Releases: ovh/venom
Venom v1.2.0
Major update
- New mongo executor :
- Executors dbfixtures, exec, http, kafka, web updated.
- Manage secret variables:
Case sensitive
venom 1.2.x
cf. #570
Variable usage
It's no more possible to reuse result.systemout
from a previous testcase without exporting vars.
name: A testsuite
- name: testA
- type: exec
script: echo 'foo'
- result.systemout ShouldEqual foo
- name: testB
- type: exec
script: echo '__{{.testA.result.systemout}}__'
- result.systemout ShouldEqual __foo__
name: A testsuite
- name: testA
- type: exec
script: echo 'foo'
- result.systemout ShouldEqual foo
from: result.systemout
- name: testB
- type: exec
script: echo '__{{.testA.systemout}}__'
- result.systemout ShouldEqual __foo__
What's Changed
- doc: add an example for a post using a raw body by @moutyque in #677
- doc: LICENSES by @yesnault in #716
- doc: remove trailing slash on README example by @floriancazals in #693
- doc: Update examples for queries length assert #763 by @miklosbagi in #765
- doc: update with 1.1.0 release version of Venom by @nicolaslacroux in #679
- feat: add a 'description' property by @cdevienne in #770
- feat: add an assertion to check if every element of an array are equal to a value associated to a field by @floriancazals in #756
- feat: add natural language datetime assertion by @rhzs in #711
- feat: add ShouldJSONContain and ShouldJSONContainWithKey and negations (#746) by @floriancazals in #747
- feat: add ShouldJSONEqual assertion by @philippgille in #676
- feat: adding secrets field and refactoring the logging process. by @fokion in #667
- feat: adding test in the root package in order to test the run command by @fokion in #733
- feat: improve junit output by @ivan-velasco in #772
- feat: improve verbose flag behavior by @yesnault in #675
- feat: removed result from testcase variables and removed errors warning and info from non verbose runs by @kilianpaquier in #617
- feat: removed result from testcase variables and removed errors warning and info from non verbose runs by @kilianpaquier in #670
- feat: ShouldMatchRegex by @fokion in #674
- feat: show latest assertions errors in case of retry + added number of retries when success by @kilianpaquier in #616
- feat: VENOM_PRESERVE_CASE default ON by @yesnault in #570
- feat: xmlreport test id by @ivan-velasco in #688
- feat(executor/dbfixtures): add support for sqlite3 to dbfixtures executor by @etandel in #613
- feat(executor/exec): 'command' property by @yesnault in #782
- feat(executor/exec): add a 'stdin' attribute by @cdevienne in #767
- feat(executor/http): allow specifying query parameters by @guoweis-work in #629
- feat(executor/http): feature/xml systemout by @ivan-velasco in #720
- feat(executor/kafka) Added an option to allow self-signed certs by @Armadindon in #648
- feat(executor/kafka): add kafka headers for producer by @rhzs in #710
- feat(executor/mongo): add "loadFixtures" action by @Thiht in #653
- feat(executor/mongo): add mongo executor by @Thiht in #601
- fix: avoid
pointer dereference inShouldContain
assertions by @iamleot in #615 - fix: env variables with equal sign by @bramca in #721
- fix: godump formatter by @yesnault in #709
- fix: html output color status by @yesnault in #758
- fix: integration tests by @yesnault in #749
- fix: minor improvements by @fsamin in #744
- fix: output dump file by @yesnault in #729
- fix: panic on failure by @yesnault in #731
- fix: parse yaml files in the readfile by @fokion in #689
- fix: prevent err EOF if .venomrc is all commented or empty by @yesnault in #678
- fix: replace backslashes with forward slashes for Windows by @ivan-velasco in #753
- fix: revert #617 by @yesnault in #636
- fix: secrets in dump.json and venom.log files by @yesnault in #715
- fix: string interpolation by @fokion in #656
- fix: TestSuiteXML is missing the Time property by @ivan-velasco in #627
- fix(executor/exec): panic on cmd.Start error by @fehrnah in #623
