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Fernando Garcia edited this page May 8, 2018 · 1 revision

ChartModel Properties

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The ChartModel type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public property Axes Gets or sets a reference that contains the visual setting of the chart axes.
Public property BackColor Gets or sets preferred back color for this chart.
Public property Border Gets or sets a reference that contains the visual setting of chart border.
Public property ChartSize Gets the dimensions of chart.
Public property IsDefault Gets a value indicating whether this instance contains the default. (Overrides BaseModel.IsDefault.)
Public property Legend Gets or sets a reference that contains the visual setting of chart legend.
Public property Location Gets or sets a reference which contains the chart location on the host, this can be by coordinates or by type of alignment, depending whether the host has or not a tabular format. You can only choose one of the modes. If this tag does not define the defaults is by coordinates
Public property Plots Gets or sets collection of plots for a chart.
Public property Properties Gets or sets a reference to user-defined property list for this element. (Inherited from BaseModel(T).)
Public property Show Gets or sets a value that determines whether displays the chart.
Public property Size Gets or sets width and height of the graphic.
Public property Title Gets or sets a reference that contains the visual setting of chart title.
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See Also


ChartModel Class
iTin.Export.Model Namespace

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