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iTin.Export.Model Namespace

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The iTin.Export.Model namespace represents XML model. This namespace provides classes for manipulating the XML data model.

The classes in this namespace divide into the following categories:  



Class Description
Public class AlignmentModel Defines content alignment.
Public class AxisDefinitionLabelsModel Represents the visual setting the labels of a axis.
Public class AxisDefinitionMarksModel Represents the visual setting the marks of a axis.
Public class AxisDefinitionModel Represents the visual setting of a axis.
Public class AxisDefinitionValuesModel Represents the visual setting the values of a axis.
Public class AxisModel Includes information for the category and value axes.
Public class BaseBehaviorModel Implements interface IBehavior. Which acts as the base class for different behaviors of an exporter supported by iTin Export Engine.
Public class BaseComplexModelCollection(TItem, TParent, TSearch) A Specialization of BaseSimpleModelCollection(TItem, TParent) class.
. Which acts as the base class for nodes of model which are of collection type
Public class BaseConditionModel
Public class BaseDataFieldModel Base class for the different types of data fields supported by iTin Export Engine.
Which acts as the base class for different data fields.
Public class BaseDataTypeModel Base class for different data types supported by iTin Export Engine.
Which acts as the base class for different data types.
Public class BaseEffectModel Base class for different effects compatible with iTin Export Engine.
Which acts as the base class for different image effects.
Public class BaseErrorModel Base class for different data types errors. Which acts as the base class for the different data types errors.
Public class BaseLineModel Base class for the different types of lines supported by iTin Export Engine.
Which acts as the base class for different types of lines.
Public class BaseModel(T) Base class for model elements. Implements functionality to record and read configuration files.
Public class BaseSimpleModelCollection(TItem, TParent) Represents a strongly typed list of model objects that can be accessed by index, allow defines type of parent. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.
Public class BehaviorsModel
Public class BindableProperty
Public class BlockLineItemModel
Public class BlockLineModel Includes the description of export table.
Public class BlockLinesModel Includes the description of export table.
Public class BorderModel Includes definition for a font type, type of content, such as the background color, the alignment type and the data type.
Public class BordersModel
Public classCode example BrightnessEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents brightness effect.
Public class ChartAxesModel Represents the visual setting for axes of a chart. Includes information of primary and secondary axes.
Public class ChartBorderModel Represents the visual setting of chart border. Includes visibility, shadow definition, line style, width and color.
Public class ChartLegendModel Represents the visual setting of chart legend. Includes visibility, location, border and font.
Public class ChartModel Represents a user-defined chart.
Public class ChartPlotModel Represents a chart plot.
Public class ChartPlotsModel
Public class ChartSerieModel Represents a data serie of a plot.
Public class ChartSeriesModel
Public classCode example ChartsModel Collection of user-defined charts. Each element represents a user-defined chart.
Public class ChartTitleModel Represents the visual setting of title. Includes a text, visibility, orientation, border and font.
Public class ColumnHeaderModel Base class for model elements. Implements functionality to record and read configuration files.
Public class ColumnHeadersModel
Public class CommentModel Represents a comment. Includes comment text, format, including font face, size, and style attributes.
Public class ConditionsItemModel
Public class ConditionsModel
Public classCode example ContentAlignmentModel Defines content alignment.
Public class ContentModel Defines as shown the content of a field.
Public class CoordenatesModel Defines content alignment by cartesian coordenates.
Public classCode example CurrencyDataTypeModel A Specialization of NumericDataTypeModel class.
Represents currency format, the currency symbol appears right next to the first digit. You can specify the number of decimal places that you want to use and how you want to display negative numbers.
Public classCode example DarkEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents dark effect.
Public class DataFieldModel A Specialization of BaseDataFieldModel class.
Which acts as the base class for different data fields.
Represents a data field.
Public classCode example DatetimeDataTypeModel A Specialization of BaseDataTypeModel class.