- fix(executor/http): preserve BodyFile absolute path by @fsamin in #635
- fix(testsuite): when "stop_on_failure" is enabled the skip test cases did not get counted and reported by @ivan-velasco in #771
- refactor(executor): rewrite whole imap executor to add new commands by @tomadele in #611
- refactor(executor/web): Refactoring by @kevinramage in #551
- chore(deps): bump go.mod by @yesnault in #730
- chore(deps): bump from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #761
- chore(deps): bump from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 by @dependabot in #739
- chore(deps): bump from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 in /tests/grpc by @dependabot in #738
- chore(deps): bump from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 by @dependabot in #647
- chore(deps): bump from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 in /tests/grpc by @dependabot in #646
- chore(deps): bump libs by @yesnault in #644
- chore(deps): bump some libs by @yesnault in #781
New Contributors
- @etandel made their first contribution in #613
- @tomadele made their first contribution in #611
- @fehrnah made their first contribution in #623
- @iamleot made their first contribution in #615
- @ivan-velasco made their first contribution in #627
- @kilianpaquier made their first contribution in #617
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #647
- @Armadindon made their first contribution in #648
- @fokion made their first contribution in #656
- @moutyque made their first contribution in #677
- @nicolaslacroux made their first contribution in #679
- @floriancazals made their first contribution in #693
- @rhzs made their first contribution in #710
- @bramca made their first contribution in #721
- @miklosbagi made their first contribution in #765
- @cdevienne made their first contribution in #767
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- feat: new assertion keywords: ShouldJSONContain and ShouldJSONContainWithKey and negations (#746) by @floriancazals in #747
- feat: add natural language datetime assertion by @rhzs in #711
- feat(executor/http): feature/xml systemout by @ivan-velasco in #720
- doc: LICENSES by @yesnault in #716
- fix: secrets in dump.json and venom.log files by @yesnault in #715
- fix(venom): env variables with equal sign by @bramca in #721
- fix: godump formatter by @yesnault in #709
- fix(venom): output dump file by @yesnault in #729
- fix(venom): panic on failure by @yesnault in #731
- fix: it by @yesnault in #749
- fix: minor improvments by @fsamin in #744
- chore(deps): bump from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 by @dependabot in #739
- chore(deps): bump from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 in /tests/grpc by @dependabot in #738
- chore: bump go.mod by @yesnault in #730
- test: Adding test in the root package in order to test the run command by @fokion in #733
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.2.0-beta.3...v1.2.0-beta.4
What's Changed
- Add an example for a post using a raw body by @moutyque in #677
- fix: prevent err EOF if .venomrc is all commented or empty by @yesnault in #678
- docs: update with 1.1.0 release version of Venom by @nicolaslacroux in #679
- fix: Remove trailing slash on README example by @floriancazals in #693
- Add ShouldJSONEqual assertion by @philippgille in #676
- Adding secrets field and refactoring the logging process. by @fokion in #667
- Feature/xmlreport test id by @ivan-velasco in #688
- parse yaml files in the readfile by @fokion in #689
- add kafka headers for producer by @rhzs in #710
New Contributors
- @moutyque made their first contribution in #677
- @nicolaslacroux made their first contribution in #679
- @floriancazals made their first contribution in #693
- @rhzs made their first contribution in #710
Full Changelog: v1.2.0-beta.2...v1.2.0-beta.3
Major update
It's no more possible to reuse result.systemout
from a previous testcase without exporting vars.
