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Fernando Garcia edited this page May 8, 2018 · 1 revision

MarginsModel Class

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Represents margins of a document. Allow define top margin, right margin, bottom margin and left margin of a document. All margins are measured in mm.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: iTin.Export.Model
Assembly: iTin.Export.Core (in iTin.Export.Core.dll) Version: (



public class MarginsModel : BaseModel<MarginsModel>


Public Class MarginsModel
	Inherits BaseModel(Of MarginsModel)

The MarginsModel type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public method MarginsModel Initializes a new instance of the MarginsModel class.
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Name Description
Public propertyCode example Bottom Gets or sets the preferred bottom margin of document.
Public propertyStatic member Default Gets default Margins.
Public property IsDefault Gets a value indicating whether this instance is default. (Overrides BaseModel.IsDefault.)
Public propertyCode example Left Gets or sets the preferred left margin of document.
Public property Properties Gets or sets a reference to user-defined property list for this element. (Inherited from BaseModel(T).)
Public propertyCode example Right Gets or sets the preferred right margin of document.
Public propertyCode example Top Gets or sets the preferred top margin of document.
Public property Units Gets or sets the preferred units of margins.
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Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetStaticBindingValue Gets the static binding value by reflection. (Inherited from BaseModel(T).)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method SaveToFile(String) Saves to file. (Inherited from BaseModel(T).)
Public method SaveToFile(String, Exception) Serializes current BaseModel object into file (Inherited from BaseModel(T).)
Public method Serialize Serializes current BaseModel object into an Xml document. (Inherited from BaseModel(T).)
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from BaseModel(T).)
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ITEE Object Element Usage

<Margins .../>


Attribute Optional Description
Units Yes Preferred units of margins. The default is Inches.
Top Yes Preferred top margin of document measured in mm. The default is "20".
Right Yes Preferred right margin of document measured in mm. The default is "20".
Bottom Yes Preferred bottom margin of document measured in mm. The default is "20".
Left Yes Preferred left margin of document measured in mm. The default is "20".
Compatibility table with native writers.
Comma-Separated Values
Tab-Separated Values
SQL Script
XML Spreadsheet 2003
No has effect No has effect No has effect X
A X value indicates that the writer supports this element.

See Also


iTin.Export.Model Namespace

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