Displays data field as datetime format. You can specify the output culture.
Public classCode example DatetimeErrorModel A Specialization of BaseErrorModel class.
Represents the error structure for datetime data type. Allows us to set a default value and an additional comment.
Public classCode example DisabledEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents disabled effect.
Public class DocumentFooterModel
Public class DocumentHeaderModel
Public class DocumentModel Includes the description of export table.
Public classCode example DownloadBehaviorModel A Specialization of BaseBehaviorModel class.
Which represents download behavior. Applies only in web mode.
Public class EmptyLineModel
Public class ExporterModel Defines the type of exporter to use and their behavior.
Public class ExportModel Defines an export, includes the description and data table definition to export.
Public classCode example ExportsModel Root element of iTin Export Engine configuration file that contains a list with export definition.
Public class FieldAggregateModel Reference to visual setting of aggregate function of the data field.
Public class FieldHeaderModel Reference to visual setting of header of the data field.
Public class FieldsModel Collection of data fields. Each element defines a data field.
Public class FieldValueModel Reference to visual setting of value of the data field.
Public class FilterModel Reference to set of properties that allow you to specify a writer.
Public class FixedFieldModel A Specialization of BaseDataFieldModel class.
Represents a piece of a field fixed-width data.
Public class FixedItemModel Contains a collection of pieces. Each element is a new collection of smaller fields resulting from splitting a reference field.
Public class FixedModel Collection of user-defined pieces. Each element is a collection of smaller pieces result of splitting the reference field.
Public class FlipModel Flip mode for an image.
Public class FontModel Represents a font. Defines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes.
Public class GapFieldModel A Specialization of BaseDataFieldModel class.
Represents an empty data field.
Public class GlobalResourcesModel Includes the description and data table definition to export.
Public classCode example GrayScaleBlueEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents gray-scale blue effect.
Public classCode example GrayScaleEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents gray-scale effect.
Public classCode example GrayScaleGreenEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents gray-scale green effect.
Public classCode example GrayScaleRedEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents gray-scale red effect.
Public class GroupFieldModel A Specialization of DataFieldModel class.
Represents a field as union of several data field.
Public class GroupItemModel Defines field name and a field separator of a group item.
Public class GroupModel Contains a collection of field names. Each element is result of the union of a field list.
Public class GroupsModel Userdefined groups.
Public class HostModel Includes the description of export table.
Public class HostsModel A Specialization of BaseComplexModelCollection(TItem, TParent, TSearch) class.
. Which acts as the base class for nodes of model which are of collection type
Public class ImageModel Includes definition for a font type, type of content, such as the background color, the alignment type and the data type.
Public classCode example ImagesModel Contains a collection of user-defined styles. Each element includes definition for a font type, type of content, such as the background color, the alignment type and the data type.
Public class InvalidFieldIdentifierNameException This class represents the exception that is thrown when the field identifier in export model is invalid.
Public class InvalidFieldsDefinitionException This class represents the exception that is thrown when the field identifier in export model is invalid.
Public class InvalidFileNameException This class represents the exception that is thrown when the filename in export model is invalid.
Public class InvalidIdentifierNameException This class represents the exception that is thrown when the identifier in export model is invalid.
Public class InvalidPathNameException This class represents the exception that is thrown when the path in export model is invalid.
Public class InvalidSeriesDefinitionException This class represents the exception that is thrown when the serie field or axis in export model is invalid.
Public class InvalidStylesDefinitionException This class represents the exception that is thrown when the style identifier in export model is invalid.
Public class KnownInputPacketFormat Defines availables packet input data formats.
Public class KnownItemGroupSeparator Defines of the field separators available.
Public class LinesModel A set of lines. Before and after lines.
Public class LocationModel Base class for model elements. Implements functionality to record and read configuration files.
Public class LogoImageModel Represents a logo.
Public class LogoModel Represents a logo.
