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Fernando Garcia edited this page May 8, 2018 · 1 revision

ServerCredentialModel Properties

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The ServerCredentialModel type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public propertyCode example Domain Gets or sets the domain or computer name that verifies the credential.
Public propertyCode example Host Gets or sets the name or IP address of the host used for SMTP transactions.
Public property IsDefault Gets a value indicating whether this instance is default. (Overrides BaseModel.IsDefault.)
Public propertyCode example Name Gets or sets the identifier name of credential.
Public propertyCode example Password Gets or sets the password for the user name associated with the credential.
Public propertyCode example Port Gets or sets the port used for SMTP transactions.
Public property Properties Gets or sets a reference to user-defined property list for this element. (Inherited from BaseModel(T).)
Public propertyCode example SSL Gets or sets a value indicating whether uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection.
Public propertyCode example UserName Gets or sets the user name associated with the credential.
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See Also


ServerCredentialModel Class
iTin.Export.Model Namespace

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