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Releases: gustaveroussy/bigr_long-reads_bulk


09 Oct 15:16
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Bugs correction:


08 Oct 17:01
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  • Addition of UBAM (unaligned BAM) as alternative pipeline entrypoint. The available pipeline input files are now POD5, BAM and UBAM.

Steps modification:

  • Fastq files Quality Control is now performed on the unaligned BAM file right after basecalling and before filtering (instead of the aligned BAM).
  • All VCF files produced during the SNV annotation with SnpEff/SnpSift and CNV Calling with Spectre are now all bgzipped and indexed, it speeds up the following steps when compressed VCF files are accepted as input.
  • By default, VCF files from SNV variant caller are first filtered to keep only the variants annotated as "PASS", before proceeding to the annotation step with SnpEff. "keep_only_pass" value was added in the config file to enable/disable this step when needed.


  • Addition of various verifications before running the pipeline (supplementary design and config files check, etc)
  • Reads filtering parameters were added in the config file as "reads_filtering" value (default values: min read length = 1000 bp, min base quality score = 10 bp).
  • Methylation content presence is now checked in UBAM and BAM files given as input of the pipeline if the user choses to perform any methylation analysis in his config file.
  • SnpSift annotation rules were modified to ease various databases use.

Bugs correction:

  • multiQC did not work correctly when 'basecalling_mode = basic' since it was searching for methylation output by default: a conditional input for multiQC was added, depending on wether methylation analysis is performed or not.
  • Clair3 was not able to retrieve the input BAM index file since it was marked as temp() in the previous rule (reconcat_split_bam) and it was not given as an input to clair3 rule. It is now corrected.
  • CuteSV sniffles2plot output were the same as the ones generated with Sniffles2 plot: wrong input path was corrected.
  • Changed resources for modkit_pileup_uncomb rule as it returned some out of memory issues (even though it was labelled as a "Time Limit" error in slurm logs).


11 Sep 10:46
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Analysis steps added:

  • Preprocessing: Basecalling and Methylation calling
  • Alignment
  • Quality control (fastq, bam, methylation)
  • Differential Methylated Regions (DMR) analysis between all samples and/or between two conditions
  • Long Copy Number Variations (CNV) identification
  • Phasing


  • can be pod5 or aligned bam
  • the format of the design file has changed
  • we can give a file with interesting genes for maftools plots.


  • Singularity images are pushed on zenodo instead of github.


  • Supplementary germline SV (cuteSV) and SNV (PEPPER-Margin-DeepVariant) variant callers were added for future consensus analysis.


19 Jun 14:51
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First version of the pipeline: from bam to vcf, for germline or somatic analysis.