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Web conference notes, 2022.10.27 (MDS Working Group)

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 5 revisions

Web Conference

MDS Working Group

  • Every other Thursday at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Zoom Registration Link:

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,84170989462#,,,,*612987# US (New York) - though we encourage Zoom


Note: Attendees register upon entry into the Zoom meeting. An attendee count will be posted here after the meeting:

25 Attendees


Main Topics

Unification Changes

WGSC Meeting Organizers

  • Host: Sebastian Berthaud, Blue Systems
  • Facilitator: Marie Maxham, Lacuna
  • Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  • Note taker: Michael Schnuerle, OMF

Action Items and Decisions

  1. trip_id - Conditionally Required instead of Required, add null note in Telemetry Data
  2. ask everyone about beta Geography Driven Events - contact Ride Report 
  3. Ok to change GeoJSON points to lat/lon points?
  4. Provider feedback on the events current/historic, and shape of telemetry


Pain point for providers to have 2 similar but different APIs

Pulled common items up from Provider and Agency

Moved to general_information for draft

Some overlap didn't align completely


Should it stay as GeoJSON

Telemetry is GPS points instead of GeoJSON in draft. Is this OK?


Greatest alignment so far

Could remove provider_name if it's redundant

Use Telemetry instead of Point? Change to lat/lon instead of GeoJSON or vice versa?

Do we want event_geographies? From Austin and Ride Report.

Telemetry Data

Should it be GPS points or GeoJSON without extra GPS data?

Filtering based on accuracy is important

Could move to points, easier to ingest into a database, away from GeoJSON, but want to know if anyone is using it for some reason. 

Michael OMF and Alex SFMTA and Matt Populus agree. Parsing for DB adds a step


Should this be Devices?

Trips Query

New query parameter for 'route' to not return route data for privacy or data payload size.

Events (called Status Changes now)

Need to have both historic or recent/realtime events

Proposing /events/recent and /events/historical 

Status changes made to address historic data processing time

Pierre Blue Systems - bug on data flow, two week threshold is a bit of a pain when 3 weeks hits and you have to look into 2 endpoints to make sense. 

Brooks SFMTA - question of fixing records if issue. How to handle resending same records with an update? Maybe a Trip ID would help? Need to know what needs to be removed or added on DB. 

Marie - two week barrier is an arbitrary and a bit limiting. Would like to combine into one endpoint, but need feedback. Provider feedback needed here.

Matt Populus - uses batch concept for data management, which helps. We switched to hourly downloads and disallowed pagination in Provider API - anecdotally the API was more stable as they use 1.1 and 1.2.  

Do we need to keep recent events? Utility who uses it? Maybe using it as a real time concept.

If you poll vehicles you can miss events. But if no one is using Recent events, then could eliminate it.

Michael - seems a bit risky to

Telemetry Query

Specify start/end time and trip ID to get that data only. 

Distinction between recent and historic telemetry? Events can inform that.

Stops basically the same across both


Didn't try to address pushing reports into Agency yet.

Batch question from SFMTA asking Populus. Downloads multiple days at once with a batch id, then if update delete old batch by ID and add new batch.

Nividya SANDAG - How far back do providers keep data? Usually in terms of service. EG LA uses 24 hours delay. Would like to document how to specify early and late time.


Steve Brining (Blue Systems) to Everyone (12:03 PM),-2022.10.27-(MDS-Working-Group)

Me to Everyone (12:06 PM)

Nice to meet you Pierre

Hi Tony from Detroit

Angela Giacchetti to Everyone (12:07 PM)

Good to see you both virtually!

Marie Maxham (Lacuna) to Everyone (12:07 PM)


Alex Demisch (SFMTA) to Everyone (12:34 PM)

I agree with Michael on point data --- it would be easier if we just had the lat/long data in fields rather than geojson. Parsing it just adds a step

Matt Davis (Populus) to Everyone (12:37 PM)

Think it's probably the same for us at Populus. It's not hard for us to munge a lat/lon (or series of them) into a geospatial object and the simplified representation is nicer to work with.

Nivedya Madankara Kottayi - SANDAG to Everyone (12:43 PM)

Also, any thoughts on how we specify the timeline for the data to be saved/shared by the provider?

Brooks Jessup (SFMTA) to Everyone (12:50 PM)

@matt I'm interested in your batch concept. Can you say a bit more about how you use it in your record correction process?

Alex Demisch (SFMTA) to Everyone (12:58 PM)

Thanks for your work and this great overview Marie!

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