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Migrating Faveo from one server to another

Avinash Kumar edited this page Nov 7, 2017 · 2 revisions

First thing First: First take the backup of Faveo databases along with the filesystem. Copy the Faveo files and create database to new server. Once done, follow the following steps to get Faveo running.

Getting started:

Once the Faveo is moved to the new server, do the following steps to setup connection in between them.

STEP 1: Go to your host database interface. In my case, Its localhost database. I am using phpMyAdmin client

STEP 2: Open the table settings_system.

STEP 3: In the column of URL, type the respective(new) url of the server.

STEP 4: Once done. Save it.

STEP 5: Now go to the Faveo installation directory and find .env file.

STEP 6: Here you need to update new server database details.Incase database details are same, no need to edit this file. Edit the following :

--> Type the name of your host at DB_HOST .

--> Type the name of the port at DB_PORT . (leave it blank if you are using default port number)

--> Type the name of the database at DB_DATABASE.

--> Type the usernme for the database at DB_USERNAME.

--> Type the password for the database at DB_PASSWORD.

STEP 7: Now save the file.

STEP 8: Now run Faveo.

Now you are ready to go!!

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