name: A testsuite
- name: testA
- type: exec
script: echo 'foo'
- result.systemout ShouldEqual foo
- name: testB
- type: exec
script: echo '__{{.testA.result.systemout}}__'
- result.systemout ShouldEqual __foo__
name: A testsuite
- name: testA
- type: exec
script: echo 'foo'
- result.systemout ShouldEqual foo
from: result.systemout
- name: testB
- type: exec
script: echo '__{{.testA.systemout}}__'
- result.systemout ShouldEqual __foo__
What's Changed
- feat: removed result from testcase variables and removed errors warning and info from non verbose runs by @kilianpaquier in #670
- working on ShouldMatchRegex by @fokion in #674
- venom: improve verbose flag behavior by @yesnault in #675
Full Changelog: v1.2.0-beta.1...v1.2.0-beta.2
What's Changed
- feat(executor/dbfixtures): add support for sqlite3 by @etandel in #613
- feat(executor/mongo): mongo executor by @Thiht in #601
- feat(executor/mongo): add "loadFixtures" action by @Thiht in #653
- feat: VENOM_PRESERVE_CASE default ON by @yesnault in #570
- refactor(executor/imap): rewrite whole imap executor to add new commands by @tomadele in #611
- fix(executor/exec): panic on cmd.Start error by @fehrnah in #623
- fix: avoid
pointer dereference inShouldContain
assertions by @iamleot in #615 - fix: TestSuiteXML is missing the Time property by @ivan-velasco in #627
- feat: removed result from testcase variables and removed errors warning and info from non verbose runs by @kilianpaquier in #617
- fix: revert #617 by @yesnault in #636
- chore(deps): bump libs by @yesnault in #644
- fix(http): preserve BodyFile absolute path by @fsamin in #635
- chore(deps): bump from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 by @dependabot in #647
- chore(deps): bump from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 in /tests/grpc by @dependabot in #646
- feat:(executor/kafka) Added an option to allow self-signed certs by @Armadindon in #648
- feat: show latest assertions errors in case of retry + added number of retries when success by @kilianpaquier in #616
- string interpolation by @fokion in #656
- refactor(executor/web) - Refactoring by @kevinramage in #551
- feat(executor/http): feat: allow specifying query parameters by @guoweis-outreach in #629
New Contributors
- @etandel made their first contribution in #613
- @tomadele made their first contribution in #611
- @fehrnah made their first contribution in #623
- @iamleot made their first contribution in #615
- @ivan-velasco made their first contribution in #627
- @kilianpaquier made their first contribution in #617
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #647
- @Armadindon made their first contribution in #648
- @fokion made their first contribution in #656
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0-beta.1
Venom v1.1.0
Venom v1.1.0 is here!
Documentation v1.1.0 :
Notice that the next version 1.2.0
will preserve case:
venom 1.1.x:
venom 1.2.x
cf. #570
What's Changed
- feat:
assertions support by @lowlighter in #463 - feat:
support at step level by @lowlighter in #592 - feat: add *.yaml extension in venom run usage message by @scraly in #496
- feat: add a registry variable to source executors from by @samj1912 in #571
- feat: add default value for var by @guoweis-outreach in #549
- feat: add feature to produce messages using latest schema available version by @sixstone-qq in #517
- feat: add retry_if support on steps by @lowlighter in #490
- feat: add ShouldTimeEqual assertion by @marcaudefroy in #506
- feat: add support for sqlite in sql executor by @maciekzieba in #598
- feat: allow +json in contentType by @guoweis-outreach in #528
- feat: cache executor files by @philippgille in #553
- feat: detailed steps output by @lowlighter in #487
- feat: handle param like charset by @guoweis-outreach in #550
- feat: improve output with range by @yesnault in #588
- feat: official docker image by @fsamin in #567
- feat: output a test_result files per testsuite by @yesnault in #560
- feat: output html by @yesnault in #572
- feat: preserve case by @yesnault in #569
- feat: run testcase with assertion only by @fsamin in #468
- feat: Upgrade Kakfa client version to 2.6.0 by @sarunask in #456
- feat: Venom: Support for .yml & .yaml extensions by @scraly in #495
- feat(assertions): add logical operators by @lowlighter in #455
- feat(executor/http): various improvements by @fsamin in #481
- feat(grpc) tls by @fabriziomoscon in #462
- feat(ssh_executor): Sudo option by @louisquentinjoucla in #488
- feat(tests): add
supports by @lowlighter in #453 - chore: allow darwin arm by @yesnault in #555
- chore: bump interpolate lib by @yesnault in #505
- chore: enable git pod by @fsamin in #559
- chore: make clean + golang 1.17 for integration tests by @fsamin in #480
