3 in etcd repo to interact with it.

cluster health monitoring [GH 3210 3197]

In 2.2, etcd members check for connectivity and timing differences to other other members to ensure the cluster wide health. etcd members report anything unhealthy every 30 seconds as log output.

etcdctl supports a new flag --forever for cluster-health subcommand. With that flag set, etcdctl will monitor cluster health continuously. You can now run etcdctl cluster-health --forever and it will print out the cluster health information every 10 seconds.

new documentation

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.2.0-alpha.0-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.2.0-alpha.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.2.0-alpha.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.2.0-alpha.0-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 2379:2379 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with rkt on Linux run the following in a terminal:

# for more info about rkt command line, see related doc at
rkt run --volume data-dir,kind=host,source=/tmp --mds-register=false


21 Jul 18:24
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Main features

authentication features [GH 2242]

/v2/auth endpoint adds the authentication feature to the v2 API, providing users, roles and basic authentication. etcdctl support, etcd/client support and the REST API on authentication has been implemented, and they are super easy to use. You can check authentication documentation to start. This is an experimental feature, which will be improved based on user feedback.

more stable transportation [GH 2323 2620 2544]

  • In order to reduce the connection creation overhead and to make raft transportation more efficient and stable, etcd now maintains long running connections with other peers.
  • To reduce the raft command commit latency, each raft append message is now attached to a commit index. The commit latency is reduced from 100ms to 1ms under light load (<100 writes/second).
  • etcd/raft now provides better internal flow control, significantly reducing the possibility of raft message loss, and improving cpu and memory efficiency.

functional testing

fault-injecting, functional testing framework is built to test the functionality of an etcd cluster with a focus on failure-resistance under heavy usage. we have run it continuously for the last four months, and etcd has shown to be robust under many kinds of harsh failure scenarios. For more details, please check the blog post here.

better logging [GH 2707 2923 2926]

Leveled logging is supported now. Users can set an expected log level for etcd and its subpackages. At the meantime, we have moved verbose repeated logging to DEBUG log level, so etcd's default log will be significantly more readable. You can control leveled logging using flags here.

metrics [GH 2785]

etcd introduces a new metrics feature, which can be used for real-time monitoring and debugging. It exposes statistics about both client behaviors and resource usage. This is an experimental feature, which will be improved based on user feedback.

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.1.1-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.1.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.1.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.1.1-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 2379:2379 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with Rocket on Linux run the following in a terminal:

rkt run


29 Jun 21:52
Choose a tag to compare
v2.1.0-rc.0 Pre-release

Main features

new authentication features

better logging

  • [GH2707] leveled logging is supported now. Users can set an expected log level for etcd and its subpackages.
  • [GH2923 2926] move verbose repeated logging to DEBUG log level

more stable transportation

  • [GH2323] In order to reduce the connection creation overhead and to make raft transportation more efficient and stable, etcd now maintains long running connections with other peers.
  • [GH2620] To reduce the raft command commit latency, each raft append message is now attached to a commit index. The commit latency is reduced from 100ms to 1ms under light load (<100 writes/second).
  • [GH2544] etcd/raft now provides better internal flow control, significantly reducing the possibility of raft message loss, and improving cpu and memory efficiency.

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.1.0-rc.0-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.1.0-rc.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.1.0-rc.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.1.0-rc.0-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 2379:2379 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with Rocket on Linux run the following in a terminal:

rkt run


25 Jun 21:25
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  • [GH 3030] The -advertise-client-urls flag is no longer required if falling back to proxy mode when discovery, or using read-only proxy mode.

This bug only affected the initial cluster bootstrapping and incorrectly required the -advertise-client-urls flag to be set in certain circumstances. There is no problem for existing clusters that have already been started.

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.0.13-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.0.13-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.0.13-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.0.13-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 4001:4001 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with rkt on Linux run the following in a terminal:

rkt run


17 Jun 05:29
Choose a tag to compare
v2.1.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Main features

new security features

better logging

  • [GH2707] leveled logging is supported now. Users could set expected log level for etcd and its subpackages.
  • [GH2923 2926] move verbose repeated logging to DEBUG log level

more stable transportation

  • [GH2323] To reduce the connection creation overhead and make raft transportation more efficient and stable, etcd now keeps long term connections with other peers.
  • [GH2620] To reduce the raft command commit latency, each raft append message now attached with a commit index. The commit latency is reduced from 100ms to 1ms under light load (<100 writes/second).
  • [GH2544] etcd/raft now provides better internal flow control. It significantly reduce the possibility of raft message loss, and improves the cpu/memory efficiency.

Getting Started


To get started on OSX run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o
cd etcd-v2.1.0-alpha.1-darwin-amd64

Open another terminal:

# Press enter to background etcd
./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started on Linux run the following in a terminal:

curl -L -o etcd-v2.1.0-alpha.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xzvf etcd-v2.1.0-alpha.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd etcd-v2.1.0-alpha.1-linux-amd64

Open another terminal:

# Press enter to background etcd
./etcdctl set mykey "this is awesome"
./etcdctl get mykey


To get started with Docker on Linux run the following in a terminal:

docker run -p 2379:2379 -v /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs


To get started with Rocket on Linux run the following in a terminal:

rkt run