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Releases: huggingface/transformers

v4.43.3 Patch deepspeed

26 Jul 15:30
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Patch release v4.43.3:
We still saw some bugs so @zucchini-nlp added:

  • Resize embeds with DeepSpeed #32214

Other fixes:

  • [whisper] fix short-form output type #32178, by @sanchit-gandhi which fixes the short audio temperature fallback!
  • [BigBird Pegasus] set _supports_param_buffer_assignment to False #32222 by @kashif, mostly related to the new super fast init, some models have to get this set to False. If you see a weird behavior look for that 😉

v4.43.2: Patch release

24 Jul 15:50
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  • Fix float8_e4m3fn in modeling_utils (#32193)
  • Fix resize embedding with Deepspeed (#32192)
  • let's not warn when someone is running a forward (#32176)
  • RoPE: relaxed rope validation (#32182)

v4.43.1: Patch release

23 Jul 15:55
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v4.43.0: Llama 3.1, Chameleon, ZoeDepth, Hiera

23 Jul 15:09
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The Llama 3.1 models are released by Meta and come in three flavours: 8B, 70B, and 405B.

To get an overview of Llama 3.1, please visit the Hugging Face announcement blog post.

We release a repository of llama recipes to showcase usage for inference, total and partial fine-tuning of the different variants.



The Chameleon model was proposed in Chameleon: Mixed-Modal Early-Fusion Foundation Models by META AI Chameleon Team. Chameleon is a Vision-Language Model that use vector quantization to tokenize images which enables the model to generate multimodal output. The model takes images and texts as input, including an interleaved format, and generates textual response.


The ZoeDepth model was proposed in ZoeDepth: Zero-shot Transfer by Combining Relative and Metric Depth by Shariq Farooq Bhat, Reiner Birkl, Diana Wofk, Peter Wonka, Matthias Müller. ZoeDepth extends the DPT framework for metric (also called absolute) depth estimation. ZoeDepth is pre-trained on 12 datasets using relative depth and fine-tuned on two domains (NYU and KITTI) using metric depth. A lightweight head is used with a novel bin adjustment design called metric bins module for each domain. During inference, each input image is automatically routed to the appropriate head using a latent classifier.


Hiera was proposed in Hiera: A Hierarchical Vision Transformer without the Bells-and-Whistles by Chaitanya Ryali, Yuan-Ting Hu, Daniel Bolya, Chen Wei, Haoqi Fan, Po-Yao Huang, Vaibhav Aggarwal, Arkabandhu Chowdhury, Omid Poursaeed, Judy Hoffman, Jitendra Malik, Yanghao Li, Christoph Feichtenhofer

The paper introduces “Hiera,” a hierarchical Vision Transformer that simplifies the architecture of modern hierarchical vision transformers by removing unnecessary components without compromising on accuracy or efficiency. Unlike traditional transformers that add complex vision-specific components to improve supervised classification performance, Hiera demonstrates that such additions, often termed “bells-and-whistles,” are not essential for high accuracy. By leveraging a strong visual pretext task (MAE) for pretraining, Hiera retains simplicity and achieves superior accuracy and speed both in inference and training across various image and video recognition tasks. The approach suggests that spatial biases required for vision tasks can be effectively learned through proper pretraining, eliminating the need for added architectural complexity.


Our ReactAgent has a specific way to return its final output: it calls the tool final_answer, added to the user-defined toolbox upon agent initialization, with the answer as the tool argument. We found that even for a one-shot agent like CodeAgent, using a specific final_answer tools helps the llm_engine find what to return: so we generalized the final_answer tool for all agents.

Now if your code-based agent (like ReactCodeAgent) defines a function at step 1, it will remember the function definition indefinitely. This means your agent can create its own tools for later re-use!

This is a transformative PR: it allows the agent to regularly run a specific step for planning its actions in advance. This gets activated if you set an int for planning_interval upon agent initialization. At step 0, a first plan will be done. At later steps (like steps 3, 6, 9 if you set planning_interval=3 ), this plan will be updated by the agent depending on the history of previous steps. More detail soon!

Notable changes to the codebase

A significant RoPE refactor was done to make it model agnostic and more easily adaptable to any architecture.
It is only applied to Llama for now but will be applied to all models using RoPE over the coming days.

