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Install Rskj Using Ubuntu Package

herrerameri edited this page Jan 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Following the instructions below you will install and run the RSK node and it will work connected to RSK MaiNnet (by default).

Then, you can:


You can install RskJ on Ubuntu using our PPAs for Ubuntu:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rsksmart/rskj
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install rskj

The installed repo public key Fingerprint is 5EED 9995 C84A 49BC 02D4 F507 DF10 691F 518C 7BEA.

Also, the public key could be found in Ubuntu Key Server.

Direct download

The RskJ Ubuntu Package for Bamboo 0.4.0 can also be downloaded.

If so, you should first install openjdk-8-jre for Ubuntu Xenial and oracle-java8-installer for Ubuntu Trusty.

Once Java is installed, move to the directory where you have the .deb file and run:

$ dpkg -i rskj_0.4.0~yourUbuntuVersionName_amd64.deb

The packages SHA256 are:

e8ca493cf2dffd8a2655f2f4b4b7eaa8ccf1e748977af1b554a80b8e10462784  rskj_0.4.0_trusty_amd64.deb
da68147d9d754f2836879af38917ddc2e76a47d4d655867c043b331887edfc2d  rskj_0.4.0_trusty_i386.deb
c807aa9b1715d7182b1c6079254409498afcd767a255cb206bbacf129b120f27  rskj_0.4.0_xenial_amd64.deb
d847ebe501382f7e8ff17369b031a308a3126a689d424e15c00515d1a76ed3b5  rskj_0.4.0_xenial_i386.deb
49f49d4b3a79ab3ee80de271b07fcccb79e71a56d1f65943ccb81ef6f2a73fa2  rskj_0.4.0_zesty_amd64.deb
df5e863df3185d2e00f181dca4af44d34e7825b0cb2275499c6462e1d41610d3  rskj_0.4.0_zesty_i386.deb

The installer will configure your node in the following paths:

  • /etc/rsk: the directory where the config files will be placed.

  • /usr/share/rsk: the directory where the RskJ JAR will be placed.

  • /var/lib/rsk/database: the directory where the database will be stored.

  • /var/log/rsk: the directory where the logs will be stored.

To start the node:

$ sudo service rsk start

To stop the node:

 $ sudo service rsk stop

To restart the node:

 $ sudo service rsk restart

Note: This installer does not include the Solidity Compiler. If you want to install it, please refer to Solidity Docs.

Any problems?

We hope our Troubleshooting section can help you!