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Web conference notes, 2024.08.01 (MDS Working Group)

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Aug 5, 2024 · 12 revisions

Web Conference

MDS Working Group

  • Monthly on Thursday at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Zoom Registration Link:

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,84170989462#,,,,*612987# US (New York) - though we encourage Zoom


Meeting Agenda

State of MDS Survey Results

  1. Intro and announcements (5 min)
  2. Survey Results and Analysis (20 min) - Mitch Vars, OMF
  3. Discussion and feedback (20 min)

WGSC Meeting Organizers

  • Host: Pierre Bouffort, Blue Systems
  • Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  • Preparation: Mitch Vars, OMF
  • Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  • Note taker: Gene Leynes, Chicago

Action Items and Decisions

  1. Add list of survey cities and their reports to the blog post - OMF
  2. Read the State of MDS Survey 2024 blog post, which now includes
    • Cities who took the survey are listed
    • Reports, Dashboards, Presentations from the cities are linked



  • OMF Summit coming November 12, 2024
  • State of MDS Survey
  • Data Standards: Summary of Currently Using vs. Planning to Use
    • Largest use in Scooters and Bicycles
    • Taxis and Uber and Lyft is lower due to being newer and preemption (theory)
  • API Usage Summary
    • Large increase in usage,
  • MDS Version use summary:
    • Good adoption of version 2, but older versions in use simultaneously
  • Requirements by ordinance / law:
    • Procurement requirements: More than half of the cities are requiring MDS
    • Many users are requiring providers to update to recent versions
  • Reporting:
    • More than 75% of the cities responding use MDS for reporting in some capacity
  • CDS - Curb Data Specification
    • New specification with low adoption
    • Many cities are "planning to use"
  • Question: Is the city level data available?
    • No, some records are publicly available
    • It was part of the overall survey design to not share data to promote responses
  • Question: Are cities interested in 2.0 for micromobility?
    • 2.0 - most of the features were for new modes, so micromobility might not need the new standard
    • Would be good for policy enforcement; e.g. riding on sidewalk
  • Question: Why are cities not adopting new versions?
  • Discussion:
    • Need for communication for "rules of the road"
    • For example: nuance of "where to stop" at a stop sign has regional differences
    • We are now wesigning policy for robots as much as humans
    • One reason Policy API can work very well for AVs is because they have a very detailed base map
    • Strong consideration evaluation of MDS with events like Olympics
    • Looking at things like bluetooth beacons to improve accuracy.
    • Related post on passenger services:
  • Discussion: Aggregated metrics
  • What does OMF look for in the open-source community as contributions? Is there any low-hanging fruit that third-party developers can work on to help?
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