- chore: Makefile - fix cross compilation by @yesnault in #509
- chore: use go install by @yesnault in #554
- doc: testsuite sort on venom run by @yesnault in #474
- doc: update readme with new usage messages by @scraly in #497
- doc: variables helpers examples by @yesnault in #568
- doc(imap): port example by @yesnault in #596
- doc(contrib): review of readfile/ by @s47roy in #538
- doc(contrib): typo and review of exec/ by @s47roy in #540
- doc(contrib): typo and review of executors/ by @s47roy in #541
- doc(contrib): typo and review of by @s47roy in #544
- doc(contrib): typo and review of web/ by @s47roy in #543
- doc(contrib): typo and review of web/web.go by @s47roy in #542
- fix absolute file path for gRPC TLS certs by @sarunask in #513
- fix invalid session #518 by @kevinramage in #519
- fix json quote by @fsamin in #586
- fix small typo by @sapk in #516
- fix waitFor and messagesLimit behaviour in Kafka consumer by @sixstone-qq in #584
- fix: [redis]: Use Readline to read large value by @marcaudefroy in #471
- fix: assertion with json number by @fsamin in #546
- fix: compute stats ok/ok/skipped on json format by @fsamin in #477
- fix: disable colors in venom.log file by @fsamin in #562
- fix: don't write invalid characters in report files by @fsamin in #482
- fix: Ensure the output file has '.xml' extension by @clement-sciascia in #466
- fix: handle executor setup errors by @fsamin in #561
- fix: handle json number is assertions (#460) by @yesnault in #464
- fix: handle object and array are part of user executor result by @fsamin in #566
- fix: Improve linter configuration by @fabriziomoscon in #461
- fix: Improve UX & DX in Venom CLI by @scraly in #491
- fix: Improvments in README by @scraly in #489
- fix: interpolate arg var only once by @yesnault in #563
- fix: interpolation lib bad µµµ replacement by @fsamin in #479
- fix: line numbers being duplicated by @seanlane in #504
- fix: link in Readme by @komalsukhani in #600
- fix: multilines in args user executor by @yesnault in #565
- fix: printing with Verbose by @yesnault in #587
- fix: step variables inheritance leak by @fsamin in #545
- fix: typos by @fsamin in #593
- fix(executor/exec): manage \n in xml output by @yesnault in #576
- fix(executor/http): isBodyJSONSupported by @fsamin in #483
- fix(executor/http): preserveBodyFile interpolation by @yesnault in #575
- refactor: --html-report instead of format=html by @yesnault in #580
New Contributors
- @clement-sciascia made their first contribution in #466
- @scraly made their first contribution in #489
- @sarunask made their first contribution in #456
- @seanlane made their first contribution in #504
- @louisquentinjoucla made their first contribution in #488
- @sapk made their first contribution in #516
- @guoweis-outreach made their first contribution in #528
- @s47roy made their first contribution in #538
- @samj1912 made their first contribution in #571
- @komalsukhani made their first contribution in #600
- @maciekzieba made their first contribution in #598
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
What's Changed
- feat:
support at step level by @lowlighter in #592 - fix: typos by @fsamin in #593
- doc(imap): port example by @yesnault in #596
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-beta.6...v1.1.0-rc.1
What's Changed
- refactor: --html-report instead of format=html by @yesnault in #580
- Fix waitFor and messagesLimit behaviour in Kafka consumer by @sixstone-qq in #584
- Fix json quote by @fsamin in #586
- fix: printing with Verbose by @yesnault in #587
- feat: improve output with range by @yesnault in #588
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-beta.5...v1.1.0-beta.6
What's Changed
- doc: variables helpers examples by @yesnault in #568
- feat: preserve case by @yesnault in #569
- Add a registry variable to source executors from by @samj1912 in #571
- feat: output html by @yesnault in #572
- fix(executor/http): preserveBodyFile interpolation by @yesnault in #575
- fix(executor/exec): manage \n in xml output by @yesnault in #576
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-beta.4...v1.1.0-beta.5
What's Changed
- chore: allow darwin arm by @yesnault in #555
- feat: detailed steps output by @lowlighter in #487
- chore: enable git pod by @fsamin in #559
- feat: output a test_result files per testsuite by @yesnault in #560
- fix: handle executor setup errors by @fsamin in #561
- fix: disable colors in venom.log file by @fsamin in #562
- fix: interpolate arg var only once by @yesnault in #563
- fix: handle object and array are part of user executor result by @fsamin in #566
- fix: multilines in args user executor by @yesnault in #565
- feat: official docker image by @fsamin in #567
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-beta.3...v1.1.0-beta.4