Breaking changes

TextGenerationPipeline and tokenizer kwargs

🚨🚨 This PR changes the code to rely on the tokenizer's defaults when these flags are unset. This means some models using TextGenerationPipeline previously did not add a <bos> by default, which (negatively) impacted their performance. In practice, this is a breaking change.

Example of a script changed as a result of this PR:

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline
import torch

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2-9b-it")
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("google/gemma-2-9b-it", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_map="auto")
pipe = pipeline("text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
print(pipe("Foo bar"))
  • 🚨🚨 TextGenerationPipeline: rely on the tokenizer default kwargs by @gante in #31747

Bugfixes and improvements

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Patch release v4.42.4

11 Jul 17:09
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Mostly gemma2 support FA2 softcapping!

but also fix the sliding window for long context and other typos.

Was off last week could not get this out, thanks all for your patience 🥳

Patch release v4.42.3

28 Jun 15:35
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Make sure we have attention softcapping for "eager" GEMMA2 model

After experimenting, we noticed that for the 27b model mostly, softcapping is a must. So adding it back (it should have been there, but an error on my side made it disappear) sorry all! 😭

  • Gemma capping is a must for big models (#31698)

Patch release v4.42.2

28 Jun 06:42
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Patch release

Thanks to our 2 contributors for their prompt fixing mostly applies for training and FA2!

  • Fix Gemma2 4d attention mask (#31674) by @hiyouga
  • don't zero out the attention_mask when using sliding window with flash attention (#31670) by @winglian

v4.42.1: Patch release

27 Jun 17:47
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Patch release for commit:

  • [HybridCache] Fix get_seq_length method (#31661)

v4.42.0: Gemma 2, RTDETR, InstructBLIP, LLAVa Next, New Model Adder

27 Jun 15:49
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New model additions


The Gemma2 model was proposed in Gemma2: Open Models Based on Gemini Technology and Research by Gemma2 Team, Google.
Gemma2 models are trained on 6T tokens, and released with 2 versions, 2b and 7b.

The abstract from the paper is the following:

This work introduces Gemma2, a new family of open language models demonstrating strong performance across academic benchmarks for language understanding, reasoning, and safety. We release two sizes of models (2 billion and 7 billion parameters), and provide both pretrained and fine-tuned checkpoints. Gemma2 outperforms similarly sized open models on 11 out of 18 text-based tasks, and we present comprehensive evaluations of safety and responsibility aspects of the models, alongside a detailed description of our model development. We believe the responsible release of LLMs is critical for improving the safety of frontier models, and for enabling the next wave of LLM innovations



The RT-DETR model was proposed in DETRs Beat YOLOs on Real-time Object Detection by Wenyu Lv, Yian Zhao, Shangliang Xu, Jinman Wei, Guanzhong Wang, Cheng Cui, Yuning Du, Qingqing Dang, Yi Liu.

RT-DETR is an object detection model that stands for “Real-Time DEtection Transformer.” This model is designed to perform object detection tasks with a focus on achieving real-time performance while maintaining high accuracy. Leveraging the transformer architecture, which has gained significant popularity in various fields of deep learning, RT-DETR processes images to identify and locate multiple objects within them.



The InstructBLIP model was proposed in InstructBLIP: Towards General-purpose Vision-Language Models with Instruction Tuning by Wenliang Dai, Junnan Li, Dongxu Li, Anthony Meng Huat Tiong, Junqi Zhao, Weisheng Wang, Boyang Li, Pascale Fung, Steven Hoi. InstructBLIP leverages the BLIP-2 architecture for visual instruction tuning.

InstructBLIP uses the same architecture as BLIP-2 with a tiny but important difference: it also feeds the text prompt (instruction) to the Q-Former.


LlaVa NeXT Video

The LLaVa-NeXT-Video model was proposed in LLaVA-NeXT: A Strong Zero-shot Video Understanding Model by Yuanhan Zhang, Bo Li, Haotian Liu, Yong Jae Lee, Liangke Gui, Di Fu, Jiashi Feng, Ziwei Liu, Chunyuan Li. LLaVa-NeXT-Video improves upon LLaVa-NeXT by fine-tuning on a mix if video and image dataset thus increasing the model’s performance on videos.

