Releases: hugegraph/hugegraph-client
Releases · hugegraph/hugegraph-client
What's Changed
- Fixed small bug in ApiTest that TaskAPI.list() may not in order by @Linary in #17
- Add travis integration test by @Linary in #19
- Add task cancel API by @Linary in #15
- Fix bug: Add Vertex Use useCustomizeNumberId to report error by @azhegit in #21
- Adapt to server's index-create API returning task-id and indexLabel by @zhoney in #9
- Add restore mode api support by @zhoney in #10
- Fix graph iterate vertices/edges in page error by @Linary in #16
- Should validate date type instead of timestamp when add property by @Linary in #26
- keep depth and degree consistent for traverser api by @Linary in #30
- improve shard deserialize by @zhoney in #34
- Replace cobertura with jacoco to statistic code coverage by @Linary in #39
- Let Edge reference Vertex to make batch inser friendly by @Linary in #29
- Implement customized path and crosspoints by @zhoney in #40
- Let vertex and edge adapt simple json properties by @Linary in #37
- Replace redundant ObjectMapper objects with JsonUtil by @Linary in #41
- Support paging for scan api by @zhoney in #35
- adapt for shortest path api with skip-degree by @zhoney in #42
- Adapt RestClient to support connection reuse by @Linary in #33
- Adapt neighborrank and personalrank API by @Linary in #43
- keep traverser methods args consistent with server by @zhoney in #44
- Add method to iterate vertices/edges with shard in page by @Linary in #47
- Support gremlin result attach GraphManager by @Linary in #49
- Improve connection params in RestClient by @Linary in #52
- Add source_in_ring args for rings API by @zhoney in #48
- Let date property asDate in tests by @Linary in #55
- Support batch updating elements' property by @imbajin in #46
- Adapt HugeGremlinException and add some tests by @Linary in #57
- support shard-index by @zhoney in #56
- Support uuid idstrategy by @Linary in #59
- support unique index by @zhoney in #60
- add version check from 0.40 by @zhoney in #66
- Adapt batch update strategy by @imbajin in #64
- Adapt the serialization of uuid by @javeme in #67
- adapt to update_props(aggregate) by @zhoney in #65
- Support get schema by names by @Linary in #63
- support paging for task by @zhoney in #68
- support fusiform similarity API by @zhoney in #62
- fix NPE when executing BatchExample by @HFatBird in #71
- Adapt record create time when create schema by @Linary in #69
- Fix GremlinRequest binding parameter types by @datian9966 in #75
- Adapt server doesn't support indexlabel userdata and upgrade dependency version by @Linary in #77
- Add metrics api and manager by @Linary in #78
- Fix client initManagers failed not close conn pool by @Linary in #79
- adapt client for 5-tp algorithms by @zhoney in #80
- adapt range query rest api by @javeme in #73
- adapt client to date prop with String format by @zhoney in #82
- implement auth api by @javeme in #81
- support vertexlabel/edgelabel ttl by @zhoney in #83
- support count api by @zhoney in #84
- bump up hugegraph-common to 1.7.8 and refactor by @javeme in #87
- fix ServerException: Unrecognized field index_labels by @javeme in #86
- adapt to schedule async task in cluster by @zhoney in #89
- Add client https method by @shzcore in #85
- Support to create vertex/edge with map properties by @Linary in #88
- add rebuild(boolean) for indexlabel builder by @zhoney in #91
- unify api check for create/update of schema by @zhoney in #93
- Auth bugfix test adapt by @javeme in #94
- fix index label serialize with properties field by @zhoney in #95
- Define loading mode to speed up when loading data by @Linary in #101
- adapt Customized kout/kneighbor, template path and jaccard similar by @zhoney in #100
- support multi node shortest path by @zhoney in #106
- Upgrade version to 1.9.0 for release by @Linary in #107
- adapt to https+auth by @zhoney in #109
- match server https certificate by @shzcore in #110
- fix sssp test bug by @zhoney in #113
- modifty kout request param order by @shzcore in #112
- Olap props writeback by @zhoney in #103
- auth: add resource metrics_read by @javeme in #114
- auth: add resource schema by @javeme in #117
- Upgrade version to 1.9.3 and adapt common 1.8.4 by @Linary in #116
- fix dropped id when restoring indexlabel by @zhoney in #118
- Install hugegraph from source with specified commit id by @Linary in #120
- Fix senstive mail address by @Linary in #119
- test: adapt for server OLTP algorithm ( 'max_degree ' & kneighbor) by @imbajin in #122
- Add name for Edge by @Linary in #121
- test: adapt kout/kneighbor get method with server by @imbajin in #123
- chore: use github action to run ci by @Linary in #128
- add login api by @corgiboygsj in #125
- chore: add issue template & auto stale issues and pr by @imbajin in #130
- feat: add auth project api by @zyxxoo in #127
- adapt for olap writeback by @zhoney in #129
- adapt to schema get api by @zhoney in #134
- refact: adopt personal pagerank & update ubuntu 20.04 & common 2.0.1 by @imbajin in #135
- release maven package by actions by @coderzc in #137
New Contributors
- @azhegit made their first contribution in #21
- @zhoney made their first contribution in #9
- @imbajin made their first contribution in #46
- @javeme made their first contribution in #67
- @HFatBird made their first contribution in #71
- @datian9966 made their first contribution in #75
- @shzcore made their first contribution in