Public classCode example MailBehaviorModel A Specialization of BaseBehaviorModel class.
Which Represents a email behavior.
Public classCode example MailMessageAttachmentModel Represents an attachment of an e-mail.
Public class MailMessageAttachmentsModel
Public classCode example MailMessageCcModel The address collection that contains the carbon copy (CC) recipients for this e-mail message.
Public classCode example MailMessageFromModel Represents the from address for this e-mail message.
Public classCode example MailMessageModel Represents an e-mail message.
Public class MailMessagesModel
Public classCode example MailMessageToModel The address collection that contains the recipients of this e-mail message.
Public classCode example MailServerModel Collection of mail server credentials authentication. Each element defines a server credential authentication.
Public class MarginsModel Represents margins of a document. Allow define top margin, right margin, bottom margin and left margin of a document. All margins are measured in mm.
Public classCode example MoreBrightnessEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents more brightness effect.
Public classCode example MoreDarkEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents more dark effect.
Public classCode example NegativeModel Represents a negative number format. Contains the definition of negative number in a numeric data type.
Public classCode example NumberDataTypeModel A Specialization of NumericDataTypeModel class.
You can specify the number of decimal places that you want to use, whether you want to use a thousands separator, and how you want to display negative numbers.
Public class NumericDataTypeModel A Specialization of RealDataTypeModel class.
. Which acts as base class for the data types negative numbers with decimals .
Public class NumericErrorModel A Specialization of BaseErrorModel class. Which acts as the base class of error structures for numerical data.
Public classCode example OpacityEffectModel A Specialization of BaseEffectModel class.
Which represents opacity effect.
Public classCode example OutputModel Defines output configuration, includes path, file name and optionaly the adapter operating system.
Public class PacketFieldModel Base class for the different types of data fields supported by iTin Export Engine.
Which acts as the base class for different data fields.
Public class PatternModel
Public classCode example PercentageDataTypeModel A Specialization of RealDataTypeModel class.
Displays the result with a percent sign (%). You can specify the number of decimal places to use.
Public classCode example PercentageErrorModel A Specialization of NumericErrorModel class. Represents the error structure for percentage data type. Allows us to set a default value and an additional comment.
Public class PieceModel Represents a new field composed of a field name and initial position and final position into the reference field.
Public class PiecesModel Contains a collection of pieces. Each element is a new collection of smaller fields resulting from splitting a reference field.
Public class PropertiesModel Collection of custom properties. Each element is a custom property, it contains name/value.
Public class PropertyModel Represents a custom property, it contains name/value.
Public class RealDataTypeModel A Specialization of BaseDataTypeModel class.
Which acts as the base class for data types with decimal numbers.
Public class ReferenceModel
Public class ReferencesModel
Public classCode example ScientificDataTypeModel A Specialization of RealDataTypeModel class.
Displays a number in exponential notation, which replaces part of the number with E + n, where E (exponent) multiplies the preceding number by 10 to n. You can specify the number of decimal places you want to use.
Public classCode example ScientificErrorModel A Specialization of NumericErrorModel class. Represents the error structure for scientific data type. Allows us to set a default value and an additional comment.
Public classCode example ServerCredentialModel Representing a server credential authentication.
Public class ServerCredentialsModel
Public class ShadowModel Represents the visual setting of shadow-border. Includes shadow visibility and transparency.
Public class StyleModel Defines a single style, includes definition for a font type, type of content, such as the background color, the alignment type and the data type.
Public classCode example StylesModel Root element of iTin Export Engine configuration file that contains a list with export definition.
Public class TableModel Includes the description of export table.
Public class TemplateModel Represents an exporter based on a template file.
Public class TemplateWriterModel A Specialization of WriterModel class.
Represents a template writer used by a exporter.
Public class TemplateWriterSettingsModel Reference to the settings defined for this writer.
Public classCode example TextDataTypeModel A Specialization of BaseDataTypeModel class.