LLaVA-NeXT surprisingly has strong performance in understanding video content in zero-shot fashion with the AnyRes technique that it uses. The AnyRes technique naturally represents a high-resolution image into multiple images. This technique is naturally generalizable to represent videos because videos can be considered as a set of frames (similar to a set of images in LLaVa-NeXT). The current version of LLaVA-NeXT makes use of AnyRes and trains with supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on top of LLaVA-Next on video data to achieves better video understanding capabilities.The model is a current SOTA among open-source models on VideoMME bench.

New model adder

A very significant change makes its way within the transformers codebase, introducing a new way to add models to transformers. We recommend reading the description of the PR below, but here is the gist of it:

The diff_converter tool is here to replace our old Copied from statements, while keeping our core transformers philosophy:

  • single model single file
  • explicit code
  • standardization of modeling code
  • readable and educative code
  • simple code
  • least amount of modularity

This additionally unlocks the ability to very quickly see the differences between new architectures that get developed. While many architectures are similar, the "single model, single file" policy can obfuscate the changes. With this diff converter, we want to make the changes between architectures very explicit.

Tool-use and RAG model support

We've made major updates to our support for tool-use and RAG models. We can now automatically generate JSON schema descriptions for Python functions which are suitable for passing to tool models, and we've defined a standard API for tool models which should allow the same tool inputs to be used with many different models. Models will need updates to their chat templates to support the new API, and we're targeting the Nous-Hermes, Command-R and Mistral/Mixtral model families for support in the very near future. Please see the updated chat template docs for more information.

If you are the owner of a model that supports tool use, but you're not sure how to update its chat template to support the new API, feel free to reach out to us for assistance with the update, for example on the Hugging Face Discord server. Ping Matt and yell key phrases like "chat templates" and "Jinja" and your issue will probably get resolved.

GGUF support

We further the support of GGUF files to offer fine-tuning within the python/HF ecosystem, before converting them back to the GGUF/GGML/llama.cpp libraries.

Trainer improvements

A new optimizer is added in the Trainer.

Quantization improvements

Several improvements are done related to quantization: a new cache (the quantized KV cache) is added, offering the ability to convert the cache of generative models, further reducing the memory requirements.

Additionally, the documentation related to quantization is entirely redone with the aim of helping users choose which is the best quantization method.


New instance segmentation examples are added by @qubvel

Notable improvements

As a notable improvement to the HF vision models that leverage backbones, we enable leveraging HF pretrained model weights as backbones, with the following API:

from transformers import MaskFormerConfig, MaskFormerForInstanceSegmentation

config = MaskFormerConfig(backbone="microsoft/resnet-50", use_pretrained_backbone=True)
model = MaskFormerForInstanceSegmentation(config)

Additionally, we thank @Cyrilvallez for diving into our generate method and greatly reducing the memory requirements.

Breaking changes

Remove ConversationalPipeline and Conversation object

Both the ConversationalPipeline and the Conversation object have been deprecated for a while, and are due for removal in 4.42, which is the upcoming version.

The TextGenerationPipeline is recommended for this use-case, and now accepts inputs in the form of the OpenAI API.

Remove an accidental duplicate softmax application in FLAVA's attention

Removes duplicate softmax application in FLAVA attention. Likely to have a small change on the outputs but flagging with 🚨 as it will change a bit.

Idefics2's ignore_index attribute of the loss is updated to -100

out_indices from timm being updated

Recent updates to timm changed the type of the attribute model.feature_info.out_indices. Previously, out_indices would reflect the input type of out_indices on the create_model call i.e. either tuple or list. Now, this value is always a tuple.

As list are more useful and consistent for us -- we cannot save tuples in configs, they must be converted to lists first -- we instead choose to cast out_indices to always be a list.

This has the possibility of being a slight breaking change if users are creating models and relying on out_indices on being a tuple. As this property only happens when a new model is created, and not if it's saved and reloaded (because of the config), then I think this has a low chance of having much of an impact.

datasets referenced in the quantization config get updated to remove referen...

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Release v4.41.2

30 May 17:59
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Release v4.41.2

Mostly fixing some stuff related to trust_remote_code=True and from_pretrained

The local_file_only was having a hard time when a .safetensors file did not exist. This is not expected and instead of trying to convert, we should just fallback to loading the .bin files.