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Configure your RSK node to be used from a merge mining pool

herrerameri edited this page Jan 12, 2018 · 2 revisions

First of all, you need to download a config file depending on the type of network you are going to use:

Once you get the file, you need to set some parameters following this instructions.

Add miner options

These can be added to the downloaded config file to turn your node into a miner instance.

Enable RPC mining methods

Add 'mnr' module inside 'modules' section

modules = [
            name: "mnr",
            version: "1.0",
            enabled: "true"
         #Other enabled modules

Enable mining components and set reward address

  • Current Testnet minGasPrice value = 0
# miner options
miner {
    server.enabled = true
    client.enabled = false
    minGasPrice = 183000000

    # this is a hex-encoded, 20-byte length address where the miner gets the reward
    reward.address = <ENCODED_ADDRESS>
  • Your <ENCODED_ADDRESS> should be a 20-bytes value, for example:
reward.address = "83e5356c8Bb19109f5dg19900EC6c130049F8034"

Miner with coinbase secret (alternative to setting a reward address)

This configuration is usually used for testing, along with a local wallet hosted in the node.

** This is not recommended to be used in MainNet.**

# miner options
miner {
    server.enabled = true
    client.enabled = false
    minGasPrice = 183000000

    # this is a secret passphrase that is used to derive the address where the miner gets the reward.
    # please note this is stored in a local wallet and not recommended for production.
    coinbase.secret = <COINBASE_SECRET>

Restart RSK node

Once settings have been properly configured, restart node for changes to take effect.

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