Treats the content as text and displays the content exactly as written, even when numbers are typed.
Public class TextLineModel
Public class TextModel
Public classCode example ToDropboxBehaviorModel A Specialization of ToDropboxBehaviorModel class.
Which represents a upload file behavior to Dropbox cloud service. Upload the result of export to Dropbox.
Public classCode example ToSkyDriveBehaviorModel A Specialization of ToSkyDriveBehaviorModel class.
Which represents a upload file behavior to SkyDrive cloud service. Upload the result of export to microsoft SkyDrive.
Public classCode example TransformFileBehaviorModel A Specialization of BaseBehaviorModel class.
Which represents a transform file behavior. If the writer that we are using generates a Xml transform file, this element allows us to define their behavior. Allows indicate if you want save it, where and if Xml code generated will indented.
Public class WhenChangeConditionModel
Public class WriterModel A Specialization of WriterModelBase class.
Which acts as the base class for different writers.
Represents an exporter based on a custom writer.
Public class WriterModelBase Base class for different types of writers.
Public class XsltExtensions Static class that contains helper extension methods for objects XmlWriter that allows create Xslt sentences easily.
Public class XsltModel Represents an exporter based on xslt transformation file.



Interface Description
Public interface IBehavior Declares a generic behavior to use to with an exporter.



Enumeration Description
Public enumeration KnownAggregateLocation Specifies known locations for aggregate functions
Public enumeration KnownAggregateType Specifies the known aggregate types.
Public enumeration KnownAxisOrientation Specifies the orientation of titles on the axis.
Public enumeration KnownBasicColor Specifies known primary system colors.
Public enumeration KnownBorderLineStyle Specifies the known style lines.
Public enumeration KnownBorderPosition Specifies known border positions
Public enumeration KnownChartType Specifies known chart types.
Public enumeration KnownCulture Known cultures.
Public enumeration KnownDataType Specifies content data type.
Public enumeration KnownDatetimeFormat Output datetime formats.
Public enumeration KnownDocumentOrientation Specifies known document orientations.
Public enumeration KnownDocumentSize Specifies the known size of documents.
Public enumeration KnownEffectType Specifies effects applicable to an image
Public enumeration KnownElementLocation Specifies the known element location.
Public enumeration KnownExporter Specifies the known exporters.
Public enumeration KnownFieldType Specifies data field type.
Public enumeration KnownFlipStyle Specifies the orientation of a control on the drawing surface.
Public enumeration KnownHorizontalAlignment Specifies how an object or text is horizontally aligned relative to a content
Public enumeration KnownLabelOrientation Specifies the orientation of labels on the axis.
Public enumeration KnownLabelPosition Describes the position of labels on the axis.
Public enumeration KnownLegendLocation Specifies the known locations for legend.
Public enumeration KnownLineStyle Specifies the known style lines.
Public enumeration KnownLineType Specifies line type.
Public enumeration KnownNegativeSign Specifies known negative sign style
Public enumeration KnownOutputTarget Specifies the output known operating system
Public enumeration KnownPatternType Specifies the known pattern type of content.
Public enumeration KnownPlotGridLine Specifies the known plot grid lines.
Public enumeration KnownRecordToShow Specifies the number of records to export
Public enumeration KnownRelativeFilePath Specifies the known relative item path.
Public enumeration KnownSpecialFormat Known special formats.
Public enumeration KnownTickMarkStyle Specifies the position of major and minor tick marks for an axis.
Public enumeration KnownTrimMode Specifies trim mode for strings.
Public enumeration KnownUnit Specifies the measure units.
Public enumeration KnownVerticalAlignment Specifies how an object or text is vertically aligned relative to a content
Public enumeration KnownWidthLineStyle Specifies width of lines.
Public enumeration KnownWriterFilter Specifies the known writer search criteria.
Public enumeration YesNo Represents a boolean value.
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