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ngs-bits - Short-read sequencing tools

Obtaining ngs-bits

There are no binary releases yet.
Please use git to download the most recent development version:

git clone --recursive

Resolving proxy issues with git

If you are behind a proxy that block the standard git port, you see something like this:

$ git clone --recursive
Cloning into 'ngs-bits'...
fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Name or service not known)

Then you have to adapt your ~/.gitconfig file like that:

proxy = http://[user]:[password]@[host]:[port]

Building ngs-bits


ngs-bits depends on the following software to be installed

  • g++
  • qmake (Qt 5.3 or higher, including xmlpatterns and mysql package)
  • git (to extract the version hash)
  • cmake (to build the bamtools library)
  • optional: python and matplotlib (for plot generation in QC tools)

For example, the installation of the dependencies using Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 looks like that:

> sudo apt-get install g++ qt5-default libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev libqt5sql5-mysql git cmake python python-matplotlib


Just execute the following make commands:

make build_3rdparty
make build_tools_release

Now the executables and all required libraries can be found in the bin/ folder!

Note: Instructions how to build ngs-bits unter Windows can be found here.


Please report any issues or questions to the ngs-bits issue tracker.

Tools list

ngs-bits contains a lot of tools that we use for NGS short-read data analysis in our institute. Not all of these tools are mature enough for public use. Thus, here we will list tools that can be safely used:

Main tools

  • SeqPurge - A highly-sensitive adapter trimmer for paired-end short-read data (paper, poster from ECCB 2016 with more recent benchmarks).
  • SampleCorrelation - Calculates the variant overlap and correlation of two VCF/BAM files.
  • SampleGender - Determines sample gender based on a BAM file.
  • PERsim - Paired-end read simulator for Illumina reads.
  • CnvHunter - CNV detection from targeted resequencing data using non-matched control samples.

QC tools

The default output format of the quality control tools is qcML, an XML-based format for -omics quality control, that consists of an XML schema, which defined the overall structure of the format, and an ontology which defines the QC metrics that can be used.

  • ReadQC - Quality control tool for FASTQ files.
  • MappingQC - Quality control tool for a BAM file.
  • VariantQC - Quality control tool for a VCF file.
  • SomaticQC - Quality control tool for tumor-normal pairs. Examplary data for download:

BAM tools

BED tools

  • BedAdd - Adds the regions in two BED files.
  • BedAnnotateGC - Annnotates the regions in a BED file with GC content.
  • BedChunk - Splits regions in a BED file to chunks of a desired size.
  • BedCoverage - Annotates the regions in a BED file with the average coverage in one or several BAM files.
  • BedExtend - Extends the regions in a BED file by n bases.
  • BedInfo - Prints summary information about a BED file.
  • BedIntersect - Intersects two BED files.
  • BedLowCoverage - Calcualtes regions of low coverage based on a input BED and BAM file.
  • BedMerge - Merges overlapping regions in a BED file.
  • BedReadCount - Annoates the regions in a BED file with the read count from a BAM file.
  • BedShrink - Shrinks the regions in a BED file by n bases.
  • BedSort - Sorts the regions in a BED file
  • BedSubtract - Subracts one BED file from another BED file.
  • BedToFasta - Converts BED file to a FASTA file (based on the reference genome).

FASTQ tools

  • FastqConvert - Converts the quality scores from Illumina 1.5 offset to Sanger/Illumina 1.8 offset.
  • FastqExtract - Extracts reads from a FASTQ file according to an ID list.
  • FastqExtractBarcode - Moves molecular barcodes of reads to a separate file.
  • FastqFormat - Determines the quality score offset of a FASTQ file.
  • FastqList - Lists read IDs and base counts.
  • FastqMidParser - Counts the number of occurances of each MID/index/barcode in a FASTQ file.
  • FastqToFasta - Converts FASTQ to FASTA format.
  • FastqTrim - Trims start/end bases from the reads in a FASTQ file.

VCF tools

  • VariantFilterRegions - Filter a variant list based on a target region.
  • VcfLeftNormalize - Normalizes all variants and shifts indels to the left in a VCF file.
  • VcfSort - Sorts variant lists according to chromosomal position.
  • VcfStreamSort - Sorts entries of a VCF file according to genomic position using a stream.


Short-read seqencing tools







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  • C++ 91.6%
  • C 3.5%
  • QMake 1.7%
  • Prolog 1.7%
  • HTML 1.0%
  • Makefile 0.3%
  • Other 0.2%