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Project Work Log

Sheng-Xuan edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 58 revisions

Week 1

  • Research on reviews of similar movie app(data saved in gdoc).
  • Consolidate and write the draft of user requirements.
  • Study relevant NodeJs knowledge.
  • Consolidate and write the draft of user requirements.
  • Write "Introduction" of this wiki
  • Design user flow diagram

Week 2

  • Set up of backend server using Expressjs commit and Implement user registration and login function commit.
  • Edit user requirements according to the feedback from Prof.
  • Selection of movie database and initial api calling test
  • Selection of movie rating websites
  • Design android side architecture and refine user flow diagram
  • Design basic user interface
  • Basic implementation of android-side login function. commit
  • Construct prototype of component diagram.

Week 3

  • Use OAuth2.0 for authentication. commit
  • Edit user requirements according to the feedback.
  • Update component diagram.
  • Improve user flow diagram and design movie page in detail.
  • Update component diagram.

Week 4

  • Movie data extractor prototype, it will function upon manual execution
  • Set up remote database and its user access control
  • Android sign-in and registration prototype. commit
  • Update component diagrams and user requirement
  • Set up Travis CI for backend
  • Add relevant ORM model according to ER diagram. commit
  • Write test for user model and client model. commit
  • Update component diagram.
  • Code Android movie list fragment commit and movie detail page fragment commit.

Week 5

  • Movie rating extractor for imdb, douban and commit
  • Logging system setup, initial stage for email logging notification commit
  • Set up testing framework, unit testing extractors
  • Code Android search page fragment commit
  • Code Android Home page activity framework commit
  • Set up and deploy backend server to DigitalOcean
  • Add feature for rating movies and update ratings, pull request created. PR
  • Add feature for edit user's password or username, pull request created. PR
  • Code style refinement. commit and commit
  • Implemented new user registration. commit
  • Implemented login feature for existing users. step1 step2 step3

Week 6

  • Major change in extractor structure, less coupling
  • Movie data extractor testing done, waiting to be deployed
  • Movie rating extractor testing done, waiting to be deployed
  • Add test for getting movies. commit
  • Add test for rating movies and update ratings. commit
  • Add test for bookmark controllers. commit
  • Create new start page for Android app, consisting home page and me page.commit
  • Add rate, bookmark buttons and public ratings in movie page. commit
  • Implement offset and limit in search movie, and scroll down to load more in the movie list.
  • Improve usability of UI: add loading image when load a poster.

Recess Week

  • Movie showing extractor implementation
  • (Movie showing extractor testing done, waiting to be deployed)
  • Read on relevant third party movie websites to extract user ratings
  • Read on SSL to create save https connection
  • Add api for trakt TV user rating extraction. commit
  • Add api for reseting passwrod through email. commit
  • Add backend logging service to automatically send server logs to email and flush the logs everyday. commit and commit
  • Redo UI of rating bar and bookmark button according to feedback from prof and teammates.commit
  • Add EventBus dependency, to instantly update the data in the local movie list. commit
  • Update the design of signin page. commit
  • Implemented logout system. commit
  • Implemented change username and change password in me page. commit
  • Several code refactoring.

Week 7

  • PR:Link
  • Add Showing Page.
  • Set cache on movie posters.
  • Add back button on the toolbar.
  • Add logging via email when error occurs in server. commit
  • Add api for cinema and now showing movie. commit
  • Major code refactoring to remove direct call of orm from controllers.
  • Add test cases for edit user credentials. commit
  • Refactored sign-in page. commit

Week 8

  • Refine search logic. commit
  • Add search for now showing movie. commit
  • Add test cases. commit
  • code structure refactoring
  • PR:Link
  • Add now showing movies on home page.
  • Add recommendations on home page.(wait for backend support)
  • Fix a display bug.
  • Added reset password function. commit
  • Added third party sign up support for Traktv. commit

Week 9

  • code structure refactoring complete
  • multi-thread wrapper for movie rating
  • bug-fixing for cinema schedule
  • recommendation algo design (half prototype, scales done)
  • refactoring of matcher module, adding tests to CI
  • refactoring of public_data module, adding tests to CI
  • Add extractor for user ratings from TMDb website. commit
  • Add test cases.
  • Refine search logic to reduce searching delay from 9s to 1.5s. commit
  • Refactor code. Example commit
  • Sort movie schedule for frontend use. commit
  • Add LICENSE, update README and package.json
  • PR:Link
  • Add schedule page of a selected now showing movie.
  • Add more loading dialog where is necessary
  • Disable some buttons when http requests are processing.
  • Add tests to two activities.
  • Fix some bugs.

Week 10

  • allow the extraction of cinema coordinates
  • remove movies with 'Short' type from database
  • optimised cinema schedule logic
  • complete recommendation logic
  • Reworked now showing page to cinema page. commit
  • Added GPS implementation. commit
  • Start writing report draft
  • SUS and think aloud protocol data collection
  • Improve UI, and fix a bug in showtime display. PR
  • Design new logo.

Week 11

  • Project pages touch up
  • automation script for recommendation
  • Several fixes to GPS performance.
  • PR
  • Add test coverage and write additional test cases to increase test coverage. commit
  • Report writing
  • Improve UI, add more info in different list views. PR

Week 12

  • Sparse matrix implemented for recommendation
  • new logic for gv, shaw schedules
  • Change Recommendation logic to have default recommendation. commit
  • Report writing
  • Design poster for STEPS
  • Make promotional video Youtube Link

Week 13

  • report
  • final code refactoring
  • think aloud interview
  • Report writing
  • SUS and think aloud protocol data collection
  • Report
  • Edit the promotional video
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